Masonic, Esoteric, Philsophical and Occult Artwork

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations


The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations

In the midst of a green plain, surrounded by blue hills, I saw a woman with a lion. Girdled with wreaths of roses, a symbol of infinity over her head, the woman calmly and confidently covered the lion's mouth and the lion obediently licked her hand.

"This is a picture of power", said the voice. "It has different meanings. First it shows the power of love. Love alone can conquer wrath. Hatred feeds hatred. Remember what Zarathustra said: "Let man be freed from vengeance; this is a bridge for me which leads to higher hope and a rainbow in heaven after long storms"

"Then it shows power of unity. These wreaths of roses suggest a magic chain. Unity of desires, unity of aspirations creates such power that every wild, uncontrolled, unconscious force is subdued. Even two desires, if united, are able to conquer almost the whole world."

"The picture also shows the power of infinity, that sphere of mysteries. For a consciousness that perceives the symbol of infinity above it, knows no obstacles and cannot be withstood".

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The Masonic Galleries

These galleries are composed of the works of Masonic scholars, researchers, occultists, artists and authors whom Universal Co-Masonry believes are in harmony the principles and philosophies of Universal Co-Masonry. All images are scanned by Universal Co-Masonry from owned materials. Universal Co-Masonry does not assert any right or claim on the primary material. If we have infringed upon your copyright, please contact us as we do not intend to violate the intellectual property rights of any person or organization. These materials are here presented as educational reference material only. They do not generate financial benefit in any way and are available for reuse without restriction.

"If I have seen further than
others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants."


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