Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

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Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

By Geoffrey A. Barborka

Gods and Heroes of The Bhagavad-Gita C

Chakra A word with a number of meanings: a wheel; a circle; a discus – the weapon of Vi??u (hence also a symbol of the deity); a cycle or period of time; also the physiological centers of pra?ic vitality in the human body. In Buddhism the chakra is a favorite symbol, especially associated with Gautama the Buddha, for he is represented as setting a new chakra in motion: his disciples, in broadcasting his message are often referred to as ‘turning the wheel.’ As the weapon of Vi??u, the chakra means “the whirling wheel of spiritual will and power.” (W. Q. Judge, in footnote, Bh.G. 80.)

Chekitana An ally of the Pa??avas: a son of Dh???aketu (or Kaikeya), the father-in-law of K???a and Raja (king) of the Kekayas, (one of the chief nations in the war of the Mahabharata). (Bh.G. 2)

Chitraratha The king of the Gandharvas (q.v.). (m. having a fine car. Bh.G. 74)



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