A Casebook of Encounters with the Theosophical Mahatmas

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A Casebook of Encounters with the Theosophical Mahatmas

By H.P. Blavatsky

Case 11

A. P. Sinnett
October 19, 1880
Simla, India

I saw K. H. in astral form on the night of 19th of October. 1880—waking up for a moment but immediately afterwards being rendered unconscious again (in the body) and conscious out of the body in the adjacent dressing room, where I saw another of the Brothers afterwards identified with one called Serapis by Olcott.

Source: Sinnett, A.P.  A Note.  The Mahatma Letters, 3rd ed., p. 10.

[Some four years later, while William Judge was in London and on a visit to Mr. Sinnett's home, the following interesting conversation ensued.  Mr. Judge wrote:

"I asked him [A.P. Sinnett] about his sight of K.H. and he related thus: 'He was lying in his bed in India one night [October 19, 1880], when suddenly awakening, he found K.H. standing by his bed.  He rose half up, when K.H. put his hand on his head, causing him to fall at once back on the pillow. He then, he says, found himself out of the body, and in the next room, talking to another adept whom he describes as an English or European, with light hair, fair, and of great beauty.  This is the one [adept] Olcott described to me in 1876 and called by name -------.  Please erase that when read. . . . S[innett] says he [the European adept] is very high. . . ."  Letters That Have Helped Me, Theosophy Company edition, p. 196. ]



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