Masonic, Esoteric, Philsophical and Occult Artwork

The Secret Teachings Of All Ages

PLATE 12: Pythagoras

The Secret Teachings Of All Ages

Though Pythagoras excelled Plato in the profundity of his philosophic deductions, the transcendental element in his doctrines has provoked the ridicule of a materialistic modern science. All too lightly the world has passed over the achievements of the first “philosopher” to whom it is indebted for so many of the basic theorems of mathematics, music and astronomy. The twentieth century student of Greek philosophy has been taught to associate the name of Pythagoras with such puerile issues as his golden skin bone and his ban upon the eating of beans! It has also been held against Pythagoras that he delivered his discourses from behind a curtain, preached in allegories and enigmas, and revealed his scientific knowledge only to such initiated disciples as had spent many years to self-discipline. His sciolistic critics, however have failed to consider the manner in which Pythagoras obtained his immense wealth of abstract learning The Mysteries of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and India without exception bound their initiates to inviolable secrecy. Having accepted the obligations of these societies, Pythagoras had no honorable course other than to abide by their regulations. Iamblichus lists 218 men and 17 women among the most famous of the Pythagorean philosophers. It is thus evident that Pythagoras revealed his secrets to a considerable number of persons -- probably all who he felt could understand and he benefited by his knowledge. The Pythagorean doctrine of mathematical philosophy may yet be accepted as the one system of thought able to cope with the riddle of existence.

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"If I have seen further than
others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants."


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