Home / Masonic Galleries / The Secret Teachings Of All Ages / PLATE 36: Parsifal and the Grail

Masonic, Esoteric, Philsophical and Occult Artwork

The Secret Teachings Of All Ages

PLATE 36: Parsifal and the Grail

The Secret Teachings Of All Ages

In the great temple on Mount Salvat stands Parsifal, at the third and last king of the Holy Grail, aloft the scintillating green Grail Cup and the sacred spear. From the tip of the spear trickles and endless stream of blood. Before Parsifal kneels Kundry (Kundalini), the temptress, who released from the spell of the evil Klingsor, adores the sacred relics of the Passion. Of the Grail Mysteries. Hargrave Jennings writes: “The council of the Knights or Brothers of the Holy Grail, or Grael, was a reflex of the sacred bond sanctified by sacraments which leld the majestic and mystic Rosicrucians together. These were really the guardians of the greater mysteries. In this sense of the mysterious and the sacred, the ‘garter’ of the “Most noble the Order of the Garter’ -- the first of chivalry -- is not a ‘garter’ at all, but the ‘Garder,’ or ‘Keeper,’ the sacredest and holiest guardian of the supernatural chastity of none other than the most exalted feminine personality (of course in the abstract and miraculous sense), the very foundation of Christianity - the ‘Cestus’ or girdle of the blessed and immaculate Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven, with her victorious foot, for all the ages past and to come, trampling upon the Dragon, in her celestial purity, as the ‘Mother of Christ.’” (See Phallicism.) The key to the Grail Mysteries will be apparent if in the sacred spear is recognized the pineal gland with its peculiar pointlike projection and in the Holy Grail the pituitary body containing the mysterious Water of Life. Mount Salvat is the human body; the domed temple upon its summit, the brain; and the castle of Klingsor in the dark valley below, the animal nature which lures the knights (brain energies) into the garden of illusion and perversion. Parsifal, as the purified candidate, becomes the Master of the holy relics and of the sacred science for which they stand; Kundry, having fulfilled the purpose of her existence, dies at the foot of the altar with the immortal words “I serve!”

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