Masonic, Esoteric, Philsophical and Occult Artwork

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations

The Heirophant

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations

I saw the great Master in the Temple. He was siting on a golden throne set upon a purple platform, and he wore the robe of a high priest with a golden tiara. He held a golden eight-pointed cross, and lying at his feet were two crossed keys. Two initiates bowed before him and to them he spoke:

"Seek the Path, do not seek attainment, Seek for the Path within yourself."

"Do not expect to hear the truth from others, nor to see it, or read it in books. Look for the truth in yourself, not without yourself."

"Aspire only after the impossible and inaccessible. Expect only that which shall not be."

"Do not hope for Me, do not look for Me, do not believe--that I am outside yourself."

"Within your soul build a lefty tower by which you may ascend to Heaven. Do not believe in external miracles, expect miracles only within you. Beware of believing in a mystery of the earth, in a mystery guarded by men; for treasuries which must be guarded are empty. Do not search for a mystery that can be hidden by men. Seek the Mystery within yourself."

"Above all, avoid those towers built in order to preserve the mysteries and to make an ascent to Heaven by stone stairways. And remember that as soon as men build such a tower they begin to dispute about the summit."

"The Path is in yourself, and Truth is in yourself and Mystery is in yourself."

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The Masonic Galleries

These galleries are composed of the works of Masonic scholars, researchers, occultists, artists and authors whom Universal Co-Masonry believes are in harmony the principles and philosophies of Universal Co-Masonry. All images are scanned by Universal Co-Masonry from owned materials. Universal Co-Masonry does not assert any right or claim on the primary material. If we have infringed upon your copyright, please contact us as we do not intend to violate the intellectual property rights of any person or organization. These materials are here presented as educational reference material only. They do not generate financial benefit in any way and are available for reuse without restriction.

"If I have seen further than
others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants."


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