Masonic Essays and Philosophy

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Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth for All Who Seek

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The Masonic Eye of Awakening
How can the Eye of Vision be awakened in the spiritual man?

Very Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 33°
Jan 15, 2025

The Plan of Freemasonry - Part I
In the first part of a series we will examine the lengthy essay by Bro. Edward B. Paul on the Plan of Freemasonry to attempt to discern the aims and final end of our Royal Art. In this introduction we will consider Freemasonry as a Philosophy of Virtue.

Bro... Edward B. Paul P.G.M.
Dec 11, 2024

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789
It is well known that George Washington was a member of our illustrious Order and a proponent of the Royal Art. What follows is his Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789, establishing one of America's most cherished holidays, in which the traces of our Philosophy and Sacred Science are unmistakable.

Bro. George Washington
Nov 27, 2024

Examining Virtue: Courage and Patience
In the second intallment of our series examining virtue in Masonry, we investiaget the twin virtues of Courage and Patience. What is the source of a Mason's strength and what is the guide that leads him to balance?

Very Illus..... Bro... Kris Wilson-Slack 33°
Nov 20, 2024

Featured Articles

Masonic Motto: Ordo Ab Chao
What is the meaning of the Masonic motto "Ordo Ab Chao"?

Bro ... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Mar 11, 2019

Masonic Mottos: Deus Meumque Jus
The phrase Deus Meumque Jus has tremendous symbolic significance. What is the meaning of this Masonic motto?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Mar 4, 2020

Do the Shriners Connect Freemasonry to Islam?
Does the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine connect Freemasonry with mystical Islam?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Apr 8, 2019

Who is the Son of the Widow?
The origin of the term Widow’s Son is quite old and deep in Masonic Lore. Why does the orphan hero play such a prominent role in movies, mythology, and Masonry?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Jun 5, 2019

Article Archive

Inner and Outer: The Shamanic Thread Through All Religions
Does a shamanic thread weave through all religions?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Nov 25, 2019

A Brief History of the Founding of Co-Freemasonry
A lecture on the early history of Co-Masonry delivered to the Canonbury Masonic Research Centre.

By Sister Jeanne Heaslewood
Feb 5, 2020

A Stupid Atheist?
Do atheists have a place in Freemasonry?

Feb 11, 2021

A Very Esoteric Christmas: Part I
What are the roots of themodern Christmas story and traditions?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Dec 18, 2019

A Very Esoteric Christmas: Part II
Is there a greater aesthetic and mythical theme of Christmas than that of light shining in the darkness?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Dec 22, 2019

After the East
After serving in the East, what characterizes the role of Past Master?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Mar 29, 2022

Albert Pike, Mystic
An article about Albert Pike's mystical education, experience,and legacyin Freemasonry, which appeared in The Master Mason - May 1925.

By Bro... Henry R. Evans, Litt. D.
Mar 26, 2020

Am I my Brother’s Keeper?
What can the ancient story of Cain and Abel teach us about the human journey and our relationship with God?

Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 30o
Jan 31, 2019

An Ennobling Science
Freemasonry, necessarily shrouded in mystery and secrecy, has always drawn the ire of those who do not understand it. What is Freemasonry and what does it mean to be a Mason?

The Masonic Craftsman Magazine
Mar 13, 1938

Ancient Ideals in Modern Masonry - Part 1
A gifted clairvoyant and mystic, Charles Leadbeater was a prolific author and writer on a myriad of esoteric topics. In this article he expounds upon the connections between modern Co-Masonry and the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt, Chaldea and Israel. This will be the first part of a three-part series.

The Very Illus..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater
Oct 4, 2023

Ancient Ideals in Modern Masonry - Part II
In the second part of Bro. Leadbeater's series on the connections between the Ancient Mysteries of Modern masonry we delve deeply into the psychic architecture that lay behind the facade of the Ancient Egyptian religion of which we are the inheritor.

The Very Illus..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater
Oct 25, 2023

Ancient Ideals in Modern Masonry - Part III
In the final installment of this three-part series, Bro. Leadbeater explores the ways in which we may utilize the timeless teachings of occultism to revitalize and restore Freemasonry to its true divine purpose.

The Very Illus..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater
Nov 28, 2023

Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism - Part One
The first part in a series of articles taken from Manly P. Hall'smagnum opusThe Secret Teachings of All Ages about the ancient influences upon modern Masonry describes the origins of our Craft as they can be found in the mystic history of the world of antiquity.

Bro... Manly P. Hall
Sep 21, 2022

Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism - Part Three
The third installment of Manly P. Hall's chapter on the Ancient Mysteries investigates the connection between Freemasonry and the cryptic Roman rites of Mithras - their origin, their spread and their impact not only on Roman society but on the very fabric of Modern Masonry

Manly P. Hall
Nov 2, 2022

Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism - Part Two
The second installment of Manly P. Hall's chapter on the Ancient Mysteries details the Druidic mysteries of Britain and Gaul and their long felt influence on the development of Masonic rites.

Manly P. Hall
Oct 26, 2022

Aphorisms of Freemasonry
Selected aphorisms from The Book of the Lodge by George Oliver (1782-1867)

Bro... George Oliver 
Oct 14, 2020

As Above, So Below: The Soul’s Evolutionary Trajectory Reflected in Freemasonry
What is the purpose of the human soul?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Jan 30, 2020

At the Feet of the Master: Part I
The beginning of a four part series, this article is one section of the book "At the Feet of the Master". Penned by Jiddu Krishnamurti, writing as "Alcyone", the book details those qualities necessary in the would be disciple of the 'Masters'. This is not only an insight into the spiritual practice that was the origin of Universal Co-Masonry but also a practical and relevant spiritual guide for the aspirant today.

Jun 21, 2023

At the Feet of the Master: Part II
The second installmentof a four part series, this article is the second chapter of the book "At the Feet of the Master". Penned by Jiddu Krishnamurti, writing as "Alcyone", this chapter deals with the quality of "desirelessness" and how the modern seeker after spiritual Truth may make it manifest in their life.

Jun 27, 2023

At the Feet of the Master: Part III
In Part 3, Alcyone describes the characteristoc of Good Conduct. Not only what is meant by it but also by what practical means it may be implemented in one's life.

Jul 5, 2023

At the Feet of the Master: Part IV
In the final installation ofAt the Feet of theMaster, Alcyone describes the final and most important qualification for one who seeks to enter on the Path: Love. Love must come to dwell within and without the aspirant should he truly wish to serve humanity.

Jul 25, 2023

Baseball: America’s Esoteric Pastime?
Was baseball founded on Masonic symbolism?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
May 12, 2019

Behind the Widows Son: A Deeper Dive into the Enigmatic Mythology
What is the symbolism of the Widow's Son?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Aug 6, 2019

Burn's Farewell to Masons
Was Robert Burns the bard of Freemasonry?

Bro... Rob Morris
Oct 2, 2020

Circumambulation in a Masonic Lodge
Circumambulation is one of the oldest and most integral parts of Masonic Ritual. What is the origin and meaning of this universal practice?

May 1, 2022

Combating Ignorance
What is ignorance, why is it so damaging, and how can we combat it?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
May 14, 2020

Does Freemasonry teach us to become conduits of the Divine?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Jan 21, 2021

Confusing Truth
All Masons seek after the Truth, a most elusive goal - especially in the digital age. Is this process made more difficult by our modern notions? Have we perhaps made it more difficult to find despite the increase in the common man's awareness?

Very Illus..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Oct 23, 2024

Death, The Liberator
The spectre of death looms large over every creative work of humanity. It is the great motivator, the unknown end against which we all strive for remembrance. But is it also our greatest liberator?

Bro. N.W.J. Haydon
Feb 1, 2023

Deciphering the Sphinx From a Masonic Perspective
The Sphinx of ancient Egypt laid buried beneath the sands for centuries after the fall of the mighty dynasties who built them. Discovered once again in the Napoleonic age, they have surfaced once more to speak their silent secrets. What hidden wisdom can the Freemason derive from their study?

Very Ills..... Bro. Pamela McDown 33°
Jan 17, 2024

Do the Shriners Connect Freemasonry to Islam?
Does the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine connect Freemasonry with mystical Islam?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Apr 8, 2019

East and West, the destinies of Nations
Could the affairs of the world be overseen by an "occult" or hidden group of Adept Initiates?

The Very Ills..... Bro... Annie Besant
Mar 23, 2022

Eastern Magic and Western Spiritualism
Is the origin of Western Spiritualism to be found in Eastern magic?

Bro... Henry Steel Olcott
May 10, 2022

Eastern Sages, Western Secrets
Are the East and West a symbolic representation of the two halves of humanity’s collective mind?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Aug 23, 2018

Effects of Anti-Masonry on the Fraternity
What impact did the Anti-Masonic Party and movement have on Freemasonry and politics in the United States?

Bro... Erik McKinley Eriksson
Dec 2, 2020

Examining Virtue: Courage and Patience
In the second intallment of our series examining virtue in Masonry, we investiaget the twin virtues of Courage and Patience. What is the source of a Mason's strength and what is the guide that leads him to balance?

Very Illus..... Bro... Kris Wilson-Slack 33°
Nov 20, 2024

Examining Virtue: Gratitude and Ambition
Freemasonry is often described as a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory and illustrated by symbol. What aspects of character must be noursihed by the Freemason who wishes to make his mark on life?

Very Illus..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33°
Nov 13, 2024

Freemasonry and the Ancient Wisdom
Does Freemasonry derive from the Ancient Wisdom?

May 17, 2022

Freemasonry and the Doctrine of Reincarnation
The doctrine of Reincarnation, coming down to us today from the mystical East, has been a perennial philosophy of the Mystery Schools. Found in systems of mystical thinking throughout all ages, what connection to Freemasonry can we discern?

May 18, 2023

Freemasonry and the Quickening of Evolution
Freemasonry is a system of creating change in human consciousness. It is a magical art and the magic that it practices is the quickening of the evolution of its initiates, a most effective work for the uplifting of all mankind.

Exc... Bro... Aksel Suvari 18°
Oct 2, 2024

Freemasonry and the Secrets of Music
Music is as timeless as humanity itself and its harmonies and melodies bring us from the unmanifested to the manifest, from the unreal to the real. What is the significance of music to the Freemason and how can its immutable principles teach us about the reality of Masonic ritual?

The Very Illus..... Bro... Pamela McDown 33o
Jul 10, 2024

Freemasonry and World Peace
Written in 1915 during the conflagration of the First World War, this article on the causes and tragic consequences of war is still unfortunately relevant today. There is, however a glimmer of hope to be found in Masonry's ability to lead men away from the brutality of War and towards the divinity of Fraternity!

Bro. Joseph Fort Newton
Jun 16, 2023

Freemasonry in China
A fascinating article describing the rich history of Masonic symbolism and mystic faith in China.

Bro... Chaloner Alabaster
Sep 2, 2020

Freemasonry: Home of the Mysteries
Freemasonry is often proclaimed to be a "system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbol." But could it be more than this? Can its ancient origins and deep mystical roots reveal to us a far grander vision of Masonry than we normally conceive of?

Very Illus..... Bro. Pamela McDown 33o
Nov 23, 2023

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789
It is well known that George Washington was a member of our illustrious Order and a proponent of the Royal Art. What follows is his Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789, establishing one of America's most cherished holidays, in which the traces of our Philosophy and Sacred Science are unmistakable.

Bro. George Washington
Nov 27, 2024

Gnosticism and Freemasonry
The Gnostic sects of the early Christians bear some striking resemblances to the practices of modern Freemasonry. Is it possible that Freemasonry can trace its origins to these secrtive religious schools?

T...V...I...B... Albert Mackey 33o
Nov 30, 2022

God Needs Our Help
Freemasonry is an Ancient Tradition, one that stands in opposition to many facets of the modern world. What, precisiely is it teaching us about our purpose in life and to what ends does it lead its Initiates?

Exc. Bro. Aksel Suvari 18o
Sep 11, 2024

Grains of Sand
Freemasonry teaches us that our existence, our essence, our being is a unique emergence into the cosmos and yet we are equally taught to subsume ourselves into the whole, the Great Work, for the benefit of all. How can the Freemasonry reconcile this contradiction to make himself of ever greater service?

Very Illus..... Bro... Kris Wilson-Slack 33o
Aug 21, 2024

Growing the Masonic Way
Masonry's goal, the perfection of Humanity, can only be reached by the Paths of Action and Duty.

The Very Ills..... Bro... Rosario G. Menocal 33o
Sep 27, 2018

Guardians of the Gate
Masonic secrecy is made manifest in the offices of the Guardians of a Lodge, the Inner and Outer Guards. What principles must these officers work to make a reality?

Feb 15, 2023

Harmony and Strength
What forms the foundation - the cornerstone - of Freemasonry?

The Masonic Review - 1857
Feb 19, 2020

I Am Regular
This article by Bro. Karen Kidd of Universal Co-Masonry won the UGLE's Short Paper's competition of 2007. In it she describes the Co-Mason's perspective on regularity and how this may seem a mystery to Malecraft Masons.

Bro. Karen Kidd
Jan 25, 2023

Improving Civil Discourse Online
How can civili discourse be improved by Freemasonry?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Feb 18, 2021

In Memoriam: David James Lettelier
Remembering Bro... David Lettelier, the founder of the Phoenix Masonry Museum and Website and friend of Universal Co-Masonry.

Universal Co-Masonry
May 4, 2021

In the Shadow of Jehovah
Is the Christian Devil a reflection of a limited concept of God?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Dec 1, 2019

Is Freedom an Illusion?
Freemasonry is an initiatory, life-changing path. When you arrive at the door, either you are ready or you are not. The person that shows up is presented a new destiny, if they are ready to take it.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Jun 24, 2020

Is Freemasonry Dying or Evolving?
Is the Craft of Freemasonry approaching the end of its earthly existence?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Dec 17, 2018

Jacques de Molay: The Last Grand Master of the Knights Templar
Has Jacques De Molay, last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, been avenged?

by Bro. Lorne Pierce, Past Assistant Grand Chaplain A.F.& A.M. Ontario
Feb 26, 2020

Jazz Musicians and Freemasonry
There is a clear connection between Music and Freemasonry, but why have so many famous Jazz Musicians been Freemasons?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Feb 10, 2019

Judge and Jury
What is justice to a Freemason? Is she blind or must she weigh her scales with open eyes?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Jun 15, 2021

Life as Ceremonial
The daughter of Annie Besant, Mabel Besant-Scott was an active Theosophist, Co-Mason and Rosicrucian. In this artcile she describes the penentrating effects of Co-Masonic Ritual upon one's life.

Bro. Mabel Besant-Scott
Jul 16, 1934

Masonic Initiation
Taken from the introduction to his masterful workMasonic Initiation, the following article is a portion of Bro. Wilmhurst's exhaustive study of the ancient initiatic tradition to which Freemasonry is the heir apparent and demonstrates its origins in remote antiquity.

Wor... Bro... W.L. Wilmhurst
Jul 12, 2022

Masonic Motto: Ordo Ab Chao
What is the meaning of the Masonic motto "Ordo Ab Chao"?

Bro ... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Mar 11, 2019

Masonic Mottos: Deus Meumque Jus
The phrase Deus Meumque Jus has tremendous symbolic significance. What is the meaning of this Masonic motto?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Mar 4, 2020

Masonic Ritual: Myth, Magic, or Both?
The rituals of Freemasonry are ancient and mysterious in their origins. This article explores myth, magic, and Masonry to shed light on the rituals of Craft.

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Nov 30, 2018

Masonry and Civility in the Digital Age
How does Freemasonry direct her initiates to behave with civility in the modern era?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Aug 31, 2018

Masonry in Business
Should a Mason should benefit in business from his Masonic connections?

Nov 19, 2020

Masters of Wisdom
The "Masters of the Wisdom" represent the pinnacle acheivement of all those who seek after the spiritual light of the Mysteries. Should we follow in their footsteps?

Very Ills..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater
Apr 12, 2022

Michael and the Dragon
In this article Rudolf Steiner, master of symbolism and scholar of the Western Esoteric Tradition, explains the hidden symbolism of the myth of St. Michael and the Dragon

Rudolf Steiner
Nov 16, 2022

The path of the Mystic lies waiting to be discovered by all those who pass the Temple gates for initiation but where does it lead?

The Illus... Bro... Annie Besant 33o
May 23, 2022

Notes on the Origin of Co-Masonry
First published in 1917, this article provides an outsider's perspective on the origins and early history of Universal Co-Masonry.

Bro. Arthur Edward Waite 
Mar 11, 2020

Freemasonry, as a continuation of the Ancient Mystery Schools, is a tradition steeped in occultism and the study of hidden things and requires the spiritual insight of the Adept to perceive.

The Very Ills..... Bro..Annie Besant 33o
Apr 3, 1913

Our Trust Is In God
Freemasonry has long maintained that its Work is done in the name and to the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe - God. What is the nature of our relationship with the Creator and why must Masons put all their faith in Him Who Rules on High?

Bro... Carl Claudy 33o
Oct 16, 2024

Our Work in the Craft of Freemasonry
Is the aim of Universal Freemasonry to aid all Masons in their search for more Light, in order to advance the whole of the human race?

The Very Ills..... Bro... Louis Goaziou 33o
Sep 27, 2018

Practical Virtues
The following article we take from an address delivered before Western Star Lodge, No. 2, at Little Rock, Arkansas, on St. John's Day, by BrotherE. H. English.

Bro... E. H. English
Mar 18, 2020

Prayer in Masonry
It has been maintained that Freemasonry is not a religion yet prayer forms a central component of Masonic ritual and tradition. Is this a contradiction or is Freemasonry truly a religious practice?

Bro... Joseph Fort Newton
Feb 8, 1915

Purpose in Life - Part I
The first part of a transcribed lecture by Manly P. Hall,Purpose in Lifeexamines the nature of human destiny, the conditions of human growth and the potential of our evolution. Freemasonry teaches the same knowledge, by a symbolic system,and much light can be gained from this detailed explanation.

The Very Illus..... Bro... Manly P. Hall 33o
Aug 14, 2024

Reforming The Gods
To reform something is to take it apart, piece by piece, and use the material to create some new form, some new “thing” that is ostensibly better than the old “thing.” Can this be done to the gods?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
May 20, 2020

Schools of Masonic Philosophy
Penned in 1923, Bro... H.L. Haywood's treatise on the philosophical schools within Masonry elucidates the vibrant intellectual tradition preserved in the Ancient Mysteries and points us towards the Supreme aims of our Craft.

Bro... H. L. Haywood
Sep 14, 2022

Shakespeare and Freemasonry
This article explores the relationship between the purpose and teachings of Freemasonry and the works of William Shakespeare.

Bro... William Norman M'Daniel
Jun 30, 2020

Silence and Secrecy
In this article from the "Old Tiler Talks" series, Bro. Claudy gives a beautiful exposition on the necessity of Masonic secrecy and the profound silence which surrounds our rituals

Bro... Carl H. Claudy
Apr 3, 2024

Stars in Freemasonry: Why should we always look up?
Freemasonry directs its Initiates to always look upwards, not only to those lofty ideals which it inculcates, but to the stars themselves. Man has followed the course of the stars from time immemorial but whither are they directing his course? What glorious future awaits us at the end of our long voyage?

Very Ills... Bro. Pamela McDown 33o
Sep 8, 2023

The Accession of Solomon: The Building of the Temple
Freemasonry has at its mythological center the legend of the building of King Solomon's temple. This stately edifice is of the utmost importance to the Freemason, as the moral lessons of his Craft are communicated through the symbolism of its construction.

Henry Hart Millman
Feb 1, 2022

The Adept School of the Past
As the occultist awakens to the true nature of the world it is impossible not to notice the movement of society away from the matters of the spirit and towards the spirit of materialism. Whence derived this change, can it be reversed and what role do the ancient mystery schools have to play in this transformation?

Rudolf Steiner
Nov 25, 2022

The Alchemy of Masonic Initiation
The Alchemists are the Ancient Brethren of the Freemasons. Can their mystic art shed light on the Wisdom of Freemasonry?

Very Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 33o
Oct 30, 2024

The Ancient Landmarks
Taken from the "Old Tiler Talks" series penned by Bro. Carl H. Claudy, this article expounds upon the concept of the 'Ancient Landmarks' and their importance to those Masons who wish to make a daily advancement in their Masonic Education.

Carl H. Claudy
Apr 7, 2023

The Ancient Mysteries of Egypt and Greece
It is often said that the Craft of Freemasonry is descended from the Ancient Mysteries. In historical terms, this means we can trace a line from the cultures of ancient Egypt and Greece to the practice of our rituals today. What keys to the mystery of Freemasonry do the rites of these lost cultures hold?

W... Bro... D. McLaren, P.P.G.D.
Apr 5, 2022

The Antiquity and Genius of Masonry
The dedication of a Lodge is a most solemn occasion. Not only is a new edifice raised to the glory of Masonry but a great Chain of Being is remembered on that day. What foundation is Masonry herself built upon?By what prophets and apostles does she derive her genius?

Bro. Rev. Thomas Somerville
Apr 10, 2024

The Archetypal Lucifer - Part I
Freemasonry reveres the Light, which illuminates and chases away the darkness of ignorance. As a “bringer of light,” Lucifercan be a touchy subject, particularly in relation to Freemasonry. This article provides some interesting perspectives on the Archetypal figure.

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Oct 22, 2018

The Archetypal Lucifer - Part II
The Lucifer-Satan archetype is partly personified by a glorification of the intellect. One manifestation of it is the worldview of philosophical materialism, or scientism: the belief that all that is real are the phenomena we can measure and study with science.

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Oct 28, 2018

The Ark of the Covenant
One of the central symbols of Freemasonry is that of the Ark of the Covenant. The holiest object of the ancient Hebrew people and the reason for which the Temple of Solomon was constructed, the Ark of the Covenant is one of history's greatest mysteries. Can we find the Ark hidden deep within ourselves?

The Very Illus..... Bro... Manly P. Hall 33°
Mar 6, 2024

The Atheist and the Agnostic
As series of short essays, the "Old Tiler Talks" provide insights and helpful clarification related to many key concepts of the Craft.

The Very Ills..... Bro... Carl H. Claudy 33o
Jan 15, 2020

The Broken Column
The broken column, while perhaps not of ancient origin, is nonetheless an indispensable symbol of modern Freemasonry. What is the origin of this enigmatic emblem of the Craft and what is its symbolic significance?

Unknown Author
Apr 19, 2022

The Co-Mason on the 50 Dollar Bill
Brother Edith Dircksey Brown Cowan was initiated on October 14th, 1916. She was a founding member of St. Cuthbert’s Lodge No. 408, which was founded in Perth the same year.

Wor... Bro... Karen Kidd 3o
May 29, 2019

The Cosmic Origins of Civilization
The spirit of Humanity has always sought to go beyond the limitations of its condition. In doing so, our gaze isinevitably drawn upwards to the stars, our origins and our destiny. While on earth, we have always sought to reproduce their splendor and glory in what we build. Is this the source of all civilization?

Exc. Bro. Aksel Suvari 18°
Sep 18, 2024

The Crusades and Freemasonry
Much has been made of the connection between the Knights Templar and Freemasonryyet mystery abounds and the true purpose of their mission in the Holy Land remains unknown and a topic of persistent speculation.

Bro... Albert S. Hovan, P.D.D.G.M.
Feb 18, 2022

The Differences between Co-Masonry and The Eastern Star
Co-Masonry and the Order of the Eastern Star (OES) are both initiatic, ritual-based traditions that allow men and women to join, which sometimes leads to confusion among the general public. This article explores the similarities, differences, and history of these organizations to shed light on what is unique about each.

Bro... Karen Kidd 3o
Jul 7, 2019

The Edge of the Universe
If the foundation stones of Freemasonry are these ancient philosophers, it behooves us to understand them so we have a foundation to understand the nature of humanity in order to perfect it. Can we understand ourselves if we do not understand nature?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Sep 9, 2020

The Effect of Masonic Ritual: Part I
This is the first installment in a series exploring the effects of Masonic ritual. Here the author explores the nature of ritual, particularly in relation to Freemasonry.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Aug 28, 2019

The Effect of Masonic Ritual: Part II
As the second installment in the series, this article explores the foundation of Masonic Ritual as influenced, shaped, and formed by the thoughts and midset of the Brothers of the Lodge.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Sep 4, 2019

The Effect of Masonic Ritual: Part III
The thirdinstallment in the series on the effects of Masonic ritual.Masonic Ritual is the play; it stresses the structure and foundation of the story while the thought form and creativity are in the hands of the individual actors in the ritual.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Sep 19, 2019

The Effect of Masonic Ritual: Part IV
Here the author explores the importance ofpreparation,before entering the Temple, for the Brothers about totake part in the Masonic ritual work.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Sep 19, 2019

The Effect of Masonic Ritual: Part V
At the closing of the Lodge, beneficentand vibrant energyis released, thrice emanatingoutwards,to Humanity and the World. The framework of Freemasonry bestows the ability create what the world needs, if Brothersdo it with intention, focus, and true service.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Oct 2, 2019

The Feminine of Freemasonry
Freemasons are men and women, of all races, creeds, and religious backgrounds. Let us lift the idea of Freemasonry as being purely masculine, and look the world of Hermetic principles and gender. Where does the Feminine find itself within Freemasonry?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Oct 7, 2020

The Fire Upon The Altar
Taken from his short but powerful bookInitiates of the Flame, Manly P. Hall decribes the spiritual source of all man's religious impulses throughout the ages. What has driven man to construct his altars, to offer his sacrifices? The flickering flame that rests so fragilely upon the altar.

Manly P. Hall
Sep 27, 2023

The Form and its Effect
In this extract from the seminal Theosophical workThought FormsBesant and Leadbeater describe the nature of thought and the consequences of its proper and improper uses. Is the shaping of thought energy the fundamental work of Masonry?

The Very Illus..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater 33o and The Very Illus..... Bro... Annie Besant 33o
Jul 18, 2024

The Foundations
What has set mankind aside from the rest of the animal kingdom more than his buildings? It is in the craft of building, both sacred and mundane, that we find the origin and expression of the Craft of Freemasonry. What do the building arts teach us of the insatiable desires of the human soul? Taken from Bro. Jospeph Fort Newton's immortal textThe Builders,this article will shed light on this perennial question.

Dr. Joseph Fort Newton
Feb 28, 2024

The Genius of Masonry
Written under the anonymous pen name of "A Royal Arch Mason" and Published in the 1855 edition of The Masonic Review this article attempts to describe the particulargenius - the peculiar animating spirit - of Freemasonry

A Royal Arch Mason
Aug 31, 2022

The Great Work of Speculative Freemasonry - Part I
Our Brothers, the Alchemists, have as their philosophy the Great Work, a task that is carried on by Initiates from age to age. In the first part of the reknowned Dr. George Oliver's essay we examine Freemasonry's role in this "Magnum Opus".

Dr. George Oliver
Dec 13, 2022

The Great Work of Speculative Freemasonry - Part II
In the concluding portion of Dr. George Oliver's profound essay, we examine in depth the relationship between Freemasonry, Alchemy and the Hermetic Lore of the Rosicrucians.

Dr. George Oliver
Dec 21, 2022

The Hidden Work of Masonry
What is the hidden work of Freemasonry? Are we to believe that Freemasonry is nothing more than a social club or charitable organization? Freemasonry is a work of the higher planes, one that has tangible and highly necessary effects on the consciousness of the Human Race.

Very Ills. Bro. C. Jinarajadasa 33°
Jun 12, 2024

The High Purpose of Freemasonry
Freemasonry seeks to share its ancient wisdom for the benefit of the whole of Humanity, and its light shines through the Beauty of harmonious life in our world for the Brotherhood of all Mankind, circumscribed by the glory of God.

The Ills..... Bro... Sidney A. Cook 32o
Sep 27, 2018

The Ideal Mason
Taken from the "Old Tiler Talks" series by Bro. Carl H. Claudy, this dialogue details the qualities by which a truly "ideal" Mason would have to live.

Carl H. Claudy
Jun 2, 2023

The Initiatory Rites of Druidism
This article discusses initiatory rites of the Druids, which bear similarities with the Masonic rites.

By Bro... Dudley Wright 
Jul 22, 2020

The Inner Meaning of Christmas
The season of Christmas is a magical time of year. As the year comes to a close the world seems to take on an ethereal quality that stands apart from the rest of the year. But what energies, what inner workings are creating this effect. In this extract from Bro. Leadbeater'sThe Hidden Side of Christian Festivalswe explore the inner meaning of the highest holiday of the Christian calendar.

The Very Illus..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater 33o
Dec 20, 2023

The Law of Cause and Effect
Karma is a much misunderstood concept in the West, it is not a system of moral punishments but rather the impartial laws of action and consequence. How can a Freemason use this knowledge to adjust and improve not only his own life but the life of the world?

The Very Illus..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater 33°
Apr 17, 2024

The Lesser of Two Evils: A Masonic Perspective
Always vote your conscience; if the right choice does not appear, continue to look for in the search you may find exactly that which you seek.

Bro... Marcus Radiant
Nov 2, 2020

The Lost Word
Taken from the Short Talk Bulletin series, an indispensable fountain of Masonic education, this article deals with the central, symbolic concept of Freemasonry - The Lost Word of a Master Mason

Jan 11, 2023

The Luxury of Anger
Do Freemasons have the luxury of anger?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Mar 8, 2022

The Masculine of Freemasonry
Is Freemasonry masculine, feminine,or both genders in balance and harmony?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Dec 9, 2020

The Masonic Chisel
Just as the chisel removes unneeded stone to reveal the jewel, form, or sculpture within, so can personal discipline remove those things which tarnish and distort our latent potential.

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Jan 2, 2020

The Masonic Eye of Awakening
How can the Eye of Vision be awakened in the spiritual man?

Very Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 33°
Jan 15, 2025

The Masonic Family
We call each other Brother for a reason. It’s not arbitrary. Whatever you goals in joining the Craft are, you will end up with a family – one that you’ve chosen with forethought and daring.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
May 6, 2019

The Masonic Muse: Where Does Inspiration Come From?
The Muses of Greek mythology and legend are those beings that exist beyond the material plane and communicate ideas and inspiration from planes beyond our perception. How does Freemasonry draw us into communication with them?

Very Illus ..... Bro... Pamela McDown 33°
Oct 11, 2023

The Masonic Noah’s Ark: Navigating a Great Deluge
What meaning can be found in the ancient legend of Noah’s Ark? Can it provide us any insight into the world today?

Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 30o
May 29, 2019

The Masonic Way of Living
A quarterly address presented to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Bro. Perry's speech was given in 1938, a time of growing crisis and uncertaunty in the world. Does his sage advice on the Masonic method of approaching life still hold for our times?

Most Worshipful Joseph Earl Perry
Jul 2, 2022

The Meaning of Initiation
A fascinating historical perspective on Masonic Initiation providing much enlightenment to theimportant question:Why?

By Bro... Frank C. Higgins
Apr 23, 2020

The Meaning of Masonry
A lecture read at the request of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana - The evil consequences of schisms and disputes for power in Masonry and of Jealousies and Dissensions between Masonic Rites.

The Very Ills..... Bro... Albert Pike 33o
Jan 9, 2020

The Meaning of Solidarity
For every Freemason, the call of unification is strong. To unite mankind in brotherhood under the banner of heaven is the mission of Masonry.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Jun 17, 2020

The Message of Co-Masonry
If on our long journey, we have found a light, and it is still burning in our hearts as it was when we first entered Masonry; then we must not keep that light under a cover, but show it to those who have eyes to see and a mind to understand.

The Ills..... Bro... John Roine 32o
Sep 27, 2018

The Mystery of Masonry
Taken from a 1919 issue ofThe Buildersmagazine, this article describes the true meaning of the word "mystery" and what it means, and should mean, to Masons everywhere.

Bro. Joseph Barnett
Aug 24, 2022

The Mystical Basis of Freemasonry
Is Freemasonry a continuation of the Secret Doctrine, a mystical initiatic tradition that stretches back to the dawn of civilization?

Bro... W.L. Wilmhurst
Jun 16, 2022

The Mystical Quest of Freemasonry
The archetype of the Mystical Quest is one seared into the collective consciousness of humanity. Why is this so and what can the legends of Freemasonry reveal of its deeper symbolism?

Mar 23, 2023

The Myth and Reality of Atlantis
The myth of Atlantis has persisted throughout time as one of the most powerful collective memories of mankind. But could there be some truth to this undying story? What can this legend teach the Freemason of today?

Exc... Bro... Aksel Suvari 18o
Aug 28, 2024

The Occult View of War
Written in the midst of the First World War, this article byVery Ills..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater gives an impression of the views on war held by some Freemasons, Theosophists, and occultists at the turn of the 20th Century, a very different world than that which exists today. The controversial views expressed are not officially endorsed by Universal Co-Masonry but they offer a fascinating insight into the mind of the early 20th century occultist. Was Bro... Leadbeater correct in his analysis and are any of his views applicable to the modern world?

Very Ills..... Bro... Charles W. Leadbeater
Apr 10, 2022

The Only Sin is Forgetting
A Freemason, upon his Initiation, is washed symbolically in the "river of forgetfulness". But what must he forget and what is he bound to remember?

Very Illus..... Bro. Kristine Wilson-Slack 33°
Dec 6, 2023

The Plan of Freemasonry - Part I
In the first part of a series we will examine the lengthy essay by Bro. Edward B. Paul on the Plan of Freemasonry to attempt to discern the aims and final end of our Royal Art. In this introduction we will consider Freemasonry as a Philosophy of Virtue.

Bro... Edward B. Paul P.G.M.
Dec 11, 2024

The Primitive Origins of Freemasonry
An excerpt from Mackey's enlightening workThe Symbolism of Freemasonry, this article explores the primitive origins of Freemasonry and attempts to tell the true tale of its origins.

The Very Illus..... Bro... Albert G. Mackey 33o
May 30, 2023

The Proper Balance of Masonry: The Greater and the Lesser Mysteries
This articlediscusses the subject of the proper balance of Masonry, established when the exoteric and esoteric aspects of the Craft are in harmony.

The American Freemason
Apr 29, 2020

The Rite of Destitution
Taken from the "Short Talks" series this article details the symbolism found in every Mason's entryupon his mystic quest through the Rite of Destitution.

Dec 28, 2022

The Rite of Discalceation
The practice of discalceation - the removing of shoes - is of ritual significance in cultures across the world. What is its place in Freemasonry?

Jan 18, 2023

The Ritual and Myth of Freemasonry
To understand the Light of Freemasonry, one must utilize the power of imagination - for to imagine is to echo the original creation of the Universe.

The Very Ills..... Bro... Magdalena I. Cumsille 33o
Sep 27, 2018

The Rough and Perfect Ashlars
The Rough and Perfect Ashlars are fundamental symbols of Freemasonry, foundation stones upon which the symbolic superstructure of the Craft is built. What is their true, inward, esoteric meaning and what moral lessons do they convey to the earnest and inquisitive student?

Exc... Bro... Tzadkiel, 18o
Feb 8, 2022

The Sacred Altar
In a Masonic Lodge, the Altar is the foundation stone upon which the superstructure of the Ritual is constructed. What is the true meaning of this most ancient of human constructions?

Short Talk Bulletin, Vol.II  February, 1924 No.2 - Author Unknown
Oct 19, 2022

The Sacred Tetractys
The Tetractys refers to a sacred symbol of the Pythagoreans, consisting of four rows of dots containing one, two, three, and four dots respectively, which form an equilateral triangle.

Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 30o
Aug 3, 2018

The Schools of Pythagoras - Pt. I
In the first of a three part series on the ancient patriarch of the Mystery Schools, Pythagoras, we learn of his origins and mystic education and training for the high calling of his life. What parallels can we draw in the life of the Initiate into Freemasonry?

W. J. Colville
Apr 24, 2024

The Schools of Pythagoras - Pt. II
In the second half of Colville's disquisition of the Pythagorean mysteries we learn the importance of the gymnasium and the degree system by which the Mysteries were revealed to the Initiate.

W. J. Colville
May 1, 2024

The Secret Destiny of America
Taken fromThe Secret Destiny of America, Manly P. Hall's work on the occult history and future of the American continent, this article shows that the American ideals of constitutional democracy, universal suffrage and a free people under God are the culmination of thousands of years of tireless work undertaken by great initiates on behalf of humanity.

Very Illus..... Bro... Manly P. Hall
Jul 4, 2024

The Secret Tradition of Freemasonry
Those who truly seek may find that living secret tradition which is concealed within the pattern of Freemasonry, and the path which leads to the gateway of Initiation, where shines the Star above the portal of that glorious Temple eternal in the heavens.

The Very Ills..... Bro... Edith Armour 33o
Sep 27, 2018

The Secretive Origins of the Poor Knights of Christ
The origins of the Knights Templar are shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Theirs is a legend of nobility, martial prowess and dark rumors of occult practices. But where did they come from and what was their true mission in the Holy Land?

Ven. Bro. Aksel Suvari 14o
Sep 22, 2023

The Secrets of the Masonic Temple
The Temple is as old as humanity itself. It is the center of traditional human life and the hub around which the wheel of civilization turns, the spokes of society radiating out from its center. But what is the symbolism of the Masonic Temple and what does it teach us about our place in the cosmos?

Exc... Bro... Aksel Suvari 18o
Jul 24, 2024

The Serpent in Myth, Antiquity, and Freemasonry
Misunderstoodby many in humanity's history, the serpent, in truth, represents wisdom,transformation, immortality, and healing. The ouroboros is of particular importance in Freemasonry: a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life.

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Oct 22, 2019

The Spirit of Masonry
The spirit of Masonry has worked tirelessly throughout the ages to build Man up from his primitive state to one of advanced spiritual evolution. Does its work still continue?

Bro... Joseph Fort Newton
Sep 8, 2022

The Stewards
Freemasonry is a tradition steeped in symbolism. Everywhere one looks in a Lodge, there can be found a new symbol, a new dimension of meaning waiting to be discovered. The Stewards, officers of the Lodge, conduct the ceremonial work but what deeper elements of our mystic understanding do they reveal?

Very Illus ..... Bro. Kristine Wilson-Slack 33°
Oct 18, 2023

The Sun, Moon, and Stars
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars are central symbols in the Freemasonic Philosophy but what has Freemasonry and its ancestors in the Ancient Mysteries contributed to the science of astronomy?

Dec 7, 2022

The Sun, Moon, and Stars
This article explores the ancient history and Masonicsymbolismof the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

SHORT TALK BULLETIN - Vol.VIII, March 1930, No.3.
Dec 16, 2020

The Symbolism of the Cube
The Qabalah is a mystical symbolic system of looking at the microcosm and macrocosm from the standpoint of the Creator. From this view point, everything is of interest: the speck of dust on the ground, the glowing nebulas in the heavens, and the tiny living cell.

Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 30o
Oct 14, 2018

The Three Great Lights
What morality is revealed by the Three Great Lights of Freemasonry?

The Masonic Monthly
Jun 9, 2022

The Trestleboard
This article discusses the need for quality, not quantity, when it comes to Masonic membership.

Bro... Paul R. Clark
Jul 9, 2020

The Two-Headed Eagle of The Ancient & Accepted Rite
When this emblem was first adopted by the High Degrees, it had been in use as a symbol of power for five thousand years.

Bro... W. J. Chetwode Crawley
Aug 26, 2020

The York Rite Degrees of Universal Co-Masonry
The history of the York Rite Degrees practiced by The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry.

Bro... Karen Kidd 3o
Jun 19, 2019

Theurgy - Part I
Masonry has been described as "a system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols" but this definition is not adequate to fully describe the ritual beauty and magical power of its Rite. For that we must turn to a study of Theurgy, a form of ceremonial magic as old as civilization itself. What is Theurgy and what can it teach us of the inner or hidden side of Freemasonry?

Very Illus..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33°
Jan 24, 2024

Theurgy - Part II
In the second part of the series on the Theurgic roots of Freemasonry, we learn not only of the origins of the practice but of what benefits and powers were said to be granted to its most devoted students. By "working with God" do we fulfill the tenets of Masonry?

The Illus..... Bro... Kris Wilson-Slack 33°
Feb 7, 2024

Theurgy - Part III
In third part of the series on Masonic Theurgy we learn of the ancient Platonic sequence by which consciousness is transmuted from its mundane existence to the highest reaches of heaven. How can Freemasonry help us to acheive this lofty goal?

Very Illus..... Bro... Kris Wilson-Slack 33°
Feb 14, 2024

Thinking Better
Harmony, to this Freemason, is a shining goal, where the spirit of cooperation and unity produce amazing results in our rituals and in our lives. To focus on “thinking better” is what helps bring us into that harmony; not just in our Lodge rooms but in our lives.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Aug 5, 2020

Truth and Belief
To know Truth, you must unflinchingly examine your beliefs, your opinions, your conception, your prejudices, and your orthodoxies in the clear light of your most exalted self, your highest self.

The Very Ills..... Bro... George S. Arundale 33o
Feb 12, 2020

Two Masonic Pillars: Guardians of the Temple
Freemasons are familiar with the lessons associated with tales of destruction, especially of King Solomon’s Temple. Do these tragic events point to dramatic changes in human consciousness?

Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 30o
Apr 29, 2019

U.S. Masonic Presidents
How many United states Presidents have been members of the Masonic Fraternity?

The Grand Lodge of Texas
Sep 23, 2020

UGLE Is Not The Only Game In Town
This article details the ongoing constroversy related to the role of Women in Freemasonry.

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Sep 16, 2020

What do Masons’ Marks reveal?
The Freemason marks well when he aligns with the plan and purpose of the Great Architect who has a greater design or pattern. What do the marks of builders, ancient and modern, reveal?

Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 30o
Apr 1, 2019

What does it mean... "Ancient Free and Accepted Masons?"
Bro... Joseph F. Newtondescribes the history and origins of the term "Free an Accepted Mason" and sheds light upon the true meaning of what many members of the Craft take for granted as a simple title.

Bro... Joseph F. Newton 
Mar 16, 2022

What Freemasonry Offers
What is the "Light" of Freemasonry, and what is its importance in our ritual and daily lives?

The Very Ills..... Bro... Magdalena I. Cumsille 33o
Sep 27, 2018

What is an Ark?
The ark is a symbol known to humanity from ancient times, common across many cultures and religions. What is its significance to freemasonry and what esoteric secrets can be revealed through understanding its inner meanings?

Very Illus..... Bro. Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Nov 16, 2023

What is the Craft of Freemasonry?
The way of Masonry is indeed wise. It is not one more factor in a factional world, yet it removes all hostility from the minds and hearts of men.

Exc..... Bro... Grace Petrul 18o
Sep 27, 2018

What Is The Egyptian Book of the Dead?
What is the meaning of thisfascinating work from the ancient Egyptian tradition, which is alternatively translated as"The Book of Emerging Forth Into the Light" or"The Book of Becoming Light"?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Aug 24, 2018

What is the Truth behind the 47th Problem of Euclid?
What hidden symbolism and morality is hidden in the enigmatic symbol of the 47th Proposition of Euclid?

SHORT TALK BULLETIN - Vol.VIII, October 1930, No.10.
Oct 22, 2020

What Masonry Offers
Freemasonry is a powerful and ancient fraternity kept pure and holy by those Brothers of the highest moral, ethical, and spiritual character.

Ills..... Bro... Henry Williams 30o
Sep 27, 2018

What Secrets Does Freemasonry Hold?
The real secrets of Freemasonry remain hidden to many, regardless of how many degrees they may have taken. One’s career, age, religion, caste, sect, or wealth will not grant access to these mysteries. What secrets does Masonry hold, and how are they unveiled?

Bro... Fahim Ahmed
Apr 1, 2020

What Would Your Sentence Be?
If, in some cataclysm, all of the scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence was passed onto the next generation of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Jul 29, 2020

Where Is A Freemason First Prepared?
The heart is an important symbol in Freemasonry whose sacred teachings should be unlocked and applied in each Mason’s life.

Ills..... Bro... Pamela McDown 30o
Feb 24, 2019

Where is the Future of Freemasonry?
The soul of Freemasonry is now moving away from its traditional roots in Western Europe and North America to those places where it can truly be used for the good of Humanity.

Very Ills..... Bro... Matias Cumsille 33o
Mar 25, 2019

Who is the Son of the Widow?
The origin of the term Widow’s Son is quite old and deep in Masonic Lore. Why does the orphan hero play such a prominent role in movies, mythology, and Masonry?

Bro... Jonathan Dinsmore 1o
Jun 5, 2019

Why I am a Co-Mason
The reasons for being a Co-Mason are great with the greatness of antiquity and the mightiness of the human soul, yet like the morning sky, revealing their depth in crystalline clearness.

Bro... Nathan Hyde 3o
Sep 27, 2018

Woman's Part in the Mysteries
A fascinating article detailing therole of women in the Ancient Mystery traditions,from the 1925 edition of“Freemasonry Universal: The Official Journal of Universal Co-Masonry."

Bro... J. Page 
Aug 22, 2019

Women and Masonry
What historical role have women held in Freemasonry? This article discusses the issue of women in Freemasonry in the early part of the 20th Century.

The Very Ills..... Bro... Louis Goaziou 33o
Sep 27, 2018

Yggdrasil, the Tree of the World, is an ancient symbol found among our Nordic ancestors in theEddasof Creation. What relation does this axial symbol have to the immortal acacia of the Freemasons?

Very Ills..... Bro... Kristine Wilson-Slack 33o
Jul 18, 2022


The teachings of Freemasonry are clothed in the symbols of the building craft. Its mysteries are universal and are shared by many other traditions. These traditions have given form to this wisdom under many guises but in Freemasonry these truths of Nature are expressed in the terms of construction and architecture. The time of the Operative Masons is over yet the desire to raise structures and monuments to the Divine expression in Nature has persisted into the era of the Speculative Masons. In Universal Co-Masonry this desire is encouraged to manifest in the form of written Pieces of Architecture. These Pieces of Architecture, articles and essays that expound on the symbolism and meaning of Freemasonry, contribute to the building of the edifice that Universal Co-Masonry is attempting to raise.

This building cannot be touched with the hands but is instead approached with an open mind and a yearning heart. Within this temple exist the thoughts, feelings and ideas of many generations of Universal Co-Masons. These Co-Workers, some still laboring upon the plan of work while others have passed to the Eternal Grand Lodge, have left their mark not only upon our Order but also on the world. The thoughts they have shared serve to inspire and excite the minds of those who will come after them and their insight will be added to the collective knowledge of Universal Co-Masonry. We believe this insight too valuable to be forgotten and hope that it assists you in your quest to understand Freemasonry.

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