H.P. Blavatsky The Light-Bringer

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H.P. Blavatsky The Light-Bringer


Posthumous Works

THE FIRST posthumous work to appear was a collection of seven occult stories published in 1892 under the title of Nightmare Tales, although the stories had already appeared in various periodicals during her lifetime.

 In the same year The Theosophical Glossary was published, although Mme. Blavatsky did not have the opportunity of checking and correcting it. 

Also in 1892, From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan, translated from the Russian by Mrs. Charles Johnston (although it was not a complete version of the original volume). This was followed by two books consisting of articles originally printed in Russian journals, entitled Zagadochniya plemena na Golubih Gorah (The Enigmatical Tribes on the Azure-Blue Hills) published in 1893; and Durbar v Lahore (The Durbar in Lahore). 

A Modern Panarion, published in 1895, was the name given to a collection of articles written for periodicals before the publication of Isis Unveiled. This work contains many of the articles appearing in Volume I of the Collected Writings series.

In 1925 The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett and other miscellaneous Letters were published under the supervision of A. T. Barker, intended as a companion volume to The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett. 

Another volume of Letters was brought forth between 1925 and 1935 by E. R. Corson under the title Some Unpublished Letters of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. These letters were written to Dr. Corson's father and mother between February 9, 1875 and March 12, 1876.

By far the most important posthumous publications are the H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings series, for her literary labours were so prolific that it has taken many years to gather them and prepare the articles for publication. This work is principally due to the efforts of her grand-nephew, Boris de Zirkoff.The series begins with a collection of articles written during the years 1874-78. This formed the first of a uniform set of Volumes published under the title of The Complete Works of H. P. Blavatsky. This first volume appeared in 1933 and was followed by three more : Volume II for articles from The Theosophist during 1879-80; Volume III comprising articles in 1881-82; Volume IV containing articles from 1882-83 (published during 1933-36). Long out of print, these four volumes have now been reissued as part of the H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings—in conformity with Volumes V—X. Volume V contains articles written during 1883 (published 1950); Volume VI, articles of 1883-85 (published 1954); Volume VII, articles of 1886-87 (published 1958); Volume VIII, articles principally from Lucifer written during 1887 (published 1960); Volume IX, articles of 1888 (published 1962); Volume X, articles of 1888-89 (published 1964). Articles yet to appear in the series are those written in 1890 and 1891 for Lucifer—some of which were published posthumously. Forthcoming volumes will also reproduce translations of her writings in Russian.



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