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Legends of the Craft

Episode 32: Postmodernism and Freemasonry

Postmodernism, and its offspring Critical Theory, is a 20th Century philosophy that emerged in Europe following the World Wars. Critical of modernity and of narrative in all its forms, Postmodernism is a deconstructive philosophy that seeks to break down all grand structures and lay bare the systems of power that create and maintain them. How can the Freemason interpret Postmodernism and what does this philosophy, if anything, have in common with the sublime doctrines of Masonry?

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Masonic Podcasts

Legends of the Craft

Legends of the Craft explores Science, Religion and Philosophy in search of the hidden wisdom of Nature. From historical tales of heroism and courage to great works of literature, no legend will go unexamined by Brothers Matias Cumsille and Aksel Suvari in their quest for Masonic inspiration. For too long the philosophy of the Craft has grown stagnant and stale. By resurrecting the ancient legends of our past and studying the masterpieces of the modern age we can determine the future course of Masonry as it endeavors to accomplish the Great Work!

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