Masonic, Esoteric, Philsophical and Occult Artwork

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations

The Wheel Of Fortune

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Illustrations

I walked along, absorbed in deep thought, trying to understand the vision of the Angel. And suddenly, as I lifted my head, I saw midway in the sky a huge, revolving circle covered with Kabalistic letters and symbols. The circle turned with terrible velocity, and around it, falling down and flying up, symbolic figures of the serpent and the dog revolved; above it sat an immovable sphinx.

In clouds, on the four quarters of heaven, I saw the four apocalyptical beings, one with the face of a lion, another with the face of a bull, the third with a face of an eagle, and the fourth with the face of a bull. And each of them read an open book.

And I heard the voices of Zarathustra's beasts:

"All go, all return,"--the wheel of life ever turns. All die, all flourish again,--the year of existence runs eternally."

"All perish, all live again, the same house of existence is ever building. All separate, all meet again, the ring of existence is ever true to itself."

"Existence begins at every moment. Round each "here" rolls "there". The middle is everywhere. The way of eternity is a curve".

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The Masonic Galleries

These galleries are composed of the works of Masonic scholars, researchers, occultists, artists and authors whom Universal Co-Masonry believes are in harmony the principles and philosophies of Universal Co-Masonry. All images are scanned by Universal Co-Masonry from owned materials. Universal Co-Masonry does not assert any right or claim on the primary material. If we have infringed upon your copyright, please contact us as we do not intend to violate the intellectual property rights of any person or organization. These materials are here presented as educational reference material only. They do not generate financial benefit in any way and are available for reuse without restriction.

"If I have seen further than
others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants."


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