Encyclopedia Masonica

The French title of this organization is Grande Loge Nationale Ind?pendante et Reguliere pour la France et les Colonies Fran?aise. Grand Master D. E. Ribaucourt sent us the following information:

"Desirous of working in France outside of all compromise of political or atheistical character, some Brother French freemasons had in 1910 revived the practice of the old Rite of the Rectified Regime, which is a deistic system. This regular Rite among us had been practiced in France by numerous Lodges since the commencement of the eighteenth century. Lodges of that type have been put to sleep in France since 1841. They bequeathed their powers to the Grand Rectified Directory of Geneva, Switzerland in order that the Lodges of France should be awakened when the time was opportune.

That was done in 1910 by the Grand Rectified Directory of Geneva, which created the Respectable Rectified Lodge Le Center des Amis at the Orient of Paris. Thereupon the Grand Orient of France, preoccupied with the foundation of a new order of things, proposed to us a double Constitution guaranteeing the integrity of our Rituals of 1782, and the free exercise of the symbols of the Grand Architect of the Universe during these three years, l9l0-3, our Rite made much progress in France. In June, 1913, the Council of the Order of the Grand Orient of France violated the solemn promises of 1910 and imposed upon us new rituals, in which the opening and closing invocations had the symbol of the Grand Architect of the Universe suppressed. We carried our case before the Masonic Convent of the Grand Orient in 1913, and we were forbidden to use our old-time rituals.

The Orator of the Convent of the Grand Orient of France declared at that time amid the plaudits of the assemblage that the symbol of the Grand Architect of the Universe was contrary to the Constitution of the Grand Orient of France. To defend our menaced Masonic faith and to safeguard the traditions of our Order, we have been obliged to constitute ourselves in October, 1913, into the Independent and Regular National Grand Lodge. The Respectable Rectified Lodge, Le Centre des Amis of Paris, of which records exist as far as 1762, took the initiative and was promptly followed by the Respectable Lodge, L'Anglais No. 204, at Bordeaux, which existed in 1732. Some new Lodges have combined with us, and will adhere to the course of our action. We shall work after a just and perfect fashion in order to afford a sanctuary in France to Brothers believing in the Grand Architect of the Universe, loving and respecting His symbol, and also to resume with those abroad the chain of union so unfortunately broken between French Freemasons and those of other lands.

We have imposed and shall impose upon our Lodges the following obligations
1. During the work. the Bible shall be constantly open upon the altar at the first chapter of Saint John.
2. The ceremonies shall strictly conform to the Ritual of the Rectified Regime which we practice, revised in 1778 and approved in 1782.
3. The communications shall always be opened and closed with the invocation and in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe, and Lodges shall insert in a space in their announcements, documents, the inscription A. L. G. D. G. A. D. l'U, these being the initials of the French words meaning, to the glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe.
4. No religious or political discussion shall be allowed in the Lodges.
5. The Brethren shall never officially as a Lodge take part in political matters, but each Brother shall reserve and guard his entire liberty of action.
6. Lodges of this Obedience only receive as visitors the Brethren belonging to the regular Obedience recognized by the Grand Lodge of England.

"In answer to our appeal, the Grand Lodge of England and its very Respectable Grand Master recognized us on November 20, 1913, as the only regular Masonic Power in France, and the announcement was made at the Centenary of that very Respectable Grand Lodge on December 3, 1913" (see France) .

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