Masonic, Esoteric, Philsophical and Occult Artwork

The Secret Teachings Of All Ages

PLATE 8: The Saitic Isis

The Secret Teachings Of All Ages

“I am Isis, mistress of the whole land: I was instructed by Hermes, and with Hermes I invented the writings of the nations, in order that not all should write with the same letters. I gave mankind their laws, and ordained what no one can alter. I am the eldest daughter of Kronos. I am the wife and sister of the king Osiris. I am she who rises in the dog star. I am she who is called the goddess of women.  I am she who seperated the heaven from the earth. I have pointed out their paths to the stars. I have invented seamanship.  I have brought together men and women. I have ordained that the elders shall be beloved by the children. With my brother Osiris I made an end of cannibalism. I have instructed mankind in the mysteries. I have taught reverence of the divine statues. I have established the temple precincts. I have overthrown the dominion of the tyrants. I have caused men to love woman. I have made justice more powerful than silver and gold. I have caused truth to be considered beautiful.” 

The face and form of Isis were covered with a veil of scarlet cloth, symbolic of ignorance and emotionalism which forever stand between man and Truth. Isis lifts her veil and discovers herself to be the true and wise investigator who unselfishly, humble, and earnestly seeks to understand the mysteries which surround him in the universe. Those to whom she reveals herself are warned to remain silent concerning the mysteries which they have seen. The great admonition of the Wise Men was: “If you known it, be silent.” To the vulgar and profane, the infidel and disinterested one, she does not uncover her face, for they could not understand the secret processes of the invisible worlds.

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The Masonic Galleries

These galleries are composed of the works of Masonic scholars, researchers, occultists, artists and authors whom Universal Co-Masonry believes are in harmony the principles and philosophies of Universal Co-Masonry. All images are scanned by Universal Co-Masonry from owned materials. Universal Co-Masonry does not assert any right or claim on the primary material. If we have infringed upon your copyright, please contact us as we do not intend to violate the intellectual property rights of any person or organization. These materials are here presented as educational reference material only. They do not generate financial benefit in any way and are available for reuse without restriction.

"If I have seen further than
others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants."


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