Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

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Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

By Geoffrey A. Barborka

Gods and Heroes of The Bhagavad-Gita J

Janaka A king of the Mithila Dynasty who reigned at Videha, famed for his good works, knowledge, and sanctity: through his righteous life he became a Brahmana and one of the Rajar?is. He was the father of Sita, who sprang up from the earth from the furrow he had made with his plow. (Bh.G. 25)

Janardana In the Pura?as the One Cosmic Intelligent Life, manifesting in the threefold aspect of Fashioner, Preserver, and Regenerator (i.e., the Hindu Trimurti – Brahma, Vi??u, Siva). Applied to K???a in his avataric manifestation of Vi??u. *jan, to be born, to come forth; *ard, to move: ‘the ever-born.’ Bh.G. 72)

Jayadratha A prince of the Chandrava?sa (Lunar Dynasty), son of Brihanmanas and king of the Sindhus and Sauviras (tribes living along the Indus river). Jayadratha. married Duhsala, the daughter of Dh?tara??ra, hence he became an ally of the Kurus in the war with the Pa??avas, during which he was slain by Arjuna. (m. having victorious chariots. Bh.G. 83)

Jñana [from the verbal root jña to know, have knowledge, understand] Intelligence, understanding, knowledge; the old philosophers said that parabrahman is not jñata (known), not jñana (knowledge), and not jñeya (that which may be known), nevertheless parabrahman is the one source of which these three modes of understanding are manifestations.

Jñana and vidya are closely similar, with perhaps the suggestion of intuitive intellectual cognizance expressed in jñana, and a more active and individualized activity expressed by vidya. Either word can stand for knowledge or wisdom; in theosophy jnana is often translated as innate or intuitive knowledge, and vidya as reflective or stored-up cognizance of intellectual and other values, or wisdom, though these distinctions are somewhat arbitrary. (From: Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary (ETG)). (BH.G. IV 43)

Jñana-yoga The form of yoga practice and training where the attaining of union with the spiritual-divine essence within is by means of cultivating wisdom, spiritual insight, and intuition. From: Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary (ETG)). (BH.G. IV 43)

Jumna The modern Yamuna or Jamna: a river in the Northwest Provinces of India: it joins the Ganges at Allahabad. The strip of land lying between it and the Sarasvati river was the region of the Kurus in the Mahabharata. The Yadavas ruled over the country west of the Jumna. Vyasa was born on an island situated in this river. (Bh.G. iii)



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