Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

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Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

By Geoffrey A. Barborka

Gods and Heroes of The Bhagavad-Gita H

Hanuman (nominative case: dictionary form or ‘crude form’. Hanumat) The celebrated monkey-deity of the Ramayana, son of Pavana, the god of the wind, by Anjana. His exploits partake more of the superhuman than human, thus they are favorite topics among the Hindus from youth to old age. As instances: the epic relates that he jumped from India to Ceylon in one leap; he tore up trees by the roots; he flew to and from the Himalayas bringing healing herbs to the wounded. It is related that he and his monkey host were created by the gods in order to assist Rama in his battle against Ravana and the Rak?asas of La?ka. Among mental achievements Hanuman is credited with being a skilled grammarian, and no one could equal him in the sastras (scriptures) and in the art of explaining them.

Arjuna had adopted the traditional representation of Hanuman as his crest. (Bh.G. 4)

Hari Especially the name of K???a as an Avatara of Vi??u; applied also to Vi??u and Siva. (Bh.G. 79)

Hastinapura The city founded by king Hastin (the great-great-grandfather of Kuru), which became the capital city of the kings of the Chandrava?sa (the ‘Lunar Dynasty’), and the principal city of the Kurus. A great part of the main action of the Mahabharata centers about this city. It formed the main objective of the Pa??avas in the great conflict at Kurukshetra (between the Kurus and the Pa??avas), at the conclusion of which the victorious Yudhi??hira was crowned king after a triumphal entry into the city. Hastinapura was situated about 57 miles north-east of the modern city of Delhi on the banks of an old channel of the Ganges river. (m. the city of the elephant – hastin, an elephant. Bh.G. p. i)

Himalaya The lofty range of mountains in central Asia. Also known as Himachala and Himadri and personified as Himavat, mythologically considered to be the husband of Mena and the father of Ganga (the Gangesriver). (Bh.G. 74)

H??ikesa A name applied to K???a and to Vi??u. (m. lord of the senses. Bh.G. 84)



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