Degrees of Freemasonry

Basic History of the Co-Masonic Ritual


In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity

The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry practices the Ancient and Accepted Universal Rite, a combination of the degrees of the Scottish and York Rites into a single system that explores both the mystical and philosophic aspects of Freemasonry.

Rituals of the Universal Rite employs the use of processions, incense, candles, and music to create a spiritual setting for every Lodge meeting. Durning ceremonies, conversations, cell phones, and all other distractions are strictly prohibited, with members expected to uphold the highest levels of decorum and spiritual awareness throughout the meeting. The purpose of the Universal Rite is to create a magical and transformative environment that elevates the consciousness of its participants.

The specific rituals used in the Universal Rite were developed in the early 20th Century by a group of Co-Masons led by The Very Ills..... Bro... Annie Besant 33o, based on workings used by the Grand Lodge of England. The evolution of the Universal Rite began with the development of the ritual of the Dharma Working of Craft Masonry in 1903 in Benares, India. Built on the framework of the Emulation Ritual, symbolic elements found in the Scottish Rite and French Rite were included to deepen the esoteric nature of the initiatic experience.

According to legend, the Dharma Ritual, including esoteric versions of the Mark Master Mason, Royal Ark Mariner, Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem, and Scottish Rite rituals were “approved” by the Head of all True Freemasons, the symbolic and spiritual overseer of all Freemasonry.

The Dharma Working of Craft Masonry has undergone several editions since its first iteration in 1903, with major revisions taking on new names, such as Lauderdale and Wycherely. They are:

— 1903 Dharma Ritual 1st Edition

— 1908 Dharma Ritual 2nd Edition

— 1913 Dharma Ritual 3rd Edition

— 1916 Dharma Ritual 4th Edition

— 1925 Lauderdale Ritual 1st Edition

— 1951 Lauderdale Ritual 2nd Edition

— 1960 Lauderdale Ritual 3rd Edition

— 1971 Wycherely Ritual 1st Edition

— 1983 Wycherely Ritual 2nd Edition

— 2021 Universal Ritual 1st Edition


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