Fragments of a Faith Forgotten

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Fragments of a Faith Forgotten

By G.R.S. Mead


Abdias, 418.

Aberamentho, 514, 519.

Abiram, 226.

Abortion, 225, 269, 329, 340, 356.

Aboulfatah, 162, 163.

Abrasax, 280, 281, 282, 283.

Abyss, 188, 308, 312.

Accretions, 276.

Acembes, 208.

Achamoth, 334.

Acts, Gnostic, 153, 415.

Acts, Leucian, 417.

Acts of Apostles, 128, 568.

Acts of Andrew, 445.

Acts of John, 426, 434, 443, 445.

Acts of Peter, 152, 417, 580.

Acts of Thomas, 403, 419, 422, 424.

Adam, 189, 190, 247, 299, 446, 447, 551; sons of, 599.

Adam, Book of, 126.

Adamant, 277, 406, 413.

Adamas, 465, 474, 510, 512; Sabaoth, 521, 527.

Adembes, 208.

Adityas, 327.

Æon, 207; divine, 390; fourteenth, 532; incorruptible, 191; living, 311, 329, 344, 365; perfect, 218; of æons, 203; of night, 208; thirteenth, 325, 466, 468, 476, 511, 515, 520, 522, 528, 531, 532, 539.

Æons, 173, 218, 313; names of, 338; parents of, 336; seat of, 440; ten, 337; treasures of, 192; triacontad of, 341; twelve, 337, 465, 511, 531.

Æon-world, 313.

Ætherial, creation, 263; Jesus, 565.

Ethers, 208.

After-death state, 490, 497, 516.

Agape, 235, 423.

Agathopus, 302.

Agrapha, 412, 593.

"Agree with thine adversary," 231, 499.

Agrippa Castor, 147, 278.

Ahuramazda, 177.

Akasha, 204.

Akhmim Codex, 152, 579.

Alexander, 39, 97, 99, 279, 357.

Alexandria, 24, 53, 60, 69, 91, 95, 295.

All-Father, 41, 385, 549, 583.

All-Mother, 334, 375.

"All things depending," 307.

Allegories, 71, 79.

Alone-begotten, 218, 341, 388, 390, 553, 554, 555, 586.

Alone-born, 551.

Alpha, 530.

Anagamin, 370.

Ananias, 580.

Anatolic, 287, 288, 354.

Anaxagoras, 68.

Anaximander, 37.

Ancestral heart, 301.

Ancient, of days, 348; of eternity, 397.

Andrew, 445, 487, 581.

Ani, 393.

Announcement, Great, 165, 167, 170, 173, 174.

Antioch, 175, 178, 288.

Antitheses, 226.

Ambrose, 64.

Amen, 365, 431; first, 527.

Amens, seven, 529; three, 523, 528.

Amru, 106.

Amshaspends, 177, 339.

Apelles, 250.

Aphredon, 551.

Aphrodite, 511, 512.

Apocalypse, untitled, 547.

Apocalypses, 94.

Apocrypha, 94.

Apollonius of Tyana, 55.

Apology, 381, 439, 483, 486, 499, 527, 600.

Appendages, 276, 277, 301.

Appended Soul, On an, 277.

Apostle, The, 245.

Arahat, 371.

Ararad, 505.

Archimedes, 108.

Ardesianes, 355.

Ares, 510.

Arian, 261.

Arithmetic, 223, 335, 375.

Aristobulus, 117.

Aristophanes, 109.

Aristotle, 53, 104, 107.

Arrogant, 468, 469, 470.

Ascension of pleroma, 478.

Asceticism, 178, 184, 248, 274.

Askew Codex, 151, 343, 423, 453, 529.

As Others saw Him, 412, 594.

Astrology, 207, 209,. 283, 397.

Athos, Mount, 212, 273.

Atlantic Island, 39, 40.

Atom, 222, 223, 316, 318, 319, 320, 331, 554.

At-one-ment, 389, 556.

Attalus, 104.

Augustine, 251.

Augustus, birthday of, 3.

Authentic, 304, 365, 504, 509, 512, 541, 542.

Axionicus, 288, 355.

Babe, 274, 307.

Babel, 407, 410, 411.

Babylon, 86, 89, 204.

Bacchi, 10.

Bacchic mysteries, 67, 81.

Bacchus, 534.

Balance, 512.

Baptism, 176, 238, 377; mysteries of, 499, 533, (vision of) 514, (fires of) 500; myth of dove, 371; of fire, 522, 526; of incense, 515; of Jesus, 278; of Holy Spirit, 515, 522, 526; of midst, 511; of right, 511; of water, 515, 522, (of life) 524.

Baptismal consecration, 380.

Barbelo, 178, 334, 514, 515, 531, 583, 584, 585, 586.

Barbelo-Gnostics, 167, 568, 583, 589.

Barcabbas and Barcoph, 278.

Bardesanes, 288, 355, 392, 414, 420.

Bardesanites, 395.

Bar-Manu, 393.

Baruch, Book of, 193, 196.

Basilides, 253.

Basilisk, 474.

Baur, 166.

Beelzeboul, 349, 350.

Beloved, people of, 305.

Be-with-us, day, 343.

Bird, great, 473.

Birth, new, 203; of Horus, 60; second, 191, 519; of spiritual man, 60.

Births of joy, 550; of matter, 563.

Bitter, 215, 598.

Blossoms, 442.

Body, 496.

Book of Adam, 126.

Book of Baruch, 193.

Book of the Dead, 301, 343.

Book of Gnoses of Invisible God, 518.

Book of Great Logos according to the Mystery, 152, 455, 457, 567.

Book of Laws of Countries, 394, 398.

Books of Ieou, 455, 487, 505, 533, 569.

Books of the Saviour, 151, 374, 507, 546, 567, 573.

Bosom, Abraham's, 351.

Boundary (see Limit) 307, 342, 343; great, 313, 379; highest, 313.

Brahmarandhra, 205.

Brain, 211.

Breath, great, 330; of their mouths, 467.

Bridal chamber, 419, 421.

Brooke, 391.

Brothel, 169.

Brother, Jesus my, 475; Paul our, 568.

Bruchion, 98, 100, 103, 105.

Bubastis, 512.

Buddha, 7, 37.

Bugs, story of John and the, 443.

Burton, 145.

Bythus, 312, 321, 323, 325, 327.

Caduceus, 185.

Cain, 190, 224, 226.

Cainites, 198, 224.

Called, 47, 199.

Calligraphists, 103.

Callimachus, 109.

Canon, 121, 241, 243.

Canopus, 97, 103.

Capernaum, 244.

Capparatea, 175.

Caracalla, 393.

Caravanserai (see Inn), 301, 443.

Carpocrates, 229.

Cave, 435.

"Cease not to seek," 489.

Cecrops, 41.

Celbes, 208.

Celsus, 150, 183, 233, 589.

Cerdo, 240.

Cerebellum, 211.

Cerinthus, 237.

Chaldæan, influence on Jewry, 93; logia, 172; mysteries, 51, 58, 89; star-cult, 206; tradition, 43, 94.

Chaos, 188, 208, 328, 469, 470, 471, 497; child of, 189.

Charinus, Lucius, 417.

Charis, 588, 595.

Charismatic, 124.

Chassidim, 93, 94.

Child, little, 406; of chaos, 189; of the child, 523, 528.

Children, little, 598; of life, 303; of the fulness, 524; of light, 521; of true mind, 519.

Chiliasm, 124.

Choic, 199.

Chorizantes, 104.

Chosen, of God, 90, 92; people, 87, 128.

Chrestos, 249.

Chrism, 205, 382, 515, 522.

Christ, 227, 273, 327, 378, 448, 542, 556, 586, 587; a, 484; above, 190; and Holy Spirit, 341; distinguished from Jesus, 427; historic gnosis of, 508; invocation to, 380; is the word, 448; Jesus, 368; mystic body of, 354; name of, 422; the, 507, 555; the great master, 430.

Christliche Welt, Die, 4.

Christs, 176, 343, 595, 599.

Circuits (Tours), 446.

City, 419, 421, 547, 557, 566, 602.

Citizens of heaven, 82.

Claps of hands, 79.

Claudius, 109.

Clay, 208, 351.

Clement of Alexandria, 119, 148, 418.

Clementine literature, pseudo, 162, 164, 166.

Cleobius, 164.

Cleopatra, 98, 99, 106, 110. Closet, 70.

Coats of skin, 190.

Codex, Akhmim, 152, 579; Askew, 151, 343, 423, 453, 529; Brucianus, 151, 192, 213, 303, 312, 374, 382, 421, 454, 515, 529, 591.

"Come unto us," 409, 462; day of, 343.

Commandments, good, 522.

Commodus, 250.

Common fruit, 331, 345, 346, 349, 351, 352.

Communism, 234.

Communities, 30; mystic, 60; Orphic, 50; variety of, 85.

Community, Mareotic, 85; of friends, 305.

Compendium, 148; of Hippolytus, 14, 149; of Justin, 178; of Theodoret, 150. Conception, 169, 173.

Concerning Fate, 394.

Concerning the Offspring of Mary, 198.

Confucius, 37.

Conglomeration of seed-mixture, 262, 265, 272, 276.

Consummation, final, 270; of first mystery, 503; gnostic, 405.

Conversion, 448, 449; of spheres, 465, 466, 467.

Conybeare, 61.

Coran, 226.

Corners, four, 525, 542.

Corybantic mysteries, 67.

Counterfeit spirit, 276, 471, 496, 498, 499, 500, 504, 505.

Couch, 433; couches, 76.

Cratylus, 200.

Critias, 39.

Cross, 221, 330, 342, 343, 352, 371, 445, 446, 447, 548, 550, 559; address to, 445; bush of, 435; initiation of the, 438; mystery of, 435; of light, 435; redemption of, 447; of wood, 436; salvation of, 229; supernal, 548.

Crotona, 50.

Crucified in space, 330.

Crucifixion, 227.

Crucify the world, 303, 518.

Cube, 222, 317, 324.

Cumont, 279.

Cup, of life-giving water, 215; of wisdom, 516.

Cureton, 394.

Cyprus, 296.

Cyrus, 89.

Dæmonian hierarchies, 512; powers, 190.

Daemons, 59, 301.

Daevos, 59.

Daisan, 392.

Dance, 80, 433, 437; circular, 195; of initiation, 431.

Daniel, Book of, 25.

Darkness, 188, 390; dragon of, 490, 492, 503; outer, 490, 503, 546.

Darkness, The Light and the, 394.

Dathan, 226.

Daveithe, 588.

David, 588.

Day Be-with-us, 343; great, 462; of light, 487; of perfect forms, 349; sixth, 371.

Dead, 203; prayers for, 381, 494; resurrection of, 494, 495; raised him from, 354; rise from, 176.

Death, face of, 304.

Decad, 82, 323, 324, 326, 378, 551, 586.

Decans, 510, 539.

Deficiency, 225, 265, 328, 343, 379.

De Legatione, 65.

Delights of world, 496.

Demiurge (see Workman), 180, 262, 264, 307, 348, 349, 355, 372, 381, 533.

Democritus, 68.

Depth, 313, 352, 547; beyond being, 312; unutterable, 188.

Depths, twelve, 548.

Desert, 186.

Destiny, 496, 497, 498.

Destruction of False Doctrines, 246.

Deucalion, flood of, 40.

Devas, 59, 363.

Devi, 363.

Diabolus, 232, 349, 350, 384.

Diagram of man of truth, 367; of Ophites, 589.

Diagrams, 536, 537.

Dialogues against the Marcionites, 394.

Diaspora or Dispersion, 91, 135, 361.

Didascaleion, 119, 120.

Dionysus, 42, 49.

Docetism, 217, 302, 328, 426, 427.

Dodecad, 323, 324, 432, 536, 551.

Dodecahedron, 209, 222, 317, 325; rhombic, 325.

Döllinger, 64.

Door, 433, 436.

Dositheus, 162.

Dove, 377, 423, 424, 459; baptism-myth of, 371; father in form of, 238, 278, 354, 515.

Dragon, great, 490; of darkness, 490, 492, 503, 510.

Dry, shame of, 424.

Dwarf, 439, 598.

Eagle, 262, 410.

Earth, most beautiful, 194.

Ebion, 127, 237.

Ebionism, 126, 165, 226, 237.

Echo, 365, 373.

Economy, 373, 378.

Eden, 194, 204, 334.

Edessa, 392.

Egg, 185, 214, 320, 331.

Egypt, 407, 466; before flood, 40, 569; Persian conquest of, 59; plagues of, 222; the body, 186; wisdom of, 38, 57.

Egyptian, discipline, 237; mysteries, 51, 58.

Elect, 93, 199, 275, 303, 365, 468.

Eleleth, 588.

Element, scheme of the one, 367.

Eleven years, 459.

Eleusinia, 49, 50, 51, 202.

Eleutherus, 296.

Elias, soul of, 461; to come, 220.

Elkesai, 127.

Elohim, 189, 190, 194.

Embryology, 281, 505, 536.

Encratism, 178.

Energies, 436.

Enformation according to substance, 329, 376; to knowledge, 329, 376.

Ennads, 551.

Ennœa, 321, 323, 325.

Enoch, 487, 505, 569.

Ephemereuts, 75.

Ephraim, 395.

Epiphanes, 127, 233.

Epiphanius, 150, 589.

Epiphany, 234.

Epopteia, 355.

Erani, 50.

Eratosthenes, 108.

Erectheus, 41.

Esau, 226.

Essenes, 66, 84, 93, 94, 101, 131, 162, 227, 279.

Eta, 532.

Euclid, 108, 314.

Eucharist, 248, 423, 515, 526.

Eudæmonistic eschatology, 142.

Eulogius, 306.

Eumenes, 104.

Euphrates, 204, 208.

Eusebius, 61, 62, 64, 150.

Eve, 189, 190, 247, 351.

"Except a man be born of water," 221.

Excommunication, 241, 295.

Exegetica, 254, 255, 274.

Ex Nihilo, 259.

Exodus (see Going-forth) myth, 186.

Exterior of exteriors, 462, 506.

Excerpts from Theodotus, 287, 292, 332, 356.

Ezekiel, vision of, 94.

Eznik, 246.

Face, 176, 303, 304, 422, 548.

Faces, authentic, 504.

Fall, into matter, 470; of Sophia, 305; of the soul, 334.

Fate, 395, 397.

Fate, Concerning, 394.

Fate-sphere, 209, 465, 477, 498, 505, 510.

Father, alone good, 301; "he who shall leave," 504, 509; language of my, 533; -mother, 336, 337, 338.

Fatherhood, 368. Fatherhoods, sixty, 544.

Fear, 361; mystery of their, 546; of the Lord, 267, 348.

Fifteenth year of Cæsar, 278.

Fiftieth day, 74, 75.

Fifty, 82.

Fig-tree, 218.

Filioque, 261.

Fire, 171, 468, 490; at Alexandria, 105, 109; baptism of, 522, 526; finger of, 329; flower of, 172; hidden, 171; life-giving, 219; mist, 185; tree, 172.

Firmament, 262, 263, 266, 311, 464.

First, born, 560, (sons of Satan), 13, 32, 174; last shall be, 478; man, 188, 190, 191, 371, 447, 448, 498, 584, 585; statute, 463, 465; woman, 188.

Fish, 261, 270.

Five, books, 385; impressions, 529; limbs, 422, 423; supporters, 529; trees, 523, 529, 544; years’ silence, 278, 282.

Flesh, of ignorance, 520; perfect, 582; of rulers, 468; of unrighteousness, 519; tongue of, 438, 552, 578; word made, 390.

Flood, 40, 505, 569.

Flora, Letter to, 383.

Foreknowledge, 585.

Forethought, 550, 585.

Forgiveness of sins, 501, 523, 527, 530, 531, 533.

Formlessness, 268, 270, 329.

"For this cause I bow my knees," 352.

Fortune, 398, 399, 400.

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Forty-nine, 464, 465, 471, 506, 523.

Four, 374; great lights, 588; holy ones, 377; quarters, 509, 525, 542; primal passions, 346; supernal, 363.

Four Quarters of the World, 167.

Four and twenty invisibles, 476.

Four and twentieth mystery, 462.

Fourteenth æon, 532.

Fourth, dimension, 318; gospel, 260, 388, 391.

Freewill, 399.

Fruits of spirit, 338.

Gabriel, 377, 473.

Galileans, 306.

Galilee, 524, 582; mount of, 515.

Garment, one, 425; wedding, 405.

Gate, Canopic, 103; "I am the true," 202; of the heavens, 203; of the lord, 202; of truth, 204.

Gates, 538; of light, 502, 503; of the powerful, 333; of the treasure, 474.

Gazzah, 406.

Gennesaret, 430.

"Geometrizes, God," 314.

Gifts of spirit, 441.

Gitta, 164.

Glad tidings, 243, 256, 517.

Glaucias, 254.

Glorified of Logos, 556.

Glory, hymn of the robe of, 406, 419; king of, 421; robe of, 460, 461, 464, 520; vestures of, 472.

Gnosis, 266, 446; Basilidian, 254, 577, (ethical side of), 273; definition of, 32; glories of, 480; Jewish, 118; monadic, 236; outlines of background of, 94; pre-christian, 163, 183; supreme, 480; synthesizing of, 289, 295; Syrian, 177; of all the gnoses, 484; of Christ, 508; of gnosis of ineffable, 508; of Jesus, 479; of mystery of ineffable, 480; of pleroma, 481, 484, 503; of things that are, 32, 52.

"Gods, Ye are," 487.

Going-forth, myth of the, 185, 210.

Good, 67, 201; commandments, 522; deity, 195; God, 203, 243, 247, 441; land, 340; "Why callest thou me," 201.

Gorthæus, 164.

Gospel, 266, 268.

Gospel according to Egyptians, 198, 200, 233, 249.

Gospel according to Hebrews, 126.

Gospel according to Mary, 580.

Gospel according to Thomas, 198, 201.

Gospel of Eve, 198, 439.

Gospel of Judas, 226, 228.

Gospel of Mary, 152, 165, 199, 423.

Gospel of Paul, 244.

Gospel of Perfection, 198.

Gospel of Philip, 198, 439, 540.

Governors, 399, 401.

Grace, 390, 432, 434, 436, 440, 554, 555, 558.

Grasshoppers, 73.

Grätz, 342.

Great, bird, 473; body, 366; boundary, 313, 379; breath, 330; consummation, 421; day, 462; deep, 312; dragon, 490; elements, 188; firmament, 263, 311; harvest,

308; Iao, 529; ignorance, 270, 271; invisible, 532; invisible forefather, 469; Jordan, 202; just one, 532; king, 529; light, 474, 523, 529, 587; lights, 188; limit, 270, 272; logoi according to the mystery, 544; logos, 544; man himself, 529; master, 430; mercy, 270; mind, 205; mother, 191; name, 363, 514, 523, 542, 599; one, 378, 420; peace, 142; power, 164, 171, 173, 185, 543; receiver, 467; ruler, 262, 266, 267, 272; Sabaoth, 513, 529; sea, 40; silence, 311; soul, 467; supporters, 479; teacher, 5; thought, 173; unknown, 309; wedding feast, 397.

Greatness, 352, 363, 372, 423, 424, 440.

Greatnesses, 368, 537.

Grief, 346.

"Greeks are but children," 111.

Grenfell and Hunt, 600, 602.

Guardians, 523, 528, 538.

Hades, 447.

Hair of his head, 548.

Hanging on the tree, 343.

Harmogen, 588.

Harmony, 365, 436.

Harmozel, 588.

Harnack, 4, 144, 589.

Harpocratians, 233.

Harvest, great, 308.

Healers, 61, 442.

Heart, ancestral, 301; of eternities, 317; pure in, 300.

Heaven, citizens of, 82; journey, 468; kingdom of, 201, 202, 203, 514, 602; man from, 371; wars in, 208; world, 347.

Heavens, seven, 396.

Heavenly man, 201, 202, 222, 300, 329, 330, 344, 423, 439, 566.

Hebdomad, 264, 266, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 280, 307, 323, 333, 348, 349, 371.

Hegesippus, 164.

Hell, 247.

Helen, 43; myth of, 168.

Helena, 163, 168.

Hellenists, 117.

Hephæstus, 40.

Heracleon, 288, 391.

Hercules, 194, 196.

Heresies, On, 251.

Hermes, 57, 201, 222, 511; first, 570; thrice-greatest, 440; shepherd of, 438.

Hermetic schools, 57.

Herodotus, 40.

Hesiod, 38, 43.

Hesychius, 388.

Higher criticism, 14, 25, 242, 385; ego, 471; self, 433; selves, 421.

Hipparchus, 108, 211.

Hippolytus, 149, 212, 293, 590.

Hira?ya-garbha, 320.

Historicized legends of initiation, 278.

Historicizing of mythology, 88.

Hittites, 101.

Holiness, degrees of, 133.

Holy, holy, holy, 554; of holies, 374, 551; one, 434; ones, 377; "Spirit shall come upon thee," 269; table, 80; women, 251.

Homer, 44.

Honestas, 55.

Hormuz, 339.

Horn, of plenty, 205, 222; one, 222.

Horos (Boundary), 308.

Horus, 233; birth of, 60.

Hort, 144, 250.

"Hour hath not yet come, My," 271.

"How hath the lord of the pleroma changed us," 464.

"How long shall I bear with you," 487.

Hyksos, 58, 213.

Hyle, 139, 210, 246, 466, 471, 472, 474.

Hylics, 193.

Hymn, 431; Naassene, 205; of Jesus, 431; of praise, 462; of the powers, 464; of the robe of glory, 406, 419; of the soul, 403; of welcome "Come unto us," 462; to light, 566; to first mystery, 539, 545; to logos, 555; to unapproachable god, 543; to wisdom, 419.

Hymns, 394; against heresies, 395; of Bardaisan, 414, 420; of Ephraim, 395; Orphic, 45; penitential, 471; singing of, 79.

Hypatia, 96, 100.

Hyrcania, 412.

Hystera, 225.

Hysterema, 225.

Hyssop, 73, 77, 80, 342.

"I am a wanderer," 220.

"I am that man," 483.

"I am that mystery," 502.

"I am the god of Abraham," 266.

"I am the true gate," 202.

"I am thou," 439, 598.

"I become what I will," 201.

"I came not to call the righteous," 490.

"I have recognised myself," 540; "my sin," 268.

"I have torn myself asunder," 488.

"I know myself," 382.

"I know thee who thou art," 440.

"I recognised myself," 600.

"I will go into that region," 470.

Iabe (Iave), 534.

Iabraoth, 510, 527, 540.

Iacchus (Yach), 534.

Ialdabaoth, 189, 191, 192, 470.

Iao, 381, 509, 534; great, 529.

Ice, 490.

Icosahedron, 222, 317.

Idea, little, 537, 541, 543, 545.

Ideas, 334; greatnesses or, 537.

Idolatry, 247.

Idols, things sacrificed to, 239.

Idol-worship, 300.

Ieou, 465, 504, 505, 510, 512, 513, 524, 529, 533, 534, 535, 540, 544; books of, 455, 487, 505, 533, 569; seal on forehead of, 537, 538; first man, 498; type of true god, 535.

Ieous, 537, 544.

Iessæi, 126.

"If ye drink not my blood," 202.

"If ye make not right like as left," 448.

Ignorance, 377, 472; flesh of, 520; great, 270, 271; nature of, 520.

Illumination, 377.

Illusionists, 217.

Illusory, 427.

Image, 180, 304, 313, 349, 387, 424, 471, 547, 584; images, 305, 328.

Imaging forth, 172.

Immovables, 529.

Impassables, 529, 545, 555.

Impressions, five, 529.

"In the place where I shall be," 484.

Incense, baptism of, 515.

Incorruptible æon, 191; treasure of, 192; mystery-names, 511.

Incorruptibility, 440, 585.

India, 55.

Indian religion, 393.

Individuitatis, principium, 344.

Indivisible, 552, 554.

Indweller of light, 478.

Ineffable, 462, 463, 464, 486; chrism, 205; first mystery of, 479; gnosis of gnosis of, 508; limbs of the, 483, 485, 507; mysteries of vestures of, 501; mystery of, 481, 482, 494, 500, 507; name, 543; one word of, 481; space of, 477, 479; tongue of, 482; vesture, 557.

Ineffables, 566.

Infancy, story of, 412, 474.

Inheritance of light, 477, 478, 479, 483, 487.

Iniquity, seed of, 504; wrath of their, 512.

Initiation, 355, 370, 375, 380, 411, 423, 427, 462; ceremonies, 358; dance of, 431; grades of, 182; historicized legends of, 278; mountain of, 598; of the cross, 438; of the disciples, 508; robe of, 405.

Initiations, 382.

Inn, 352.

Intercourse, mystery of, 469, 510; with males, 501.

Interior of interiors, 460, 462, 464, 506.

Investiture, 462.

Ion, 41, 43.

Iota, 222.

Irenæus, 147, 291, 582; unreliability of, 280.

Isidorus, 273, 277, 301, 306.

Isis, 201, 323.

Italic, 287, 354.

Ithye, 403.

Jacob, 202, 225.

Jamblichus, 57, 58.

James, 580.

Jehovah, 534.

Jerome, 150.

Jerusalem, 557; above, 349, 351, 396, 421; below, 435, 447; celestial, 340; church of, 119; destruction of, 92.

Jesus, 186, 199, 204, 221, 272, 302, 375, 353, 368, 376, 378, 472, 543, 565; a shepherd boy, 197; the name a substitute, 368; baptism of, 278; Christ distinguished from, 427, cosmic, 345; Ebionite tradition of, 128; hymn of, 431; Mary, mother of, 474; my brother, 475; mysteries of, 532; our God, 442; person of, 140; portrait of, 233; son of Mary, 269; stories of, 428; the master, 376; mystery of gnosis of, 479; six-lettered name, 369; twin of, 424.

Jeû (see Ieou), 534.

John, 237, 580, 581; Apocryphon of, 152, 580; farewell address, 441; last prayer of, 442; the virgin, 484; the baptist, 162, 461.

Jonah myth, 447.

Jordan, 185, 186, 202, 204, 221.

Joseph, 475.

Josephus, 118.

Joshua, 186.

Joy, 419; births of, 550.

Judas, 224, 226.

Judas Thomas, 419, 424; Acts of, 403.

Julian, 97.

Just, god, 243, 384; one, great, 532.

Justin Martyr, 148, 178, 590.

Justinus, 193, 246.

Kabalism, 94, 133, 361.

Kalapatauroth, 505.

Karman, 232, 265, 274, 394, 397, 399.

Kenoma, 307, 313.

Kingdom, of heaven, 201, 602; of light, 481, 506; of heavens, 202, 203, (keys of), 514; of midst, 308; of mysteries, 491.

"Kin to me," 437.

"Knees, For this cause I bow my," 352.

Knowledge, "falsely so called," 384; motions of, 413; of supermundane things, 254, 255; tree of, 487, 505.

Knowledges, 413.

Kolarbasus, 127.

Köstlin, 574.

K?i?h?a, 7.

Kronos, 510.

Ku??alini, 204.

Kushan, 406.

Lake Marœa, 69, 97.

Lamp, 433.

Land, milk and honey, 340; god-bearing, 555; good, 340; promised, 186; Siriadic, 58.

Laotze, 37.

"Last shall be first," 478.

Left, 334, 348, 436, 447, 448, 449, 465, 466, 477, 513, 515, 523, 528, 548.

Leibnitz, 320.

"Let there be light," 259.

Leucian Acts, 417, 426.

Levi, 581.

Library, of Alexandria, 96, 98, 102; of Aristotle, 104; of Persepolis, 279.

Life, 389, 564; breath, 320; children of, 303; divine, 372; everlasting, 585; face of, 304; father of, 404; giving fire, 219; giving water, 197; of the father, 518; spark, 180; tree of, 446, 487, 505; virgin of, 526; water of, 201, 565; word and, 374.

Light and the Darkness, 394.

Light, 320, 380, 387, 434, 446, 564; atmosphere of, 514; beams, 75; boundless, 509, 525; children of, 521; collector of, 467; cross of, 435; crown, 473; flames, 504; day of, 487; fluid, 189; gates of, 502, 503; great, 474, 523, 529, 587; hymn to, 566; image of, 471, 544; indweller of, 478; inheritance of, 477, 478, 479, 483, 487; kingdom of, 481, 484, 506; maiden, 397; mysteries 479 of the treasure, 512; overseer of, 465; power, 470, 473, 496, 505; ray, 216; realm, 460; receivers of, 491; robe, 382, 404, 460; seven virgins of, 525; sons of, 371, 511; spark, 179, 180, 189, 190, 303, 305, 329, 465, 548, 554, 562, 584, 586, 599; sparks, 214, 461, 600; sphere, 322; spirit, 586; stream, 473, 483; streams of, 504; three spaces of the, 478; third of their, 465; treasure, 466, 468, 523, 530; treasure of, 477, 478, 509, 511, 514,

520, 522, 525, 527; vesture, 191, 468, 559; vesture of, 460, 463, 483, 499; virgin of, 476, 491, 497, 498, 499, 517; water of pure, 584; world, 195, 311, 320, 322, 421, 459, 477, 540.

Lights, great, 188, 512, 588.

Limbs, 366, 437, 439, 445, 462, 482, 540, 547, 556, 600; five, 422, 423; of heavenly man, 566; of ineffable, 483, 485, 507.

Limit (see Boundary), great, 267, 270, 272, 343, 462, 463.

Limitary spirit, 262, 266, 267, 269, 272, 343.

Linus, 418, 446.

Lipsius, 150, 291, 415.

Little, child, 406; children, 598; idea, 537, 541, 543, 545; man, 439; midst, 531; one, 306; Sabaoth, 512, 516.

Liturgi, 539.

Living one, 380, 381, 382, 518, 520, 534, 554, 602.

Logia, Chaldæan, 172.

Logoi, or logia, 294, 484, 507, 508, 593; rejected, 593.

Logos (see Word), 56, 201, 207, 216, 330, 344, 368, 372, 373, 384, 388, 412, 433, 445, 535, 537, 544; creator, 553, 556; doctrine of, 58; glorified of, 556; great, 544; hymn to the, 555; mind-born, 566; Osiris the, 59; perfect man or, 215; second aspect of, 261.

Lot, 225.

Luminaries, 588.

Magdalene, 466, 484.

Magi, 271, 279.

Magic, 167, 175, 318, 466.

Magna Vorago, 331.

Magus, 167.

Maha-pralaya, 270.

Maiden, 419, 421.

Maimonides, 143.

Mainandros, 177.

Maishan, 407, 411.

Male-female, 173, 174, 199, 200, 218.

Malice, mystery of, 522.

Man, 273, 422, 433, 438, 439, 446, 547, 548, 550, 559, 562, 566; Adam the, 551; and church, 323, 337, 374; constitution of, 496; descent of, 446; doctrine, 188; first, 188, 190, 191, 371, 498, 584, 585; from heaven, 371; heavenly, 201, 202, 222, 300, 329, 330, 344, 423, 439 (limbs of), 586; himself, great, 529; "I am that," 483; inner, 351, 352; last, 371; little and great, 439; new, 353; of truth, 366, 367; perfect, 427; perfected, 354; powers of, 302; second, 188; son of, 189, 199, 202, 378, 581; son of this, 222; sons of, 372; spiritual, 271; thy, 440; way of the first, 448; woman, 334, 584.

Mandaites, 126.

Manetho, 40, 569.

Manichæism, 392, 395, 416.

Mansel, 145.

Many, "called, few chosen," 47; "members, one body," 507; "thyrsus-bearers, few bacchi," 10.

Marcians, 177, 288.

Marcion, 25, 175, 240, 241. Marcionite, antitheses, 226; churches 242; movement, 240.

Marcionites, Dialogues against the, 394.

Marcellina, 233.

Marcosian ritual, 380.

Marcosians, 288.

Marcus, 287, 590; number-symbolism of, 358.

Mareotic community, 69, 85; lake, 69, 97.

Mariamne, 199.

Marriage, 273; sacred, 420.

Marsanes, 553.

Martha, 589.

Martyrdom, 275; pains of, 494.

Martyrs, 249, 274; of Lyons, 292.

Mary, Concerning the Offspring of, 198.

Mary, Genealogy of, 589.

Mary, Gospel of, 152, 165, 199, 423.

Mary, Gospel according to, 580.

Mary, Questions of, 198, 454, 466.

Mary, Greater and Lesser Questions of, 199, 589.

Mary, 353, 461, 506, 511, 581, 589; the body, 269; Jesus, son of, 269; Magdalene, 466, 484; mother of Jesus, 474.

Masbotheus, 164.

Mathematicians, 207, 361.

Mathesis, 294, 315.

Matrix, 334.

Matter, 466, 471, 554, 557, 558, 560, 576; births of, 563; fall into, 470; devour their own, 467; purgations of, 489; virgin of, 564.

Matthias, 254.

Max Müller, 8.

Maya-vadins, 217.

Mayavi-rupa, 428.

Medulla, 211.

Melchizedec, 467, 512, 513, 526.

Members, 539, 550.

Memoirs of the Apostles, 162.

Menander, 175.

Mercury, rod of, 185 .

Mercy, great, 270; perfect, 422, 423.

Merinthians, 237.

Metempsychosis, 219.

Metensomatosis, 220.

Metropolis of Alone-begotten, 553.

Michael, 473.

Middle space, 173, 188, 334, 348, 540.

Midst, 308, 333, 488, 516; baptism of, 511; earth becometh, 519; little, 531; way of, 490, 510, 511, 513, 514, 546.

Miltiades, 291.

Mind, 173, 185, 205, 334, 388, 518, 519, 551, 561.

Mind and truth, 323, 336.

Mineral nature of soul, 277.

Miriam, 81.

Mirror, 433.

Miscellanies, The, 287.

Mithras, 55, 56, 279.

Mixture, 488, 496.

Moist essence, 204, 208.

Mohammed, 7.

Monad, 67, 222, 318, 335, 373, 548, 549, 550, 551, 555, 557.

Monadic gnosis, 236.

Monadity, 374.

Monadology, 320.

Monastery, 70, 71.

Money-changers, 596.

Monoïmus, 222.

Montanist, 251.

Moon, 263, 473, 510.

Moses, 81, 185, 196, 222, 225, 266, 387; of Chorene, 393.

Mosheim, 234.

Mother, above, 191, 396, 561; breath, 330; mysteries of great, 203; of all, 169, 185; of compassion, 422; of many names, 334; of living, 334; of thirty names, 379; of your mother, 382; shining, 334; virgin, 58.

Mount, 370, 429, 430, 435, 439, 508, 598; Athos, 212, 273; of Galilee, 515; of Olives, 435, 459.

Mountain, Secret Sermon on the, 440.

Mysteries, 46, 411, 431, 433; Assyrian, 200; Bacchic and Corybantic, 67; boundary marks of, 490; Chaldæan, 51, 58; degrees of, 484; Egyptian, 51, 58, 201; Eleusinian, 51; greater, 203, 522; Greek, 201; keys of, 506; kingdom of, 491; lesser, 203, 215, 522, 527; mimics of, 493; Mithriac, 55, 56, 279; of baptism, 499, 514, 533; of embryology, 281; of Jesus, 532; of Seth, 58; of sex, 184; of great mother, 203; Orphic, 51, 216; philosophic, 50, 51; Phrygian, 201, 202; preaching of, 489; private, 49; political, 49; ritual from, 431; Samothracian, 202; state, 49; Thracian, 202; twelve, 485.

Mystery, 356, 437; according to the, 152, 455, 457, 544, 567; cultus, 49; drama, 433; fires of baptism, 500; first, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 472, 473, 474, 477, 478, 479, 482, 493, 500, 502, 503, 506, 507, (hymn to) 539, 545, (mystery of) 479, (outer space of), 479; four-and-twentieth, 462; "I am that," 502; kept secret, 495; last, 462, 463; looking within, 486; myths, 191; names, 511; of breaking of seals, 498; of every nature, 447; of intercourse, 469, 510; of cross, 435; of forgiveness of sins, 523, 527, 530, 531, 533; of ineffable, 479, 480, 481, 482, 494, 500, 507; of light of thy father, 515; of resurrection of dead, 494, 495; of spiritual chrism, 522; of twelve æons, 531; of their fear, 546; of withdrawing evil, 522, 527; relative of the, 552; that was unknown, 269, 353; type of race, 471; world beyond, 462; ’twixt heaven and earth, 439; wisdom declared in, 268.

Myrrh, 420.

Myrtle, 420.

Mysticæ voces, 365.

Myth, Exodus, 185, 186, 210; Jonah, 447; of Helen, 168; of Pistis Sophia, 469; of Valentinus, 306.

Mythologizing of history, 88.

Mythology, 332.

Muesis, 355.

Mulaprakriti, 258.

Naas, 196.

Naasseni, 198.

Naassene, document, 198; hymn, 205.

Na?i's, 597.

Nahashirama, 392.

Nail of discipline, 449.

Name, 300, 304, 377, 381, 440, 462, 516, 565; authentic, 541, 542; echo of, 365; great, 363, 514, 523, 542, 599; ineffable, 543; "Jesus" a substitute, 369; of Christ, 422; of great power, 542; of power, 282; of the father, 509; of truth, 380; six-lettered, 368.

Names, 374, 550; authentic,

365, 509, 512; imperishable, 545, 546; mother of many, 334, (of thirty), 379; of æons, 338.

Narrow place, 560, 564.

Nativity, 400, 402.

Nature, 399, 400; seven-robed, 210; upper, 437.

"Naught was," 257.

Nazaræan, 580.

Nazaræans, 126.

Neander, 144, 236.

Net, 440.

"Never grow old," 176.

Nicolaïtans, 213, 239.

Nicopolis, 100.

Nicotheus, 553.

Night, 208.

Nile, heavenly, 204.

Nine times greater, 476.

Ninefold, 548, 559.

Nineveh, 447.

Nirva?a, 142, 236, 474.

Nirva?ic, atom, 319; ocean, 330.

Nitrian valley, 101.

Noah, 190.

Nochaïtæ, 198.

Noëtic world, 320.

Nomina barbara, 339.

No-number, 373, 374.

Norton, 145.

Noughtness, 373.

Nuhama, 392.

Number, letters, 359; nuptial, 83; of perfect souls, 467, 486, 502, 503; permutations, 375; symbolism, 358; theories, 222.

Numbers, 82, 516.

Oaths of secrecy, 416.

Oblivion, 496; draught of, 504, 516.

Ocean, 186, 202, 326, 330, 509, 545.

Octahedron, 222, 317, 324.

Ode to Sophia, 419.

Odes, of Basilides, 255; of Solomon, 470, 572.

Ogdoad, 266, 268, 269, 271, 280, 307, 322, 323, 324, 333, 344, 345, 349, 350, 376, 396, 432, 587.

Omar, 106.

Omega, 530, 532.

Omphale, 197.

On an Appended Soul, 277.

On Heresies, 251.

On Justice, 234.

On the Soul, 251.

One, 67, 374; and all, 321; and only one, 486, 531, 556, 561, 562, 565; word, 482; garment, 425; great, 378, (just), 532; holy, 434; horn, 222; in a thousand, 282, 506; little, 306; living, 380, 381, 382, 518, 520, 534, 554, 602; virgin, 218; word, 481.

Oneness, 373.

Only-begotten, 341.

Onamacritus, 38.

"Open unto us," 503.

Ophiani, 183.

Ophites, 181, 193; diagram of, 589.

Ophitism, 158.

Orgeones, 50.

Origen, 149.

Oroiael, 588.

Orpheus, 42, 44, 331.

Orphic, 49, 192; communities, 50, 54; hymns, 45; life, 50; line, 42; mysteries, 51, 216, 411; poems, 38; songs, 45; tradition, 39.

Osiris, 59, 201, 323, 438.

Osirified, 600.

Osymandyas, 103.

Outline of face, 548.

Outlines, The, 292.

Overseer, 547, 551; of light, 465.

Ovum, 331, 536.

Oxyrhynchus, 600.

Pallas Athene, 41.

Pantænus, 294.

Paradise, 189, 190, 247, 334, 396, 487, 505.

Paraphrase of Seth, 213.

Paraplex, 513.

Parchment, 104.

Parents, of æons, 336; we are to leave, 504.

Parentless, 337, 524, 529.

Passion, 371, 378, 390, 434, 438, 446.

Passions, 346, 347.

"Pass-not," ring, 311.

Pastos, 421.

Paul, 176, 248, 252, 499; Ascent of, 226; Apocalypse of, 227; churches of, 165; gospel of, 244; letters of, 123; our brother, 568; Vision of, 227.

Pearl, 407, 440.

Pelasgi, 40.

Pentad, 423, 551, 584.

Pentateuch, 388.

Peratæ, 186, 198, 206.

Perfect, æon, 218; deity, 387; flesh, 582; freedom, 557; man, 215, 302, 354, 427; mercy, 422, 423; mind, 551; number of, 467, 486, 502, 503; triangle, 74, 82.

Perfection, god of, 495; Gospel of, 198; seal of, 423.

Pergamus, 105, 239.

Persepolis, 279.

Person, 210; of Jesus, 140.

Peter, 176, 501, 581; Acts of, 152, 417, 580; Circuits of, 164, 166; interpreter of, 254; Martyrdom of, 446.

Petro-Pauline controversy, 128, 166, 245.

Petro-Simonian controversy, 166.

Pharisaism, 92, 93.

Pharos, 97.

Pherecydes, 37.

Philaster, 150.

Philip, 466; Gospel of, 198, 439, 540.

Philo, 55, 117; and wisdom-lovers, 60, 84; autobiography, 84; On the Contemplative Life, 61; pseudo, 62.

Philosophumena, 273.

Philoxenus, 397.

Philumene, 250.

Phlium, 216.

Phosilampes, 553.

Phronesis, 588.

Phrygian mysteries, 201, 202.

Pineal gland, 211.

Pistis Sophia (Faith-Wisdom), 339, 468, 470, 565; myth of, 469.

Pistis Sophia, 151, 199, 208, 281, 283, 290, 297, 303, 312, 343, 374, 382, 397, 398, 405, 409, 412, 449, 454, 529, 538, 567, 571, 578, 591; system of, 192, 574; translation of, 456; treatise, original, 572.

Plagiarism by anticipation, 117.

Plagues of Egypt, 222.

Plain, cities of, 226; of truth, 230.

Plato, 39, 45, 49, 51, 53, 314.

Plato, Nuptial Number of, 83.

Platonic solids, 222, 314.

Pleroma, 207, 225, 311, 389, 461, 547, 550, 566; ascension of, 478; boundary of, 342; common fruit of, 331, 345, 346, 349, 351, 352; configuration of, 551; drama, 327; emanation of, 499, 505; gnosis of, 481, 484, 503; lord of, 464; lords of, 501; seed of, 377; sons of, 511.

Pleromata, 305, 365.

Plough, 440.

Plutarch, 55, 56, 57.

Pneumatics, 139, 421, 468.

Point, 218.

Polarity, 321.

Polyhedra, 314.

Polyhedric origin of species, 322.

Poor men, 126, 127, 166, 227, 427.

Porphyry, 25, 393.

Portrait of Jesus, 233.

Poseidon, 40, 99.

Power, 547; above, 334, 447; boundless, 173; dæmonian, 190; demiurgic, 349, 372; great, 164, 171, 173, 185, 542, 543; name of, 282; of highest, 269, 353, 377; robe of, 343, 344; super-celestial, 381.

Powers, 462; cruel, crafty, 474; forty-nine, 516, 523; of perfect man, 302; song of the, 409, 464; triple, 468, 469.

Pralaya, 344.

Prayer, John's last, 442; morning, 82; of the earth-born, 564.

Prayers of Therapeuts, 70; for dead, 381, 494; sacramental, 422.

Pre-Christian gnosis, 163, 183.

Preuschen, 567.

Principalities, 436.

Proasteioi up to Æther, 209, 280.

Proclus, 314.

Proculus, 291.

Prodigal son, parable of, 405.

Prophets, schools of the, 86, 94.

Prouneikos, 334.

Providence, 274, 275.

"Providentissimus Deus," 14.

Pseudepigraphs, 85, 94.

Pseudo-Clementines, 162, 164, 166.

Ptolemæus, 288, 590; to Flora, 293.

Ptolemies, 57.

Ptolemy, 108, 383; I. (Soter), 98, 102, 104; II. (Philadelphus), 104, 116; III. (Euergetes), 105.

Pullulation, 259.

Pura?as, 204.

Purgations of matter, 468, 488, 489.

Purgatorial spheres, 381.

Purification, degrees of, 472; ladder of, 565.

Puru?ha, 301.

"Put not off," 502.

Pythagoras, 37, 39, 45, 51, 314.

Pythagoræan communities, 50, 54; triangle, 82.

Pythagoræans, 51, 82, 84.

Queen of East, 405, 411

Questions of Mary, 198, 199, 454, 466, 589.

Rabbis of south, 94.

Race, 69, 437, 447, 564; elect, 303; mystery type of, 471; of mind, 518; righteous, 519.

Ragadouah, 99.

Raguel, 588.

Reasonings, 250.

Rebirth, 205, 220, 230, 354, 371, 381, 407, 504, 548.

Receiver, great, 467.

Receivers, 486, 498, 499, 511, 521; of light, 491; of wrath, 491, 497.

"Recognised myself, I have," 540, 600.

Red Sea, 81, 186.

Redemption, 265, 381, 471; angelic, 380; of Sophia, 334; of cross, 447.

Reflections, self-born, 565.

Refutatorii Sermones, 167.

Regeneration, 371, 372, 376, 445.

Reign of 1000 years, 92.

Reincarnating entity, 301.

Reincarnation, 167, 192, 231, 232, 274, 276, 404, 516.

Relative of mystery, 552.

"Remedy of Soul," 103.

Reminiscence, 230, 236, 474.

Renunciation of world, 481, 485, 489.

"Repent, Delay not to," 502.

Repentance, 446, 449, 471; place of, 565; songs of, 470.

Repentances, 470, 471.

Resch, 412, 593.

Restitution of all things, 364.

Restoration, 265, 268, 270, 271, 273, 380.

Resurrection, 254, 404, 440, 548; of body, 176; of dead, 494, 495.

Rhacotis, 99, 100.

Rhapsodists, 38.

Rheinhardt, 579.

Rhodon, 250, 251.

Right, 264, 334, 348, 357, 401, 411, 436, 447, 448, 449, 465, 466, 477, 478, 483, 488, 511, 512, 548, 563.

"Right like as the left," 448. Righteous, 490, 498, 519, 551. Ritual, from mysteries, 431; Marcosian, 380.

Rivers of Eden, 194.

Robe, of glory, 460, 461, 464, 520, (hymn of), 406, 419; of initiation, 405; of power, 343, 344.

Rod, 201, 222; Moses’ 222; of Mercury, 185.

Root, æons, 218; lower, 436; of deathlessness, 440; universal, 171.

Rudras, 327.

Ruler, 264, 439, 498; great, 262, 266, 267, 272.

Rulers, 230, 467, 469, 497, 498; evil of 526; flesh of the, 468; seventy-two evil, 522; three great, 532.

Sabaoth, Adamas, 521, 527; great, 513, 529; little, 512, 516.

Sacrifices, 93.

Sadducees, 163.

Saïs, 39.

Sakadagamin, 370.

Salmon, 236, 246, 424, 443.

Salome, 233, 598.

Salt, 73, 77, 80, 440; bread and, 80; with, 425.

Samaritan Chronicle, 162.

Same, 234.

Samothracian mysteries, 202.

Sam?ara, 197, 303, 381.

Sarbûg, 407, 410.

Satan, 436; sons of, 13, 32, 174.

Saturninus, 177.

Saviour, 58, 207, 271, 273, 505; Books of the, 374, 454, 507, 546, 567, 573; first, 485; of truth, 381; words of, 385. Saviours, 176; of souls, 492; twelve, 461; twin, 529.

Schmidt (Carl), 159, 538, 545, 552, 567, 574, 577, 579, 588.

Schwartze, 146, 281.

Seals, 214, 219, 317, 423, 498, 499, 537, 538.

Secularizing of Christianity, 136.

Secundus, 287, 357.

Seed-mixture, 263; conglomeration of the, 262, 265; of all universes, 258; of iniquity, 504; of pleroma, 377.

Selene, 163, 168.

Seniority, 75.

Septuagint, 104.

"Sepulchres, Ye are whitened," 203.

Serapeum, 97, 99, 105, 106.

Sermon on the Mountain, Secret, 440.

Serpent, 189, 206, 215; and egg, 185, 331; flying, 331; formed, 189, 190; legend, 167; rod, 185; symbol, 183.

Serpentine force, 185, 222.

Servant, dress of a, 215, 216; form of a, 247.

Servers, 76.

Seth (or Set), 58, 59, 213; mysteries of, 58, 59; Paraphrase of, 213.

Setheus, 213, 551, 553.

Sethians, 213.

Seven, 74, 82, 323, 422; amens, 529; Elohim, 190; heads, 474; heavens, 396; numbered greatness, 372; pillars, 333; robed Isis, 323, (nature), 201; spheres, 379, 396; stars, 398; times, 491; virgins of light, 525; voices, 516, 523, 524, 526, 529; women disciples, 582; years, 201.

Seventh day common meal, 73.

Seventy, 116, 375, 522.

Severians, 251.

Shakti, 363, 432, 595.

Shame, of the dry, 424; vesture of, 598.

Sheep, 270; lost, 169.

Sheol, 447.

Shepherd boy, Jesus a, 197.

Sibylline Oracles, 126.

Siddhis, 302.

Sige, 327.

Silence, 173, 313, 336, 341, 377, 378, 423, 548, 564; great, 311; of five years, 278, 282.

Silences, 524, 529.

Simon, 583; Magus, 158, 164; of Cyrene, 283.

Simonian literature, 167.

Simonians, 160, 423.

"Sinned, He has not," 275.

Sinope, 241.

Sins on souls, stamping of, 499.

Siriadic land, 58.

Sirius, 58.

Sithians, 198.

Sixty, fatherhoods, 544; treasures, 540.

Skemmut, 505.

Skin, coats of, 190.

Slime, abysmal, 208.

Smith and Wace, 144.

Solomon, 557; odes of, 470; seal of, 317; Wisdom of, 298.

Solon, 39, 40.

Son, alone-begotten, 390; of God, 269, 565; of man, 189, 191, 199, 202, 378, 581; of father, 60; of living, 404;

Sons, of Adam, 599; God, 5, 266, 268, 303, 353, 354; light, 371, 511; Satan, 174; the man, 372; the pleroma, 511.

Sonship, 259, 260, 264, 354, 555; saviour of the, 262; second, 261; third, 262, 263, 265, 272, 303.

Sophia, 188, 189, 298, 304, 339, 561; fall of, 305; grief of, 346; mythus, 306, 333, 335, 469; ode to, 419; redemption of, 334.

Soria y Mata, 314, 322.

Soteriology, 355; of Basilides, 265.

Sothis, 58.

Soul, 277, 387, 496; clothed with a proper, 272; descent of, 334, 471; great, 467; hymn of the, 403; of Elias,

461; On an Appended, 277; On the, 251; plantal nature of, 277; mineral nature of, 277.

Souls, breathed out, 219; classes of, 139; coming and going of, 26; frenzied, 495; in incarnation, 488; return of, 23; saviours of, 492.

Space, blessed, 261; crucified in, 330; first, 492; limit, 267; middle, 173, 334, 348; of first mystery, inner, 478, 479; of ineffable, 477, 479; of twelve æons, 465; sun, 263.

Spaces, of light, three supernal, 478; three, 529; three-faced and two-faced, 551; twin, 463, 477; sublunary, 264, 268.

Spermatozoon, 331, 536.

Sphere, fate, 209; first, 464; second, 465.

Spheres, conversion of, 465, 466, 467; purgatorial, 381; seven, 379, 396.

Spider, 259.

Spiral, 331.

Spirit, 434, 475; baptism, 515, 522; counterfeit, 276, 496, 498, 499, 500, 504, 505; excellent, 305; fruits of, 338; gifts of the, 441; holy, 260, 261, 262, 278, 327, 353, 377, 378, 397, 422, 526; like a dove, 354; limitary, 266, 267, 269, 272, 343; living, 420; "shall come upon thee," 269; virginal, 203, 531, 583, 584.

Spirits, 276; mind-born, 563; mundane, 236.

Splendour, lord of, 562.

Srotapanna, 370.

Standing one, 163.

Statute, 440, 564, 565; first, 463, 465.

Sublunary regions, 263; spaces, 264, 268.

Sun, 473; disk of, 510; in its true form, 476; light of, 498, 510; space, 263; worship of the, 55.

Superfluity of naughtiness, 524.

Supersubstantial, 566.

Supplementary development, 259.

Suppliant, 65.

Supplication, 346.

Supporters, 525; five, 529; great, 479.

Synesis, 588.

Syrian gnosis, 177.

Syzygy, 305, 423, 468, 472; law of, 321.

Sweat of bodies, 467.

Tabor, 597.

"Take courage," 460.

Tantra, 367.

Tau, 438.

Tears of their eyes, 467.

?e?uti (Thoth), 57.

Ten, 323; æons, 337; tribes, 89.

Tertullian, 149, 293, 590; pseudo, 149.

Tetrad, 323, 375, 377.

Tetrads, 357, 378.

Tetragrammaton, 132, 534.

Tetrahedron, 222, 317.

Tetraktys, 350, 373, 390.

Thalatth (Tiamat), 209.

Thales, 37.

That-which-is, 553.

Thebaid, 101.

Thebes, 103.

Thelesis, 588.

Theocritus, 109.

Theodas, 294.

Theodoret, 150.

Theodotus, 288, 292, 294, 357;

Extracts from, 287, 292, 332, 356.

Theophrastus, 104, 223.

Theos, 329.

Therapeut, name, 66; order, 62.

Therapeutæ, 62, 66, 101.

Therapeutrides, 66.

Therapeuts, 60, 63, 64; books of the, 71; lay-pupils of the, 84; Philo's connection with, 84; prayers, of 70; rule, 72.

Theudas, 294.

Thiasi, 50.

Thieves and robbers, 353.

Third, of their light, 465; ventricle, 211.

Thirteenth æon, 325, 466, 468, 476, 511, 515, 520, 522, 528, 531, 532, 539.

Thirty hours, 460; two, 419; æons, 421.

Thirtyfold, 328.

Thomas, 602; Acts of, 419, 422, 424; palace of, 424; Gospel according to, 198, 201; Judas, 419, 424.

Thoth, 57.

Thousand, one in a, 506; years of light, 486.

Thrace, 42.

Thracian mysteries, 202.

Three times accomplished, 474.

Thrice-spiritual, 524, 529.

Thrones, 484.

Thyrsus, 185; bearers, 10.

Timæus, 39, 299.

Titus, 92.

Tobe (see Tybi), 278.

Tone, 547.

Tongue, of flesh, 438, 552, 578; of the ineffable, 482; wisdom's, 421.

Torments, 504.

"Torn myself asunder," 488, 505.

Transcendentalists, 186, 209.

Transfiguration, 459; story, 370.

Transmigration, 169, 276, 488, 499, 498, 503.

Treasure, 267; gates of, 474; house, 172; light of the, 512; of light, 477, 478, 509, 511, 514, 520, 522, 525; veil of, 468, 469; purgations of, 488; second light, 530.

Treasurers, 412.

Treasures, 172; of light, 527; of incorruptible, 192; sixty, 540; type of, 535.

Treasury, 406.

Tree, 221; fig, 218; fire, 172; hanging on, 342; life-giving, 446; of knowledge, 487, 505; of life, 487, 505.

Trees, 172, 194, 196; five, 523, 529, 544.

Triangle, 207; perfect, 74, 82.

Trismegistic literature, 57, 58, 223, 441.

Trismegistus, Hermes, 58, 440.

Trojan war, 43, 44, 168.

True God, 530, 533, 534, 535, 537, 542, 559, 587; gods, 543.

True Word, 150, 183.

Truth, 419, 549; body of, 366; diagram of, 367; father of, 377; gate of, 204; god of, 304, 367, 485, 486, 508; name of, 380; plain of, 230; saviour of, 381.

Twelve, 323, 420, 422, 461, 500; æons, 337, 465, 511, 531; depths, 548; incarnation of the, 460; mysteries, 485; saviours, 461; the, 538, 542; tribes, 202; years, 523.

Twin, of Jesus, 424; saviours, 529; spaces, 463, 477.

Twins, 423.

Tybi, 278, 459.

Typhon, 59.

Tyrants, 474, 465, 468.

Tübingen school, 166.

Turmoil, 276.

Unapproachable, 543, 544; god, 521, 528; god, hymn to the, 543; one and only, 531.

Uncontainables, 521, 529, 530, 545, 555, 566.

Under-meaning, 71, 79.

Unguent, 261, 262.

Unknowable, invisible, 565.

Unknown, great, 309.

Universality beyond being, 257.

Unstainables, 529, 564.

Untitled Apocalypse, 547.

Unutterable depth, 188.

Upanishads, 204, 301, 302, 307, 320, 439.

Valentinianism, 285, 286; schools of, 287.

Valentinus, 284, 289, 290, 294, 570, 578; gospel of, 298; myth of, 306; "they of," 285, 571; Wisdom of, 298; writings of, 297.

Vasus, 327.

Veil, 322; first, 509.

Veils, 538; of thirteenth æon, 468; of treasure, 468, 469.

Ventricle, third, 211.

Vesture, 547, 566; ineffable, 557; of light, 460, 483, 499; of shame, 598; of power, 558.

Vestures, 562; of glory, 472; of light, 463; of ineffable, 501.

Vine, true, 446.

Vineyard, 475.

Virgin, 191, 377, 558; John the, 484; made body, 221; mother, 58; of life, 526; of light, 476, 491, 497, 517, (the judge), 498, 499; matter, 564; one, 218; with child, 203; womb, 215, 225.

Virginal spirit, 203, 531, 583, 584.

Virginity, 75, 520.

Virgins, 251; of light, seven, 525.

Vision, 328; of Ezekiel, 94; of Jacob, 202; of Paul, 227; of baptism mysteries, 514.

Voice, 435, 448; and name, 171.

Voices, seven, 516, 523, 524, 526, 529; three, 536, 541.

Volkmar, 234.

Vortex, 329, 331.

"Wake thou that sleepest," 201.

"Wanderer, I am a," 220.

Water, 210; above, living, 200; baptism of, 515, 522; "Except a man be born of," 221; image of, 424; life-giving, 197, 216, 515; of life, 201, 565, (baptism of), 524; of pure light, 584; whirl, 323.

Waters of Jordan, 185, 204.

Way, 433, 448; of error, 448; of the first man, 448; of midst, 498, 510, 511, 513, 514, 546; to god, 3, 32, 223.

Wedding, feast, great, 397; garment, 405.

"When two shall be one," 595.

"Where is he?" 475.

"Where, then, O Egypt," 466.

"Which things I hate," 239.

Whirlpool, vast, 331.

Whirlwind, mighty, 185.

"Why callest thou me Good," 201.

Wiedemann, 301.

Wine, jars of, 524.

"Wing or thought," 260.

Winged globe, 473.

Wings, 260.

Wisdom, 27, 37, 169, 226, 331, 333; above, 375, 396; below, 376, 396; Chaldæan, 89, 94; cup of, 516; declared in a mystery, 268; god of, 57; goddess of, 41; harmony of, 436; hymn to, 419; lovers, 60; of deity, 9; of Egypt, 38, 57; of Jesus Christ, 152, 580, 582, 589; of Solomon, 298; of Valentinus, 298;

Within, looking, 473, 474, 486.

Womb, impure, 215; virgin, 215, 225; world, 225.

Women disciples, 75, 251, 582.

Word (see Logos), 363, 368, 434, 435, 438, 448, 587; and life, 323, 336, 374; Christ is the, 448; made flesh, 390; one and only, 482.

Words, 354, 442, 507, 508; of the Lord, 138; of Saviour, 385; of truth, 485; or angels, 352; or minds, 351; unspeakable, 269.

Workman (see Demiurge), 349, 350, 351, 353.

Worm, 180, 189.

Wrath, 436; of their iniquity, 512; receivers of, 491, 497; workmen of, 497.

Wreath, 442, 555, 557.

Wreaths, 556.

Xerxes, 38.

Yahoo, 534.

Yahweh, 92, 138, 179, 534; friends of God, enemies of, 225.

Yantras, 367.

Yhvh, 534.

Yoga, 302.

Yogins, 429.

Yod, 222.

Zahn, 417.

Zama, zama, 462.

Zealot, 94.

Zealotism, 91, 92, 97.

Zeus, 511, 512; all-father, 41.

Zodiac, signs of, 209, 325, 379, 448.

Zoroaster, 7.

Zoroasters, last of the, 37.

Zoroastrian logia, 172; tradition, 87.

Zoroastrianism, 91, 177, 278.

Zorokothora (Melchizedec), 512, 525, 526.




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