Masonic, Esoteric, Philsophical and Occult Artwork

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations

The Tower

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations

I saw a lofty tower extending from earth to heaven; its golden crowned summit reached beyond the clouds. All round it black night reigned and thunder rumbled.

Suddenly the heavens opened, a thunder-clap shook the whole earth, and lightning struck the summit of the tower and felled the golden crown. A tongue of fire shot from heaven and the whole tower became filled with fire and smoke. Then I beheld the builders of the tower fall headlong to the ground.

And the voice said:

"The building of the tower was begun by the disciples of the great Master in order to have a constant reminder of the Master's teaching that the true tower must be built in one's own soul, that in the tower built by hands there can be no mysteries, that no one can ascend to Heaven by treading stone steps."

"The tower should warn the people not to believe in it. It should serve as a reminder of the inner Temple and as a protection against the outer; it should be as a lighthouse, in a dangerous place where men have often been wrecked and where ships should not go."

"But by and by the disciples forgot the true covenant of the Master and what the tower symbolized, and began to believe in the tower of stone, they had built, and to teach others to so believe. They began to say that in this tower there is power, mystery and the spirit of the Master, that the tower itself is holy and that it is built for the coming Master according to His covenant and His will. And so they waited in the tower for the Master. Others did not believe this, or interpreted it differently. Then began disputes about the rights of the summit. Quarrels started, 'Our Master, your Master,' was said; 'our tower, your tower.' And the disciples ceased to understand each other. Their tongues had become confused."

"You understand the meaning here? They had begun to think that this is the tower of the Master, that He builds it through them, and that it must and, indeed, can be built right up to Heaven."

"And you see how Heaven responded?"

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The Masonic Galleries

These galleries are composed of the works of Masonic scholars, researchers, occultists, artists and authors whom Universal Co-Masonry believes are in harmony the principles and philosophies of Universal Co-Masonry. All images are scanned by Universal Co-Masonry from owned materials. Universal Co-Masonry does not assert any right or claim on the primary material. If we have infringed upon your copyright, please contact us as we do not intend to violate the intellectual property rights of any person or organization. These materials are here presented as educational reference material only. They do not generate financial benefit in any way and are available for reuse without restriction.

"If I have seen further than
others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants."


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