Brother of the Third Degree

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Brother of the Third Degree

By William L. Garver

Chapter XVII: Napoleon the Great

TWO weeks passed; two weeks of rapid marching and concentrating forces, and we were upon the historic fields of Waterloo. I was body surgeon to the German commander-in-chief, General Von Kral, who now commanded four hundred thousand men. All was discipline and the most expert training present everywhere. For a week, Iole had communicated with me regularly every night, from the secret council tents of the new Napoleon. The hostile armies now lay facing each other, and the next day would, without doubt, witness such carnage and destruction of life as the world had never seen. 

Ten o’clock was approaching, and having read the German general’s thoughts throughout the day, I had important information to communicate. To my great satisfaction, I had suddenly developed, or become possessed of the faculty of clairvoyant sight, and could see the mental images of the general as he thought.

Ten o’clock struck, and I assumed a passive and restful position between my covers. Hardly had I become silent when a voice as though from my inner throat said, “All is well.”

“All is well,” spoke my mind in answer. “Then communicate first,” came back the response. Feeling the current flowing from me, and knowing, therefore, she was passive, I became the active end and spoke mentally as follows:

Von Kral will strike tomorrow unless the totally unexpected happens — here is his plan: He will repeat the field of Marathon; advancing with a weak center, cloaked by apparent strength, he will mass his men upon the flanks. He will not let Napoleon pierce him but to let him fall into a deep ditch, not unlike the sunken road of Waterloo, now dug across his rear. Behind this ditch, he has a jaggy fence, and this he calls his trap. As the French pass through the center, he will close upon them on the sides and rear and annihilate the whole; no quarter will be given; he means extermination. All told, his force is four hundred thousand strong, and he will himself command the right while Frensteine leads the left. If not prepared to meet this strategy, but give the word, and an eastern potion will be more powerful than all the guns of war.

Finishing thus, I became passive, the current reversed and the following answer came:

We employ no such means; these men are but the instruments of Karma, and we as agents of the Masters cannot annul the dues men and nations have by their evil acts brought upon themselves. We can but control, guide, and keep within its proper limits and bring to its appointed end this awful whirlpool of Karmic retribution. What men and nations sow, that they are bound to reap; and neither Gods nor Masters can annul or set aside the law. When the hour arrives that marks the limits of this retribution, then if these men persist and defy our order, we may act, because the ends then justify the means. But no such methods must be pursued until permit is given by those who know the limits, so say Eral and St. Germain. Now, I report to Napoleon at once; be ready to receive an answering report at twelve.

The circuit broke, and I sank off to sleep with will set to awake at twelve. At the appointed time, I awoke and felt a current as before.

“All is well,” came the call. “All is well,” I answered.

Napoleon is a peculiar man; he seems passionless and impenetrable; but he cannot escape the inner eye which can see and interpret his very thoughts. He received my communication in rapt attention; his cheeks flushed a faint red; his lips became more firmly set; his eyes filled with a burning flame, but he said nothing. He then looked at me with admiration in his eyes, and questioned me of my powers. But I refused to speak of them, and he knew better than to insist. Strange as it may seem, he is no brother, but he knows of the Brotherhood’s existence and realizes that its members possess great and abnormal powers. He says little, but I know he realizes that his strength is not all his own, and we, his human instruments, are not his only aids. His intuition does not deceive him, for he is overshadowed by the invisible Masters and is dimly conscious of it.

Now, I give you his plan as I saw it form in the mental substance agitated by his mind. He will form a powerful center, and of it himself take charge. Likewise, two powerful flanks, with a thin veil between them and the center, through which the enemy may rush. The flanks will not advance, but the veils and center will, but only so far, when the two sides of the center will face about, and back to back, meet the enemy on the right and left. When the Germans have pierced the veils, our center will wheel with one accord and in a U they will perish; no quarter will be given. Your safety rests with the higher powers, but they will see to it or tell you what to do. Rest calmly now, goodnight; we will communicate again at five.

“Good-night,” I answered, and again the link was broken.

For some time, I lay lost in thought, thinking of the weeping widows, orphan children, and desolated homes this war would cause; thinking of the maimed, crippled, and misborn children who always follow this cruel and wholesale butchery called war. Oh! Why will men persist in the evil and injustice which brings this slaughter?

Why will men be led by selfish leaders to thus, without reason, kill their fellow man? Why cannot brotherhood reign throughout the world and fill it with peace and love? Why cannot homes and holidays replace forts and battlefields? Then my thoughts turned to religion, and I queried: how can men who believe in a great, omnipotent God-King justify his silent permission of this bloody carnage? A hundred thousand widows protest against it; four hundred thousand orphan children add their cries. Then I turned to philosophy. 

No, said I to myself, whatsoever men or nations sow, that they must also reap. The law of cause and effect is eternal and immutable, and not even God Himself can set aside or destroy his law without his self-destruction. As long as men sow seeds that sprout in war, so long must wars continue. The consequences which follow evil thoughts and acts cannot be forgiven, and it is only through suffering that they can be expiated and exhausted. O, may this awful massacre consume all of the germs of evil! O, may the cloud of evil vapors which now o’erhangs the world be dispersed, and a spiritual light fill the hearts of men with peace and love! 

Then I thought of Jesus, the meek and lowly Nazarene, and muttered: where is war? Not amid the teeming millions of the East unless stirred up by western intrigues. Not among the heathens of the Orient. No; but among the so-called Christian nations who blaspheme by their acts the name they steal. At last, I fell asleep and dreamed of the coming battle. Spread out before me were all the armed hosts, but what attracted my attention most was not the moving masses of men who trod the earth. No; over the field of battle was a host more fierce and awful. The air was filled with malignant faces on forms half-human, half-monster; their mouths and hands were covered with blood, while their features were frightful to behold. 

Every form that fell upon the field of conflict was seized upon by a dozen of these blood-sucking vampires, who drank his ebbing blood. The more they drank, the more insatiable became their thirst until, bathed in human gore, they laughed with demoniacal laughter and fought amongst themselves. Above this bloody swarm, I saw a lesser host of white-robed spirits, who in calm tranquility watched the conflict raging in the red vapors beneath.

Suddenly, I was aroused from my sleep, and looking up, to my surprise, found General Von Kral leaning over me. “Colono,” he said, “come to my tent at once.”

Wondering what this midnight visit could mean, I looked at my watch and hurriedly followed. It was half-past four and almost time for another communication with Iole. 

Reaching his tent, just adjoining mine, he said: “Doctor, I have reasons to believe that my camp is full of spies; I don’t know whom to trust, and I have a very important message that must be delivered to the king without delay. In you, I have confidence, and you must take it. Go with it as fast as horse can take you to Berlin; or, better, proceed to the nearest station and take a special engine. A horse is without; go at once and lose not a moment’s time.” 

As he spoke, he handed me a package, and not daring to disobey, I hastened to the horse in waiting. Soon I was beyond the pickets and flying along the highway. Knowing it must be near five o’clock I drew up for a moment near a narrow strip of woods, and striking a match saw by my watch that it was just five minutes to five. 

I could not fail at this critical moment to communicate with Iole, so I turned into the woods and came to a stop. Jumping from my horse I assumed a restful position against a tree, and centered all my thoughts upon my sister. Almost immediately I felt the current and the signal came – “All is well.”

“All is well,” I answered in mental speech. 

“Communicate first,” she replied.

“By a sudden and unexpected call, I am on the way to Berlin with a message from Von Kral to the king. I shall not be able to return and cannot keep you informed; have you any advice to give?”

“I will consult Germain; he has just arrived,” came back the answer, and the circuit became weak, the current feeble, but did not altogether cease. A few minutes passed when the current commenced to pulsate, and she spoke: “Is your message sealed?”

“It is,” I answered.

“Then hold it to your forehead and I will read,” came back her answer.

Doing as she commanded, she commenced to read:

Napoleon will be overthrown tomorrow. Another sun will sink on subjugated France. Victory is assured and royalty is triumphant. No more will the cry of ‘Liberty’ ring on Europe’s soil. From victory, here I proceed on to Paris to destroy and level and plant her ruins in thistles. Send Frederick at once to take his throne and build another capital. 


“That is all,” she added, “proceed on your way; the powers for your safety made you the bearer of this message. Good-bye.”

“Good-bye,” I answered, and the circuit broke.

Mounting my horse, I turned into the highway and hastened on to Berlin. I reached the capital and delivered my message without loss of time; indeed, my journey was made so quickly that I received the thanks of the king.

And now for two days, I had been at the residence of Dr. Rankel, and during all that time had not heard a word from Iole. No response came to my repeated efforts to reach her mind; was anything wrong? Had she been injured? 

Calming my mind, I determined to await developments, but that evening my fears were again aroused, for the startling news reached the city that the French had been overthrown with great slaughter, and Von Kral was pushing on, by forced marches, to Paris. All was excitement; bands played, and salute after salute was fired throughout the city. Great Bonfires lighted the streets and throngs of men and women filled the thoroughfares. Shouts of victory and triumph arose, and the name of Von Kral and the king echoed through the streets.

Was the report true? I asked myself, as I paced restlessly up and down the room. Did this explain why no answer had come from Iole? Had she been killed? Had St. Germain been wrong? Thus, questioning and again giving way to doubt, I locked the door and continued pacing up and down my room waiting for the hour of ten to arrive. Determined to hear from the front, I had fully made up my mind to take the powder and communicate with Eral at Paris, if Iole did not answer. I remembered the warning, that death would be the result if disturbed, but felt secure for at least an hour in my present surroundings. Ten o’clock came at last, and taking an easy chair, I concentrated all the energies of my mind on Iole, with the desire to speak. Thanks to a strong will and her willingness, she answered. The current commenced to throb in my head, and the words came plain and distinct from within.

We have been marching day and night, and because of special communications I had to carry on with other parties, had to sever our relations for the time being. When important information and duty does not demand, there is no urgent need of it. I observe from your mental state that you have been under another rest for the last two days. Let me again warn you, never be disturbed or harbor doubt or fear; whatever happens you should take it calmly, and never become restless or give way to emotion. Now, hear what has happened. We have overthrown the Germans and almost annihilated them. General Von Kral was killed, and the entire army scattered. We are now pushing forward with all speed to Berlin. The reports you hear of our defeat are false and sent out for a purpose. 

Be not deceived, but warn all brothers to leave the city, for we have psychic information that the Germans themselves will destroy it when they learn of our approach. Your mother is now a member of our secret council here, and communications to her from your father, who is in the eastern army, say that the Russians are victorious and are pushing toward the south:  six hundred thousand strong. 

Maximilian has been killed and Vivani is in command; all depends upon Napoleon, who seems, so far, to be the only fit instrument through whom the invisibles can work. St. Germain has him completely in his power and gave him secret orders on the day of battle. The plan is now to subjugate all Germany, dethrone the king, and keeping in the country of the enemy, fall upon the Russians. We shall reach Berlin tomorrow night, and our victory will be known there by daylight, to the sorrow of the city. Warn all brothers and join our ranks; this is all tonight; my love, have peace.

The circuit broke, and I immediately informed Dr. Rankel, who quickly sent word to all members. We were none too soon, for the sun had not risen over the city before the truth was known. The people, seized with a wild fear, became panic-stricken, and fleeing from the city fired their houses. That night a sea of flames met the triumphant army of Napoleon. The king had flown and with him Dr. Rankel and all royalists. The social democrats, who were the secret allies of the French because of their cry “All Europe One Republic,” had tried to save the city, but of no avail. The torch had been applied almost everywhere at once, and before the night was over the city was in ruins. 

I joined the Napoleonic forces where they were encamped on the edge of the city. The secret council, now containing twelve members, occupied a house surrounded by a double guard, and no one was admitted without an order from one of the members. Proceeding to these quarters, I was admitted by means of a letter from Iole, and was soon in her presence. She received me with a kiss and handshake and led me to her apartments. Each member had a separate room, and, while marching, a private carriage, so there should be no interruptions to their mental concentrations. 

“Where can I see my mother?” I asked, recalling that she was a member of the council.

“All members are isolated from everybody except their mates, and it will be impossible for you to see even your long-lost mother,” she replied. “Then she is your mother in an earthly sense no longer, for she is now a member of the great ‘Third Degree.’”

Knowing the occult rules necessary for one to retain his individual, electric condition, I showed no dissent, for I was convinced that everything the Masters ordered was for the best. That night, I had the pleasure of Iole’s company until a late hour, and in the morning, we proceeded on our march to the east. 

Napoleon, on a white charger, took the lead and behind him came the twelve gilded palace carriages which contained the secret council. On each carriage was a coat-of-arms, and its central character was a five-pointed golden star, which showed that this army was, indeed, under the protection of mighty powers. A guard of officers rode on either side of the vehicles, and each contained only one occupant, but, at the order of Iole, I shared her carriage, which, by special request of Napoleon, was the first in line. 

To the stirring strains of “Liberty,” we marched through the burned city. The Unter den Linden was lined with blackened ruins, and the beauty of yesterday was no more. Early in the march, Napoleon rode up to our carriage, and seeing me, eyed me sharply, with what I had thought was displeasure. “Ah! Mademoiselle has company,” he said. 

“Monsieur Colono,” replied Iole, introducing me. 

In reply, he thanked me for my valuable services and complimented me on the possession of such powers and such an excellent companion. 

“Give all thanks to the Brotherhood,” I replied.

He eyed me keenly, but said nothing in reply; then turning to Iole with a rather tender look for his stern face, he asked: “Will Mademoiselle allow me to ride with her sometime when she is not engaged?”

“Ask St. Germain; I am under his rule,” she replied, without hesitation.

A dark frown came over his face and he asked:

“And does St. Germain rule?”

“He does,” she answered, not over-awed in the last by his clearly-implied superiority. 

“Well, we will see,” he answered significantly; “I think I rule here.” As he spoke, he rode to the front, and Iole said:

Will he, too, like his predecessor, be blinded by ambition, and in selfish egotism misuse his opportunity in the world? Does he think that he, himself, is great? No man is great in himself; he only becomes so by expressing the will of many. Only those who realize this are truly great. At this time, the great majority of the people want liberty, and if he will but utilize his opportunity and be to the great masses, what the head is to the body, his greatness is assured.

“Iole,” I answered, not without a certain temporary pang of jealously, “I believe he is smitten with you.” 

She looked at me with her large brown eyes and answered: “Never allow jealousy to contaminate your heart; keep it pure and good, for only thus will it be a fit place for the dwelling of the divine.”

Late in the afternoon, an officer handed a note through the window to Iole; passing it to me, I recognized the handwriting of my mother, and opening it read:

Count de St. Germain, now in the eastern army, orders through Father, who has just communicated with me, that you come by the quickest possible route to Vienna. You know your duty; lose no time. 


“Good-bye, Iole,” I said, “I am off at once; and whatever happens duty shall be first.”

“You are my noble brother,” she answered with a smile, as she affectionately kissed me.

Leaving the carriage, I sent the note to Napoleon, who, with a questioning look, came back to where I was and asked: “Who is this Count St. Germain?”

“The King of Occult Adepts,” I replied. 

“Well, report to him at once, and tell him I say there will be no kings this time next year.”

I immediately knew the hidden significance of his remark, but said nothing, and in an hour was hurrying across the country to the southeast. Arriving at the camp of the eastern army, I proceeded at once to the isolated quarters of the secret council, where St. Germain met me with his usual stern and serious manner. Taking me into his private apartments, he handed me two messages he had written. The first read as follows:


Do you still hold yourself subject to those who have made you what you are, and whom I represent? Or do you aspire to an empire under the fictitious name of your president? Allow not false pride or vain ambition to deceive you in this matter; we have made you what you are, and we can as quickly unmake. We have chosen you as our instrument, and it is our power that now sustains you; we will give you all the glory and fame any man can wish, and you had better serve our ends. We care not for fame or earthly power; we want results alone. We are content to work in secret and unknown if we can but bring the ends desired. 

Now, as our instrument, you must keep within set limits and be subject to our secret orders. All Europe south of the Baltic and west of the Dnieper must be one free republic, with its capital at Paris. All kings and thrones must go and the people reign. We will elect you first president so long as subject to our orders. 

Do you accept the compact? Yes or No?

Yes, and your star still rises; no, and it sinks.

— Ipse dixit,


The second message read: 


If Napoleon answers no, give him a stroke.

— Nyimayana,


This last message was written upon a peculiar paper, and had a mystic sign colored in the substance thereof.

“Take these forward at once,” said St. Germain. “Albarez will be there when you arrive; he knows these orders already, but this message will be his official permit. When Napoleon answers, report to him.”

Without waiting, I hurried back to the French army, now advancing on Warsaw and sweeping everything before it. The German king had made a stand in Poland and, reinforced by two hundred thousand Russians, was awaiting battle in front of Warsaw. 

The English allies under Nelson were bearing to the north to take the Russian capital, while Napoleon, with new recruits, had four hundred thousand men and the enthusiasm which always follows victory. When I arrived and presented my message, instantly a change came over him. Turning to me with fierce sternness, he answered: “Tell our leader no.”

Message and new men from all over France and Europe had intoxicated him with vanity of victory, and he almost thundered the response.

“If I and he,” he continued, putting the I first, “can be friends and allies, very well and good; but if we can be such only by my obedience to his orders, then our relations must be severed. I am ruler here.” 

“That is your official answer?” I asked.

“It is,” he answered laconically. 

“Very well,” I replied, “it shall be so delivered,” and bowing, I was about to retire, when he recalled me.

“What do you know about this brotherhood?” he asked.

“All I know is that they possess powers superior to death, and have knowledge of the future; if they decree your downfall, no power on earth can save you.”

“And you know that I have the lives of twelve of your members here?”

“And your life hangs but by a thread,” I answered boldly. 

He showed no change of countenance, but asked: “And do they threaten me?”

“Not unless you threaten them,” I answered.

“Well, take my answer to your leader and tell him I defy him. I hold his council as hostages to compel his peace, and she you love will be my queen. Go!”

Without a word, I repaired to the quarters of the secret council and was there met by Albarez. Giving him Napoleon’s answer, I handed him message No. 2. With an impenetrable face, he told me to be ready for a call from the commander and not leave camp. That evening Napoleon was stricken with paralysis, and I was summoned in haste. Repairing to his room, I ordered everyone to leave and sent for Albarez. The latter approached the stricken leader, and pressing his hands to his heart and head he returned to consciousness.  

Then taking a seat by his bedside, the adept closely watched him. As the wonderful eyes of the adept remained fastened on those of the stricken leader, he turned restlessly and said: “What does this mean? I am not subject to paralysis; have you, by your black art practices brought this on me?”

“Foolish man,” said the adept, “to thus defy the powers that regulate all destinies.” 

The fiery eyes of the commander looked at the adept long and intently, but the latter calmly returned his gaze. 

“By what right do you claim relationship with God and assume divine prerogatives?” he asked the immovable adept.  

“By the right of God, enlightenment, and thousands of years of work for man,” replied the adept. 

“Do you know that by my order you and all your members here would be executed in an hour?”

“You cannot give the order; and even if you should be permitted so to do, it would never be executed. There are powers present you do not see; but, even though invisible, all your arms could not prevail against them.”

“Charlatans make loud pretensions and speak with mysterious hints, but they never show their power,” replied Napoleon.

The adept for answer leaned over the recumbent leader and moved his hands above his head. Probably for the first time in his life, a startled expression came into his eyes, and he exclaimed: “Man! What demon powers do you possess?”

“The powers of God,” replied the adept, with deep solemnity.

The stricken leader moved restlessly and said: “If your claims are true I will consider your demands; but can you prove them?”

“Partially,” replied the adept.

“Then let me see your proof,” said Napoleon.

“Sleep!” commanded the adept, with a sudden movement of his hand, and instantly the eyes of the future great Napoleon closed in sleep.

“Watch him,” said the adept, as the commanded commenced to breathe regularly; “when he awakes he will be well and will change his answer to St. Germain. Tell him I have to assist in the ascent of his star, until, in growing splendor, he is proclaimed the Great.”

The adept left, and the commander, with deep, regular breathing continued in his sleep for hours. According to the orders, I admitted no one, and watched him continually. About three o’clock, a change came in his breathing; it grew lower and lower until there was no breath at all, and he appeared in a death like trance. 

“Ah!” I said, “He journeys afar,” and knowing the nature of his condition, I gave strict orders that there be no noise about the house. In the morning, as his condition still continued, I sent for Iole, and she was present when, an hour later, he recovered. The first expression of consciousness showed a change in his manner. Looking at Iole with a pleasant smile, he said: “Ah, my sister, I am well again.”

All the effects of the stroke had disappeared, and rising he turned to me and said: “Go at once to St. Germain and tell him all is well; Napoleon is convinced. You can remain, Mademoiselle, I like your company,” he added, addressing Iole as I bowed and left the room.

“Since you have joined St. Germain, I am your sister and will not leave you,” she replied, as I passed out the door on my way to the eastern army.

Five years passed; but why dwell upon these years of blood and carnage which washed away the accumulated sins of Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century? Suffice it to say that Napoleon, who now displayed greater genius than ever, pushed forward and met and overthrew the German-Russian allies at Warsaw. 

After three days’ bloody fighting, the king was killed, the city taken, and Napoleon, completely victorious, annexed Poland to the now proclaimed Republic of Europe. Then, turning to the north he was about to follow in the footsteps of Bonaparte and march on Moscow, when, in compliance with St. Germain’s secret order, he wheeled south, overthrew the Muscovites upon the Dnieper, and proclaimed that river the eastern boundary of the republic. 

The triumphant general was now called the Great in order to distinguish him in history from his illustrious predecessor. The monarchical powers, Austria and Italy, who had joined with the Franco-English alliance at first for their own preservation, becoming alarmed at the great chief’s growing power turned against him, but all to no avail. 

The secret order had placed all the commanding generals, and the armies, drawn from the masses, joined with Napoleon to fight for European democracy. Four hundred thousand French and English families were placed in the subjugated states, and the native families removed there from and scattered homes over Europe. 

All people without property were given farms, and a wonderful industrial activity set in. The English people proclaimed a democracy and joined with Europe, and in one great republic extending from the Dnieper and the Hellespont to Ireland’s eastern cape, and from the Mediterranean to the Baltic, liberty was proclaimed. In the cataclysm, while the church was not overthrown, the minds of men were changed; she had lost her power upon the people, and a philosophical religion sprang up to take its place. 

Enormous schools were built at Paris, and thousands of wandering philosophers journeyed over the country, teaching without pay or price. Napoleon was proclaimed “liberator” and elected president by the votes of all the states. At the advice of St. Germain, who was still kept in the dark, he for diplomatic purposes declined, but the people with one voice demanded his acceptance, and he was inaugurated at Paris during a convocation of all the states.

A great parliament of Liberty was formed, and the new century announced by the constitution they proclaimed. In glaring headlines, it was scattered over the entire world, while throughout the republic, it was posted at every crossroads and corner and proclaimed by orators on the highways. Thus, it read:


All men are born free and all nature is their equal heritage; he who seizes more than his equal share must forfeit or render an equivalent. 

Occupancy and use shall be the sole and inviolable title to land and all natural things thereon, and neither governments nor men can abrogate or set aside such title.

Taxes must be levied to equalize all inequalities that spring from special privileges that men have seized, for there must be special privileges to none. 

Men, women, and children, singly or collectively, shall have the unqualified right to go, do, and act as they please, so long as they injure not their fellow-man or harmless creature.

All proclaim — Liberty, Truth, Justice, Fraternity.





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