Masonic Education

Sharpen the Mind


Per Veritatem Vis - Strength Through Truth

In Freemasonry, an inquisitive mind is a necessary prerequisite to becoming a member. Therefore, the pursuit of education is of the utmost importance. This is not necessarily a formal education but lifelong learning for the purpose of serving Humanity better.

Each Mason is expected to be well versed in the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences and to be able to discuss a myriad of subjects with toleration and open-mindedness. In Universal Co-Masonry, education is centered in Philosophy, Esotericism, and Science.

Students of Philosophy are engaged in asking, answering, evaluating, and reasoning about the nature of reality. Such study develops the intellectual abilities important for life, beyond the knowledge and skills required for any profession. It enhances the analytical, critical, and interpretive capacities of its students. In Universal Co-Masonry, philosophy is discussed and debated in order to sharpen the mind of every Mason.

Esoteric education, or inner education, begins with the most fundamental questions in life: Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my destiny? It is to know oneself, within and without, by the constant study of the hidden nature of reality. It is not rooted in faith or reason but is a byproduct of spiritual experience. Universal Co-Masonry, through the use of ritual, assists the Mason in discovering the answers to life's questions.

The study of Science is an education in the facts and methods of the Universe. Science is a systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about natural phenomena. Universal Co-Masonry instructs Masons to be knowledgeable in the processes and conclusions of scientific research and methodology that they may engage in factual discussions and decisions, facilitating further and deeper study.

To further the Masonic committment to education and the perfection of Humanity, Universal Co-Masonry has compiled several invaluable esoteric and philosophical educational resources that are free to use and open to the public

Masonic Education

Sapere Aude

Famous Freemasons

Famous Freemasons

Conspiracy theories, myths and legends abound as to who was and was not a Freemason throughout history and precisely what their contribution to the human story was. Often vilified and more often misunderstood many notable figures throughout history, both men and women, have been initiates of the Mystery traditions. Find out exactly what these inspired individuals have contributed to humanity in their lifetimes and what their legacy has added to the Masonic tradition.

Masonic Galleries

Masonic Galleries

Contained in the pages of many forgotten works of the Golden Age of Esotericism are numerous invaluable images, illustrations and works of art that are priceless to the Freemason who wishes to more deeply investigate the rich artistic heritage of his Craft and its Initiates. From paintings and woodcuts to illustrations, engravings and even tarot cards, Universal Co-Masonry's Masonic Galleries showcase the best creative works that have been produced or inspired by the Craft over the centuries.

Masonic Articles

Masonic Articles

Freemasonry has a long tradition of encouraging authorship and creative, expressive writing from its members. These articles from historical Masonic scholars, Co-Masonic writers and bloggers and Theosophical authors will help to inform and inspire the Neophyte and Master alike as they seek to expand their knowledge of the Craft.

The Masonic Online Library

The Masonic Online Library

Countless works of incalcuable value have been produced by the Initiates of the various mystery traditions, including Freemasonry across millenia of human development. A handful of these priceless treasure are offered free to the public by Universal Co-Masonry through The Online Masonic Library, a public resource dedicated to reproducing the most influential and inspiring works of literature that pertain to the esoteric, the philosophical, and the mystic nature of Mankind.

Masonic Videos

Masonic Videos

The advent of the Internet has offered humanity an incredible opportunity to spread information to those who might never otherwise encounter it. Universal Co-Masonry has created a series of videos to explain the teachings of Freemasonry and the future that Universal Co-Masonry wishes to create. Feel free to share these videos wherever appropriate and to use them to enrich your studies whenever possible.

Masonic Quotes

Masonic Quotes

Freemasonry, as a tradition, is built on the spoken word. It is a mystic tradition that has been passed down from lip to ear across the centuries. Throughout history, great changes in civilizations and the rise and fall of empires have depended on a few words, spoken into the right ear at the right time. Freemasons have contributed to the wisdom of the world and we have selected a small portion of their knowledge to be shared here to inspire, uplift and educate.

History Of Freemasonry

History Of Freemasonry

The history of Freemasonry is one of intrigue, myth and legend that spans millenia of human wisdom. Its symbols and most ancient teachings are all derived from human history and Freemasonry is a key component of a holistic understanding of history. Read excerps from Bro. Albert Mackey's seminal work on the subject of Masonic History.

Masonic Podcasts

Masonic Podcasts

Legends of the Craft explores Science, Religion and Philosophy in search of the hidden wisdom of Nature. From historical tales of heroism and courage to great works of literature, no legend will go unexamined by Brothers Matias Cumsille and Aksel Suvari in their quest for Masonic inspiration. By resurrecting the ancient legends of our past and studying the masterpieces of the modern age we can determine the future course of Masonry as it endeavors to accomplish the Great Work!

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Co-Masonry, Co-Freemasonry, Women's Freemasonry, Men and Women, Mixed Masonry

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