The name or designation assumed by initiates of the Illuminati, the members of the Rite of Strict Observance, and of the Royal Order of Scotland, was called the Order Name, or the Characteristic Name (see Eques). The Illuminati selected classical names, of which the following are specimens: the real surnames at the left, the assumed ones at the right:
Weishaupt .............. Knigge ............... Bode Nicolai ................... Westenreider ...... Constanza Zwack .................... Count Savioli ..... Busche Ecker ...................... Spartacus ........... Philo Amelius .................. Lucian ............... Pythagoras Diomedes ............... Cato ................... Brutus Bavard Saladin
The members of the Strict Observance formed their Order Names in a different way. Following the custom of the combatants in the old tournaments each called himself an Eques, or Knight of some particular object; as, Knight of the Sword, Knight of the Star, etc. Where one belonged both to this Rite and to that of Illuminism, his Order Name in each was different. Thus Bode, as an Illuminatus, was, we have seen, called Amelius, but as a Strict Observant', he was known as Eques a lilio convallium, or Knight of the Lily-of-the-Valleys. The following examples may suffice. A full list in Thory's Acta Latomorum.
Hund, Eques ab ense=Knight of the Sword. Jacobi, Eques à stellâ=Knight of the Star. Count Bruhl, Eques ä gladio ancipiti=Knight of the Double-edged Sword. Bode, Eques à lilio convallium=Enight of the Lily-of-the Valleys. Beyerle, Edges a fasciâ=Knight of the Girdle. Berend, Eques â septem stellis=Knight of the Seven Stars Decker, Eques â plasula=Knight of the Curtain. Lavater, Eques ab Æculapio=Knight of Esculapius. Seckendorf, Eques a capricorno = Knight of Capricorn Prince Charles Edward, Eques d sole aureo=Knight of the Golden Sun. Zinnendorf, Eques a lapide nigro=Knight of the Black Stone.
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