H.P. Blavatsky The Light-Bringer

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H.P. Blavatsky The Light-Bringer


H.P.B.S Literary Achievements

UNQUESTIONABLY, the best way of evaluating the statement that H. P. Blavatsky acted as a light-bringer to the western world, is to study the message she gave by means of her writings. Theosophists are so accustomed to regard her two major works—Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine—as source books for the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom—and rightfully so—that they are apt to by-pass her other writings. This should not be done. Her literary production amounts to ten other volumes bearing the title The Collected Writings of H. P. Blavatsky. These works are filled with a wealth of information on all sorts of subjects as well as occult lore. In fact there are close to one thousand articles in the series. Every page was hand-written in pen and ink, without secretarial assistance—and this was so also with Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine—and this amazing achievement was performed in less than seventeen years.

In order to give an exposition of the remarkable manner in which H.P.B. employed her talents, we propose to place her writings in seven categories, in order to call attention to the different processes she employed. Moreover, because this achievement could not have been performed by ordinary means in writing, one must conclude that she employed Siddhis. Therefore, the question arises : How did she obtain the knowledge and power to utilize these Siddhis ? The answer is obvious. It is the reply she herself gave : she was born with the ability to use certain powers unconsciously; then she was taught how to use the Siddhis consciously by her Teachers.

Listing the Siddhis which would be utilized in connection with writing: (i) the ability to see clairvoyantly; (2) the ability to hear clairaudiently; (3) the ability to place oneself en rapport with persons having similar capabilities; (4) the power of receptivity; (5) the power of perceptivity; (6) the power of projectivity; (7) the power of using psychometry; (8) the power of using intuition; (9) the power of demonstrating precipitation. All of t hese were demonstrated by Mme. Blavatsky. Her writings are proof of t his. We repeat, her literary works simply could not have been produced by ordinary means.

For example, consider the phenomenal amount of works quoted in Isis Unveiled : 1,339 different works ! Have we any idea of t he labour that would be required for an ordinary writer to search through over a thousand books to find a particular passage ? Think what it would mean to buy all these books ! If the volumes were not purchased, one would have to go to a university library to find them—and some works would not even be there.

In The Secret Doctrine, 1,147 works are quoted* and these two computations do not take into consideration how many times any one volume is quoted.

Let us now consider the seven kinds of process involved in her writings. Each one will be considered separately, beginning with the one in which Mme. Blavatsky displayed her talents as a writer : 
1 Descriptive Writing 
2 Writing by means of Instruction
 3 Writing by Dictation 
4 Writing by Directive Clairvoyance
 5 Writing by Psychometry 
6 Writing by means of Precipitation 
7 Writing by means of a process analogous to Tulku.




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