Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

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Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita

By Geoffrey A. Barborka

Gods and Heroes of The Bhagavad-Gita U

Uchchhai?srava The white horse produced by the gods at the churning of the ocean (see Ananta). He became the steed of Indra (q.v.), and is regarded as the model horse, ‘the king of horses.’ (m. neighing aloud. Bh.G. 74)

Uragas A class of semi-divine serpents, usually associated with the Nagas (q.v.) and represented as a serpent with a human face. W. Q. Judge comments “it must refer to the great Masters of Wisdom, who were often called Serpents.” (Bh.G. 80) (m. breast-going, i.e., a serpent.)

Usanas An ancient sage and prophet-seer, descendant of the Kavyas or Kavyas. (Also the name of the planet Venus and its regent.) (Bh.G. 76)

U?mapas A class of semi-divine beings, associated with the Pit?s (q.v.). (from u?ma, heat, vapor, steam. Bh.G. 81)

Uttamaujas A warrior on the side of the Pa??avas. (m. of excellent valor. Bh.G. 2)



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