Episode 40: The Philosophy of Pico Della Mirandola and Freemasonry
Pico Della Mirandola was an Italian philosopher, magician, astrologer, linguist and polymath who was one of the most important figures of the Early Renaissance. Well versed in theology, occultism and theurgy, Pico Della Mirandola's work became the nucleus of a body of thought that would change the Western Esoteric Tradition forever. Is it possible that his writings, philosophy and magical practices form the basis of what would evolve into modern Freemasonry?
Legends of the Craft explores Science, Religion and Philosophy in search of the hidden wisdom of Nature. From historical tales of heroism and courage to great works of literature, no legend will go unexamined by Brothers Matias Cumsille and Aksel Suvari in their quest for Masonic inspiration. For too long the philosophy of the Craft has grown stagnant and stale. By resurrecting the ancient legends of our past and studying the masterpieces of the modern age we can determine the future course of Masonry as it endeavors to accomplish the Great Work!
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