Upcoming Masonic Events

Bonds of Solidarity


Masonic Events For The Year Ahead.

Official events of The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry, as well as other conferences and events of interest to Freemasons around the world. Check back regularly as our schedule is always being updated.

Central District Convention

The Central District will hold its annual convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the 5th weekend of March. 

Brothers wishing to attend should contact the District Deputy. 

3/29 - Central District Grand Lodge
3/30 - Concord Mark Lodge

3/29/2025 - 3/30/2025

9th Annual Scottish Rite Workshop

The 9th Annual Spring Workshop will be held at the Grand Temple in Larkspur, CO. Brothers from the 4th to the 33rd Degree are invited to attend.

4/24 - 14th Degree
4/25 - 14th Degree
4/26 - 18th Degree
4/27 - 30th Degree

4/24/2025 - 4/27/2025


Eastern District Convention

In early June, the Eastern District will hold its annual convention in Whitestone, New York. 

Brothers wishing to attend should contact the District Deputy. 

6/7 - Eastern District Grand Lodge
6/8 - Signet Mark Lodge

6/7/2025 - 6/8/2025

31st Annual Summer Workshop

The order will hold its 31st Annual Summer Workshop at the Headquarters campus in Larkspur, Colorado. 

8/2 - Grand Lodge Session I
8/3 - Grand Lodge Session II
8/4 - Entered Apprentice Degree
8/5 - Fellow Craft Degree
8/6 - Master Mason Degree

8/2/2025 - 8/6/2025

Western District Convention

The Western District will hold its annual convention in San Fransisco, California. 

Brothers wishing to attend should contact the District Deputy. 

10/25 - Western District Grand Lodge
10/26 - Adament Mark Lodge

10/25/2025 - 10/26/2025

30th Annual English Rite Workshop

The order will hold its 30th Annual English Rite workshop on the 2nd Weekend. Brothers with the Mark Degree through the 33rd Degree are welcome to attend. 

11/7 - Mark Degree
11/8 - Royal Ark Mariner
11/9 - Holy Royal Arch

11/7/2025 - 11/9/2025

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