Wisdom of the Past

Recommended Reading

Purification through Study

The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry is built upon a foundation of education and study. Without the tireless application of oneself to a course of study, the Mysteries of Masonry will forever lie motionless at one's feet. The written word is the crowning acheivement of the human race, the ability to transmit messages, ideas and personal reveleations across time and space has done more to liberate the human mind than any other technology. The wisdom of the world's books are the rightful inheritance of all humanity, should we only be so bold as to reach out and take it. Listed below are a selection of books that Universal Co-Masonry regularly recommends to its Initiates and inquirers alike, for all contain some piece of the Ancient Mystery that Masonry strives to communicate.

Haunted Chambers

Haunted Chambers

These women aren't supposed to have existed. But they did. Haunted Chambers, for the first time ever, presents not only the most complete list of early women Freemasons but also as much detail about their lives as can still be found. They include medieval women stone cutters; so-called "adoptive" women Freemasons; an aristocrat; a countess; an early New Brunswick settler; a war hero; a writer of women's rights; an immigrant Irish girl; the famed sculptress of Abraham Lincoln's statue in the US Capitol Rotunda and many whose names are now lost. "Haunted Chambers" is highly recommended to anyone who wants the actual history of early women Freemasons and are not afraid to read it.

On Holy Ground

Haunted Chambers

On Holy Ground tells a story little known outside Co-Masonry. Co-Masonry, the branch of Freemasonry that accepts men and women, in its second Century in North America, is one of many "silences" in history. Seldom written until now is the history of the Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry, the American Federation of Human Rights, today the largest Co-Masonic Body on the continent. "On Holy Ground" traces women's early entry into the Operative Masonic guilds and Speculative otherwise all-male Freemasonic Lodges; explains women's unfair exclusion from the Craft; and the rise in Europe of Co-Masonry, which finally swung the doors open to female initiates. "On Holy Ground" introduces the reader to the earliest Co-Masons and the founders of their Orders throughout the world that would go on to form Co-Masonry in North America.

The Kybalion


The Kybalion, first published under the mysterious pseudonym "The Three Initiates" is a defining work on the subject of Hermetic Mysticism. Purporting to be the work of a long-standing fraternity of Hermeticists, the Kybalion is a distillation of thousands of years of careful study and mystical experimentation. While Freemasonry is much more than the 7 principles outlined in The Kybalion, the inquirer into the mysteries of Freemasonry should build himself upon its foundation.

Brother of the Third Degree


First published in 1894, Brother of the Third Degree is a work of esoteric allegorical fiction that was written at the height of the Golden age of Occultism. This novel serves as an inspirational tale of initiation, intrigue, and a mysterious brotherhood that not only closely guards the secrets of occult wisdom but turns the wheels of history itself. It shows Freemasonry as everything it should be: educational, active, and of the utmost moral fortitude.

At the Feet of the Master


Written by a young scholar of the Ancient Wisdom, this book contains the lessons given to him by his teacher, referred to as the “Master,” during his preparation for Initiation. It is considered a reproduction of the Master’s own words and the Master’s thoughts dressed in his student’s writings. Although the author’s identity is cloaked with a pseudonym, many people have attributed this work to the World Teacher, Jiddu Krishnamurti. A Theosophical work it is indispensable for whomever seeks the true Initiation to be found in Co-Masonry today.

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