Gems From The East: A Birthday Book

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Gems From The East: A Birthday Book

By H.P. Blavatsky


"As large as is the unbounded Universe,
So large that little, hidden Spirit is!
The Heavens and Earths are in it! Fire and air,
And sun and moon and stars; darkness and light,
It comprehends! Whatever maketh Man,
The present of him, and the past of him,
And what shall be of him; — all thoughts and things
Lie folded in the eternal vast of It!"
— THE SECRET OF DEATH (fr. The Katha Upanishad).
1 In every blessing think of its end, in every misfortune think of it removal.

2 If justice predominates not over injustice in a man, he will speedily fall into ruin.

3 Vain hopes cut man off from every good; but the renunciation of avarice prevents every ill.

4 Patience leads to power, but lust leads to loss.

5 By wisdom is the gift of knowledge displayed; by knowledge are high things obtained.

6 In calamity are men's virtues proved, and by long absence is their friendship tested.

7 That man who accurately understands the movement and the cause of the revolutions of the wheel of life is never deluded.

8 Days end with sunset, nights with the rising of the sun; the end of pleasure is ever grief, the end of grief ever pleasure.

9 All action ends in destruction; death is certain for whatever is born; everything in this world is transient.

10 In information is shown the wit of man, and in travel is his temper tried.

11 In poverty is benevolence assayed, and in the moment of anger is a man's truthfulness displayed.

12 By truth alone is man's mind purified, and by right discipline it doth become inspired.

13 By shaking hands with deceit, one is tossed on the billows of toil.

14 Fear of judgment will deter from wrong, but trifling with it leads to destruction.

15 An act may seem right, but it is by its results that its purpose is shown.

16 Intelligence is shown by good judgment.

17 Learning clears the mind, and ignorance cobwebs it.

18 Whoso takes good advice is secure from falling; but whoso rejects it, falleth into the pit of his own conceit.

19 By a trusty friend is man supported in life, and by reward are friendships increased.

20 Whoso cannot forgive wrong done to him shall learn to know how his good deeds are undone by himself.

21 He who bestows bounty on mankind, makes of mankind his debtor in a future birth.

22 The envious man is never satisfied, nor can he ever hope to become great.

23 The more a man clothes himself in modesty, the better does he conceal his faults.

24 The best policy for a man is not to boast of his virtues.

25 The kindest policy for a strong man is not to flourish his power in the sight of a weaker man.

26 The contentious man induces antagonism; people cannot often repress anger when contending with fools.

27 Intelligence is not shown by witty words, but by wise actions.

28 Of the eloquence of the pleasant speaker all men are enamored.

29 Craft has the best of men; boldness conquers cities; the first is despised, the last admired.

30 The brave man of whose prowess all men stand in need, will never be distressed by adversaries.



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