Encyclopedia Masonica

American patriot, noted for several daring exploits during the Revolutionary War, an engraver, and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, from December 12, 1794, to December 27, 1797. Revere, or Rivoire, as his ancestors wrote the name, born in Boston, January 1, 1735, became a goldsmith and silversmith in his father's shop and here developed his natural talents by designing and executing all sorts of engraving. In 1756 he took part in the expedition against Crown Point, his rank being Second Lieutenant of Artillery. Initiated in Saint Andrews Lodge, September 4, 1760. He was Raised January 27, 1761; elected Senior Warden in November, 1764, and Master, November 30, 1770.

During this time he conducted a copper-plate engraving shop, and, while a member of a club of young men formed to watch the movements of the British troops in Boston, engraved several anti-British caricatures. He was one of the grand jurors who refused to serve in Boston in 1774 because the justices had been made independent of the people by Parliament- He was a leader of the Boston Tea Partly and in 1774 went to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to urge that military stores there be seized by the Colonists, whom he encouraged in their attack and capture of Fort William and Mary, one of the first military acts of the Revolutionary War. Paul Revere, as the man whose midnight ride from Charlestown to Lexington, April 18-9, 1775, gave warning to the Colonists of the approach of the Writ troops from Boston, was immortalized by Longfellow's poem, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.

He set up a powder mill at Canton which he operated successfully for the Colonists, although the only previous knowledge was when he was sent in 1775 by the Massachusetts Provincial Congress to Philadelphia to study the one powder mill in the Colonies and through it he was permitted to pass but once, but the information thus snatched proved invaluable. He was commissioned a Major of Infantry, April, 1776; and in November, same year, promoted as Lieutenant Colonel of Artillery, stationed at Castle William to defend Boston Harbor and finally given command there. Served the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts as Junior Grand Warden from 1777 until 1779; from 1780 to 1783 as Senior Grand Warden; from 1784 to 1791 as Deputy Grand Master.

After the war he engaged in the manufacture of gold and silver ware; successfully erected and operated an air-furnace in which he cast bells and brass cannon; was a pioneer in America in making copper plate and did much to promote this industry. He was the first President of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association, founded in 1795. In this year he, as Grand Master, laid the cornerstone of the State House at Boston.

He was a Royal Arch Mason. Paul Revere's name appears on the records of Saint Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter at Boston, Massachusetts, on January 9, 1770. There is no doubt he was a member at this early period, for he was Junior Warden of the "Royal Arch Lodge" in the year 1770. He was Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1782, and Grand Master in 1795, 1796 and 1797 (see Bylaws of Saint Andrews Royal Arch Chapter, Boston, 1866, page 82). Proceedings, Grand Lodge, Massachusetts, 1916, page 216, has sketch of career, and page 218 contains references; first volume, Proceedings, has many references. Brother Paul Revere died at Boston, May 10, 1818.

Grand Master Paul Revere inspected a Lodge in his time with a care well worthy of our admiration. His record here given is taken from the rough notes lade by Brother Paul Revere and an effort has been made to reproduce with precision the verbal peculiarities of the original handwriting preserved by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. The reader will please not overlook the probabilities that this document was never intended for print. Copies of addresses made by Paul Revere to his Brethren show that while, as has often been said, "New occasions teach new duties," the problems confronting the draftsmen of the past were like unto those of the present day. This address was made at a formal visit by Grand Master Paul Revere to Washington Lodge. The inspection was in the fall of 1797 or in 1797. The Grand Secretary of Massachusetts, brother Frederick W. Hamilton, kindly verified the sates for us. Washington Lodge was chartered on March 17, 1796, and Brother Paul Revere went out of office at the end of 1797.

The formal salutation at the commencement of the address deserves critical attention. The famous Diary of Samuel Pepys furnishes a similar instance under date of August 4, 1661. A clergyman in Pepys presence addressed his congregation as "Right Worshipful and dearly beloved." This was in the Parish of "My cousin Roger," Member of Parliament for The town of Cambridge. The presence ' these persons of distinction doubtless led to the adoption of the peculiar form of salutation. Notice rill be taken of the method of addressing the Wardens. But the whole address is well worth careful Leading.

Right Worshipful Master, Worshipful Wardens, & Respected Brethren. The Grand Lodge ever Anxious for the prosperity of all the Lodges under the Jurisdiction, have set apart this Evening to Visit Washington Lodge.—You will permit us the favor of perusing your Bye Laws & Records, after which we will thank the Right Worshipful Masters or some Brethren by his appointment, to go through the usual lectures.

Respected Brethren I am happy to find your Bye Laws so well digested. Your Records so well preserved the Order & decorum of Your Lodge so well directed.

You will permit me Brethren to impress on your minds the necessity of a strict and careful examination of the Characters, of every person who offer themselves Candidates to be initiated into our Society; You ought carefully to examine whether they have ever been rejected in other Lodges; and if they have, what were the cause: For nothing is more discouraging to our laudable motives nor is any thing more destructive of Harmony and brotherly Love than our being imposed upon by wicked and unfaithful Brothers.

The Worshipful Master will permit me to remind him that this Lodge is placed under his immediate Care and under the direction of Him, & his Officers, where we have every reason to expect, that the true principles of Free Masonry, will be cultivated, & cherished; and that in due time we shall gather Laurels of Virtue, & Benevolence. The wardens, & Brethren, will be careful to remember that the Honor, & reputation of the Craft, in a great measure depends on a Strict conformity to the Bye Laws and regulations, and that it is highly necessary that an early and punctual attendance is paid to the duties, & business of the Lodge, that the Master may be enabled to Call the Laborers from their work to refreshment in due time,—that He may direct the paying them their wages, and Closing the Lodge at an early Hour.

The Master & wardens will permit me to remind them that a Constant, & punctual attendance. on the quarterly Communications is absolutely necessary, they being the only legal representatives their absence cannot be dispensed with.

The Secretary will be careful to remember that it is his duty, to transmit to the Grand Lodge annually, a list of the officers; and quarterly, a list of the new initiated Brothers, that their names may be recorded in the Grand Lodge Books.

The following excellent Installation Charge was also the work of Most Worshipful Paul Revere, 1795, when Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts:

Worshipful Master,—This Worshipful Lodge having chosen you for their Master and Representative, it is now incumbent upon you, diligently and upon every proper occasion, to inquire into the knowledge of your fellows, and find them daily employment, that the Art which they profess may not be forgotten or neglected. You must avoid partiality, giving praise where it is due and employing those in the most honorable part of the work who have made the greatest advancement of the Art. You must preserve union, and judge in all cases amenably and mildly, preferring peace.

That the Society may prosper, you must preserve the dignity of your office, requiring submission from the perverse and refractory—always acting and being guided by the principles on which your authority is folded. You must, to the extent of your power, pay a constant attendance on your Lodge, that you may see how your work flourishes and your instructions are obeyed. You must take care that neither your words nor actions shall render your authority to be less regarded, but that your prudent and careful behavior may set an example and give a sanction to your power. And as Brotherly Love is the cement of cur Society, so cherish and encourage it that the Brethren may be more willing to obey the dictates of Masons than you have occasion to command.

And you, the officers of this Worshipful Lodge, must carefully assist the Master in the discharge and execution of his office—diffusing light and imparting knowledge to all the fellows under your care, keeping the Brethren in just order and decorum, that nothing may disturb the peaceable serenity, or obstruct the glorious effects of harmony and concord. And that this may be the better preserved, you must carefully inquire into the character of all candidates to this Honorable Society, and recommend none to the Master who, in your opinion, are unworthy of the privileges and advantages of Masonry —keeping the CYNlC far from the Ancient Fraternity where harmony is obstructed by the superstitious and morose. You must discharge the Lodge quietly, encouraging the Brethren assembled to work cheerfully that none, when dismissed, may go away dissatisfied. And you, Brethren of this Worshipful Lodge, learn to follow the advice and instructions of your officers, submitting cheerfully to their amicable decisions, throwing by all resentments and prejudices toward each other. Let your chief care be to the advancement of the Society you have the honor to be members of. Let there be a modest and friendly emulation among you in doing good to each other. Let complacency and benevolence flourish among you. Let your actions be squared by the rules of Masonry. Let friendship be cherished, and all advantages of that title by which we distinguish each other, that we may be Brothers not only in name, but in the full import, extent, and latitude of so glorious an appellation.

Finally, my Brethren, as this association has been carried on with so much unanimity and concord (in which we greatly rejoice), so may it entitle to the latest ages. May your love be reciprocal and harmonious. While these principles are uniformly supported, this Lodge will be an honor to Masonry, an example to the world, and, therefore, a blessing to mankind. From this happy prospect I rest assured of your steady perseverance, and conclude with wishing you all, my Brethren, joy of your Master, Wardens, and other officers, and of your Constitutional union as Brethren.

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Futura Ex Praeteritis

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