Encyclopedia Masonica

The Statutes of the Grand Priory of the Temple of Scotland prescribe for the Order of Knights Templar in that kingdom an organization very different from that which prevails in other countries. 'The Religious and Military Order of the Temple" in Scotland consists of two classes: 1. Novice and Esquire. 2. Knight Templar.The Knights are again divided into four classes: 1. Knights created by Priories. 2. Knights elected from the companions on memorial to the Grand Master and Council, supported by the recommendation of the Priories to which they belong . 3. Knights Commanders. 4. Knights Grand Crosses, to be nominated by the Grand Master.

The supreme legislative authority of the Order is the Chapter General, which consists of the Grand Officers, the Knights Grand Crosses, and the Knights Commanders. One Chapter is held annually, at which the Grand Master, if present, acts as President. The anniversary of the death of James de Molay, March 11, is Selected as the time of this meeting, at which the Grand Officers are elected. During all intervals of the meetings of the Chapter General, the affairs of the Order, with the exception of altering any Statutes, is entrusted to the Grand Master's Council, which consists of the Grand Officers, the Grand Priors of Foreign Langues (or Districts), and the Knights Grand Crosses.

The Grand Officers, with the exception of the Past Grand Masters, who remain so for life, the Grand Master, who is elected triennially and the Grand Aides-de-Camp, who are appointed by him and removed at his pleasure, are elected annually. They are as follows: Grand Master Past Grand Masters, Grand Seneschal Preceptor and Grand Prior of Scotland, Grand Constable and Marshal Grand Admiral Grand Almoner or Hospitaler, Grand Chancellor Grand Treasurer, Grand Registrar, Primate or Grand Prelate Grand Provost or Governor-General, Grand Standard Bearer or Beaucennifer Grand Bearer of the Vexillum Belli, War Flag. Grand Camberlain, Grand Steward. Two Grand Aides-de-Camp.

A Grand Priory may be instituted by the Chapter General in any nation, colony, or langue, to be placed under the authority of a Grand Prior, who is elected for life, unless superseded by the Chapter General. A Priory, which is equivalent to an American Commandery, consists of the following officers: Prior Superior, Mareschal or Master of Ceremonies, Hospitaler or Almoner, Chancellor, Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain panel Instructor, Beaucennifer, or bearer of the Beauseant Bearer of the Red Cross Banner, or Vexillum Belli, Chamberlain, Two Aides -de Camp.

The Chapter General or Grand Priory may unite two or more Priories into a Commandery, to be governed by a Provincial Commander, who is elected by the Chapter General.

The costume of the Knights, with the exception of a few slight variations to designate difference of rank, is the same as the ancient costume.

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Futura Ex Praeteritis

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others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants."


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