Masonic Philosophical Society

Spreading the Light of Philosophy


Per Veritatem Vis - Strength Through Truth

The Masonic Philosophical Society (M.P.S.) was established with the primary ambition to destroy ignorance, a dividing force in Humanity's evolution, by disseminating Masonic principles through dynamic discussions. Morte Ad Ignorantiam embodied this vision and was therefore chosen to be the Society's Official Motto.

Membership to the Masonic Philosophical Society is free and open to the public, Masons and non-Masons alike, without distinction of race, age, sex, creed or religion. The MPS welcomes everyone who is upright, free, of mature age, sound judgement and strict morals, whatever may be his or her convictions in matters of religion, philosophy, or politics.


The Masonic Philosophical Society was founded in January of 2009 to provide interactive educational opportunities for adults, beyond the nationally required post-secondary schooling. As a catalyst for the eventual creation of the nonprofit, a group of concerned citizens and educators convened a series of meetings in 2008 to discuss their growing apprehension regarding the lack of tolerant conversations within their communities. Mobilizing scholars and philanthropists in Utah and Colorado, the MPS was instituted to undermine ignorance and promote open-minded, progressive discussions through free community based education in order to increase tolerance, cultural awareness, and understanding of different religions and beliefs.

Who We Are

Members of the Masonic Philosophical Society come from all different walks of life. Regardless of race, religion, or creed, all members participate and learn through interactive discussions and open-minded debate. By meeting and discussing important issues, community members who attend grow in understanding, tolerance, and wisdom.

What We Do

The mission of the Masonic Philosophical Society is to destroy ignorance through the advancement of research and understanding of the sciences, arts, and humanities. The MPS embraces the concept of learning for life, not just in school, in a community environment where ideas can be shared and debated in an open forum. Through education, our organization seeks to stimulate thinking, reading, and ethical behavior in daily life.

To bring death to ignorance, The Society dedicated its institution to the studying of all aspects of knowledge through a Masonic lens. Such actions would ultimately lead to the formation of the Seal, a nine-pointed star, or enneagram.


Learning for the sake of learning


Natural Science
Natural Science

The systematic exploration of the principles that constitute the Universe in symmetry and order. The study of these laws empowers the Seeker to better understand himself.

Behavioral Science

The investigation into the evolution of society and the individual. Humanity is an endless web of actions and traditions. One who understands this system begins to understand himself.

Formal Science

Delving into the mathematical mysteries and complexities of life. The empirical nature of such study inspires one to search for the patterns within and without.

Metaphysical Studies

The uncovering of the Truth which lies beyond the diversity of ideas. Through philosophy, one is able to seek answers to such timeless questions as: What is reality? What is Life? What is death?


The investigation of Dvinity, which has led men to create systems of religion. Through this study, one is able to ponder the nature of God through the thoughts, writings, and teachings of Man.


The deep exploration of the Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science. Through studying Esotericism, the seeker is lesd to inner knowledge of himself and the cosmos.

Art and Expression

The study of the various manifestations of artistic expression which captured the creator's emotions and movements. Wonder in awe at Man's outward expression of his Inner Being.


The investigation into the imaginations, hopes, and dreams of Men made manifest in written works. Literature is one of the most enduring of man's creations, giving us glimpses of our past, present, and future.


The exploration of the rise and fall of pasts civilization. Learn from the triumphs and tragedies of our ancestors, in order to move beyond the mistakes of those who came before.

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