History of Utah, 1540-1886

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

History of Utah, 1540-1886

By Hubert Howe Bancroft

Authorities Consulted

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p. xxiv

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p. xxxi

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Jones (Dan.), Yr Eurgrawn Ysgrythyrol; Pwy yw Duw y Saint; Yr Hen Grefvdd Newydd; Annerchiad i'r Peirch, etc.; Gwrthbrofion i'r Spaulding Story am Lyfr Mormon; Anmhoblogrwydd Mormoniacth; Arweinydd i Seion; Pa beth yw Mormoniaeth? Pa beth yw gras Cadwedigol? Dadl ar Mormoniaeth? Anffyddiaeth Sectyddiaeth; Amddiffyniad rhag Camgyhuddiadau; Y Lleidr ar y Groes; "Peidiwch a'u Gwrando;" Egwyddorion Cyntaf a Gwahoddiadau; Ai duw a Ddanfonodd Joseph Smith; Llofruddiad Joseph a Hyrum Smith; Tarddiad Llfyr Mormon; Dammeg y Pren Ffrwythtawn; Darlun o'r Byd Crefyddol. n.d. (Pub. in Wales.)

p. xxxii

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p. xxxiii

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p. xxxiv

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Millennial Star. Manchester, 1841; Liverpool, 1842-54; Liverpool and London, 1855 et seq.

Miller (Joaquin), Danites in the Sierras. Chicago, 1881; First Families of the Sierras. Chicago, 1876.

Miller (N. K.), Federal Affairs in Utah. MS.

Miller (Reuben), James J. Strang Weighed in the Balances, etc. Burlington (Iowa), 1846.

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Möllhausen (B.), Tagebauch einer Reise vom Mississippi, etc. Liepzig, 1858; Der Halbindianes. Leipzig, 1861; Des Mormonmädchen. Jena and Leipzig, 1864.

Monogamy and Polygamy. Boston, 1882.

Montonus (A.), De Nieuwe Weereld. Amsterdam, 1671.

Moore (Aug.), Pioneer Experience. MS.

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Mormon Battalion, Report of the First General Festival of the Renowned. Salt Lake City, n.d.

Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City.

Mormon Hymn-book. Liverpool and London, 1851.

Mormonism: Additional Articles on in the following magazines: All the Year Round, x. 247; Amer. Bib. Repos., 2d ser., ix.; Amer. Ch. Rev., viii.; Amer. Natur., ix.; Bentley, Miscel., xxxviii. 61; Brit. Quart. Rev., xxiii. 62, xxxv., cxxii. 450; Chamb. Jour., xxxvii., liii. 193; Christ. Exam., liii.; Christ. Obser., lxii. 183; Christ. Rememb., iv. 278, xxxiii. 257, xlv. 185; Colburn Monthly, cxiv. 239, cxxi. 253, cxxxvi. 369; Cong. Mag., xxvii. 641; De Bow, Com. Rev., xvi.; Dem. Rev., xl. 184, xliii. 294; Dub. Rev. xxxiii. 77; Dub. Univ. Mag., xxi. 288, lviii.; Eclec. Mag., xxi. 400, xcvii. 773; Eclec. Rev., xcvi. 669, xcviii. 479; Edinb. Rev., xcix.; Evan. Rev., x.; Every Sat. xi. 291, 541; Fraser Mag., lxxxiii., lxxxiv.; Galaxy, ii., iv., xiv. 677, 822; Gent. Mag., new ser., vii. xxv.; Hogg, Instruc., viii. 107, 321; Hours at Home, i.; Lakeside Monthly, i.; Lippincott, Mag., vi. 41; Littell, Liv. Age, xxx. 429, xlii. 99, 147, xlix. 602, 1, 429, lvi. 494, lxxviii. 124, 2d ser., xx.; Id., Mus. For. Lit., xlii., xlv.; Lond. Quart. Rev., ii. 95, xviii. 351; Meth. Quart., iii.; Monthly Rev., clix. 190; Museum For. Lit., xlii. 370; Natl. Mag., ix,., v.; Natl. Quart. Rev., xxxix.; New Englander, xii.; New Quart. Rev., iv.; No. Brit. Rev., xxxix. 207, 485; Penn. Monthly, ii.; Potter, Amer. Monthly, xvii. 298; Presbt. Rev., ii.; Princeton Rev., xxiv.; Putnam Mag., v. 641, vi. 144, 602; Sharpe, London Mag., xx. 55, 1, 29; South Lit. Messen., x. 526, xiv. 641, xvii. 170; South. Rev., new ser., xx. 438; Tait, Edinb. Mag., xxiv. 763; Temp. Bar, iv. 181; U. S. Cath. Mag., iv. 354; U. S. Westm. lxxxvii. 401; Westminst. Rev., lix., lxxvi. 360, lxxxvii.

Mormonism. Cuttack (Ind.), 1855.

Mormonism Examined, etc. Birmingham, 1855.

Mormonism, Its Character, Origin, and Tendency. n.d.

Mormonism. London, n.d.

Mormonism or the Bible, etc. Cambridge and London, 1852.

Mormonism, Past and Present. Nor. Brit. Review, Aug. 1863.

p. xxxv

Mormonism Self-refuted (by D. K.) London, n.d.

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Mormonism Unveiled, Life and Confessions of John D. Lee. St Louis, 1877.

Mormonismen och Swedenborgianismen. Upsala, 1854.

Mormon Pamphlets. A collection of thirteen brochures referred to by titles.

Mormon Politics and Policy in San Bernardino Co., Cal. Los Angeles, 1856.

Mormons Bog. n.d.

Mormons (The), History of their Leading Men, in Phren. Jour., Nov. 1866.

Mormons (The), in Utah. Bentley's Miscel., Jan. 1855.

Mormons (The). London, 1851, 1852.

Mormons: their Politics and Policy. Los Angeles, 1856.

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Mormon Women in Mass Meeting. Salt Lake City, Nov. 16, 1878.

Morris (Annie), A Week among the Mormons. Lipp. Mag., July 1870.

Morrish (W. J.), Latter-day Saints and Book of Mormon. Ledbury (Eng.), 1840.

Morse, Washington Territory. MS.

Mota-Padilla, Conq. N. Gal., iii. 14, 158-69.

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Mountain of the Lord's House. Plano (Ill.)

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Mulholland (James), An Address to Americans. Nauvoo, 1841.

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Murphy (J. R.), Mineral Resour. of Utah. San Francisco, 1872.

Murray (Eli H.), Message to the Legislative Assembly, 1884; Remarks on the Way out of the Difficulty. MS.

Musser (A.M.), Defence of our People. Philadelphia, 1877; Fruits of Mormonism. Salt Lake City, 1878.


Napa County Reporter.

Narrative of Some of the Proceedings of the Mormons. n.d.

Narrative of the Massacre of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. (Anon.) n.d.

Natl. Almanac. Phila., San Francisco, London, and Paris, 1863 et seq.

Natl. Democ. Quart. Rev. Washington, 1859 et seq.

Nauvoo (Ill.), Ensign and Zarahemla Standard; L'Étoile du Deseret; Expositor; Neighbor; Patriot; Wasp.

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Neill (E. D.), in Hist. Mag., xvi. 68.

Nelson's Picture Guide Books. New York, n.d.

Nevada (Cal.), Journal.

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New Amer., in All the Year Round, xvii. 1867.

New Amer. Religions, in Lend. Quart. Rev., cxxii. 1867.

Newman (J. P.), A Sermon with an Answer by O. Pratt. Salt Lake City, 1870.

New Orleans Picayune.

Newspapers of Utah and other territories of the Pacific U.S., etc. The most important are cited under the name of the town where published, and many of them named in this list.

New York Courier and Enquirer; Herald; Mail; Mormon Intelligence; Observer; Prophet; Sun; Times; Wall St Journal.

Nicholay (C. G.), Oregon Territory. London, 1846.

Nicholson (John), Comprehensive Salvation. Liverpool, 1880; The Latter-day Prophet. Salt Lake City, n.d.; The Means of Escape. Liverpool, 1878; The Modern Prophet; The Preceptor. Salt Lake City, 1883.

Nickerson (Freeman), Death of the Prophet. Boston, 1844.

p. xxxvi

Nidever, Life and Adv. MS.

Niles' Register, Baltimore, etc., 1847 et seq.

Nineteenth Century. London, 1884.

Nordoff (Chas), California for Health, Pleasure, etc. New York, 1873. North American Review. Boston, 1850 et seq.

Noticias, in Doc. Hist. Mex., 671-2.

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Observations in Utah. MS.

Ogden (Utah), Freeman; Herald; Junction; Times.

Olive Branch. Kirtland (O.), and Springfield (Ill.), 1848-50. Olshausen (Theeder), Geschichte der Mormonen, etc. Göttingen, 1856. Olympia (Wash.), Pioneer and Democrat; Puget Sound Courier; Puget Sound Herald; Washington Standard.

Omaha (Neb.), New West, Republican. Onderdonk (J. L.), in Nat. Quart. Rev., xxxix. 80.

Ontario Mining Company, Report, 1881-3.

Origin and History of the Mormonites, in Eclectic Mag., Nov. 1850.

Origin of the Morm. Imposture, in Littell's Liv. Age, xxx. 1851.

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Overland Monthly. San Francisco, 1868 et seq. Oviedo, iv. 19.

Oxford, Idaho Enterprise.


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Paddock (Comelia), Fate of Madame La Tour. New York, 1881; In the Toils, etc. Chicago, 1879.

Page (John E.), The Spaulding Story, etc., Exposed. Plano (Ill.), 1866.

Palmer (Joel), Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-6. Cincinnati, 1852.

Palmer (W.), Mormonism Briefly Examined. London, n.d.

Palou, Not., ii. 281-2.

Panama, Star and Herald.

Park (J. R.), Educational Affairs in Utah. MS.

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Parry (C. C.), in Amer. Natural., ix. 14-346.

Parry (J. H.), The Mormon Metropolis. Salt Lake City, 1883.

Parsons (T.), Mormon Fanaticism Exposed. Boston, 1841.

Patterson (R.), History of Washington County, Pa. Philadelphia, 1882.

Patterson (Robt), Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? Philadelphia, 1882.

Pearl of Great Price. Salt Lake City, 1878.

Peck (G.), in Meth. Quart., iii. 111.

Penrose (C. W.), Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City, 1882.

Perpetual Emigrating Fund. MS.

Petaluma (Cal.), Argus; Crescent; Journal and Argus.

Peters (De W. C.), Life and Adventures of Kit Carson. New York, 1859.

Phelps (W. W.), Deseret Almanac, 1851 et seq.

Philadelphia (Pa), Gospel Reflector.

Philip Harry, in Simpson's Explor., 490.

Pierrepont (Edward), Fifth Avenue to Alaska. N. Y. and Lend. 1884.

Pioche (Nev.), Record.

Pittsburg (Pa), Baptist Witness; Latter-day Saints Messenger and Advocate.

Placer (Cal.), Herald; Times.

Placerville (Cal.), Tri-weekly Register, June 24, 1858.

Plain Questions for Mormonites. By One Who Knows They are not Saints. London, 1852.

p. xxxvii

Plano (Ill.), True Latter-day Saints’ Herald; Saints’ Advocate.

Player-Frowd (J. G.), Six Months in California. London, 1872.

Political Pamphlets. A collection of twenty brochures referred to by title and number. Salt Lake City, 1879.

Polygamy and Monogamy Compared. The History and Philosophy of Marriage. Boston, 1875.

Popular Science Monthly. New York, 1872 et seq.

Portland (Or.), Bee; Deutsch Zeitnng; Herald; Lantern; Oregonian; Standard. Port Townsend (Wash.), Democratic Press.

Powell (J. W.), Explor. of the Colorado River of the West. Washington, 1875; Geol. of East. Uinta Mountains. Wash., 1876; Geol. Surv. of Rocky Mountains. Wash., 1877; Rept on Lands of Arid Region. Wash., 1879.

Pratt (Belinda Marden), Defence of Polygamy by a Lady of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1854. Republished in Millennial Star of July 29, 1854.

Pratt (Orson), Remarkable Visions. Edinburgh, 1840; Liverpool, 1848; Account of Several Remarkable Visions. New York, 1841, 1842; Was Joseph Smith Sent of God? Liverpool, 1848; Kingdom of God, in 4 parts. Liverpool, 1848-9; New Jerusalem, etc. Liverpool, 1849; Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon. 6 nos. Liverpool, 1850-1; Reply to "Remarks on Mormonism," etc. Liverpool, 1849; Reply to T. W. P. Taylder. Liverpool, 1849; Great First Cause, etc. Liverpool, 1851; Twenty-four Miracles Liverpool, 1857; Spiritual Gifts. Liverpool and London, 1857; Universal Apostacy, etc. Liverpool, 1857; The Seer, vol. i. 12 numbers, ii. 8 numbers. Washington, 1853 et seq.; A Series of Pamphlets on Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts, etc. Liverpool, 1851, 1857; Reply to Newman's Sermon. Salt Lake City, 1870; Bible and Polygamy. Salt Lake City, 1877; Cubic and Biquadratic Equations. London and Liverpool, 1866; Key to the Universe. London and Liverpool, (—); Salt Lake City, 1879; Works, A Series of Pamphlets on the Doctrines of the Gospel. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Pratt (Orson) and Newman (J. P.), Discussion on Polygamy. Salt Lake City, Aug. 12-14, 1870.

Pratt (Orson), Smith (G. A.), and Cannon (G. Q.), Discourses on Celestial Marriage. Salt Lake City, Oct. 7, 1869.

Pratt (Parley P.), Journal of the Eiders and their Missions. Liverpool, 1837-8; The Millennium and Other Poems, etc. New York, 1840; Late Persecution. New York, 1840; Appeal to the Inhabitants of New York State. Nauvoo (Ill.), 1841; Letter to Queen Victoria. Manchester, 1841; Heaven on Earth. Liverpool, 1841; Voice of Warning and Instruction. New York, 1837; Liverpool (—); London, 1854; Salt Lake City, 1874; Mormon Herald. San Francisco (Cal.), 1855 et seq.; Voix d'Avertissement. n.d.; Fountain of Knowledge. n.d.; Intelligence and Affection. n.d.; Immortality of the Body. n.d.; Priodas a Moesau yn Utah (Wales). n.d.; Key to the Science of Theology. Liverpool and London, 1855; Salt Lake City, 1874; Marriage and Morals in Utah. Liverpool, 1856; Autobiography. New York, 1874; An Address to the People of England, etc. Manchester, 1840; Mormonism Unveiled, etc New York, 1838; Proclamation, etc. Sydney (N. S. W.), 1852; Repent, Ye People of California. San Francisco, 1854; Scriptural Evidences in Favor of Polygamy. San Francisco, 1856; The Angel of the Prairies. Salt Lake City, 1880; Treatise on the Regeneration and Eternal Duration of Matter. New York, 1840.

Prescott (Ariz.), Miner.

Price (R. L.), The Two Americas. Philadelphia, 1877.

Prichard (Jas C.), Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. London, 1836; London, 1847. 5 vols.

Prieto (G.), Viaje à los Estados Unides. Mexico, 1877-9. 3 vols.

Prime (E. D. G.), Around the World. New York, 1872.

p. xxxviii

Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles, etc. N.Y. and Liverpool, 1845.

Prophwyd y Jubili. Merthyr Tydvil, South Wales.

Provo (Utah), Enquirer; Times.

Putnam's Magazine. New York, 1863 et seq.


Quigley (Hugh), The Irish Race in California, etc. San Francisco, 1878.


Rae (W. F.), Westward by Rail. London, 1870.

Raffensperger (Mrs), in Scribner's Monthly, iii. 672.

Ramustc, Viaggi, iii. 359-63.

Randolph's Oration, 313-14.

Raymond (Rossiter w.), Mining Industry of the States and Territories of the Rocky Mountains. New York, 1874; Silver and Gold. New York, 1873; Statistics of Mines and Mining. Washington, 1873.

Reasons Why I cannot Become a Mormonite. London, n.d.

Red Bluff (Cal.), Independent; Sentinel.

Reese (J.), Mormon Station. MS.

Reid (Mayne), The Mormon Monsters, in Onward, Nov. 1869.

Rejection of the Church. Plano (Ill.)

Relacion de Castañeda. Ternaux-Compans, serie i. tom. ix. 61-5.

Religious Pamphlets. A collection of 25 pamphlets. S. L. City, 1879.

Remarks on Mormonism. Glasgow (Scot.), n.d.

Remé, Orientale et Americane. n.d.

Remonstrance and Resolutions adopted by a mass meeting of the citizens of Utah against the Cullom Bill. Salt Lake City, 1870.

Remy (Jules), Voyage au pays des Mormons. Paris, 1860. 2 vols.

Remy (Jules) and Julius Brenchley, A Journey to Great Salt Lake City. London, 1861. 2 vols.

Reno (Nev.), Gazette; State Journal.

Reorganization of the Legislative Power of Utah Territory. Minority Report of Committee on Territories. Washington, 1884.

Report of the First General Festival of the Renowned Mormon Battalion. Salt Lake City, 1855.

Report of the Grand Jury, 1878.

Report of Three Nights' Public Discussion in Bolton (Eng.), etc. Liverpool, 1851.

Report of Utah Commission. Washington, 1884.

Report on Governor's Message. Salt Lake City, 1882.

Review of the Opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court in Reynolds vs U. S. Salt Lake City, 1878.

Revised Laws of the Nauvoo Legion. Nauvoo, 1844.

Revised Ordinances of Provo City. Salt Lake City, 1877.

Révoil, Les Harems du Nouveau Monde. Paris, 1850.

Revue des Deux Mondes. Paris, 1839 et seq.

Revue Orientale et Americaine. Paris, 1859 et seq.

Reynolds (George), Are We of Israel? Salt Lake City, 1883; Myth of the Manuscript Found. Salt Lake City, 1883; The Book of Abraham. Salt Lake City, 1879; Plaintiff in Error vs U. S. n.d.

Rhinehart Memoranda. MS.

Ribas, Hist. Triumphos, 26-7.

Richards (Franklin D.), Bibliography of Utah. MS.; European Emigration to Utah. MS.; Compendium of the Faith and Doctrines of the Church, etc. Liverpool, 1857. Narrative. MS.; Private Journal. MS.; The Book of Mormon. MS.; The Pearl of Great Price. Liverpool, 1851; Revised. Salt Lake City, 1878; Tracts.

Richards (F. D.) and Little (James A.), Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel. Salt Lake City, 1882, 1884.

Richards (Franklin S.), Bennett, Harkness, and Kirkpatrick, Argument on the Elections in Utah. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Richards (J.), What is Mormonism? Madras (Hind.), 1853.

p. xxxix

Richards (Mrs F. D.), Reminiscences. MS.; The Inner Facts of Social Life in Utah. MS.

Richards (Willard), Address to Chancellor and Regents of Deseret University. Great Salt Lake City, April 17, 1850.

Richardson (A.D.), Beyond the Mississippi. Hartford, 1867.

Richardson (D.), Preëxistence of Man, etc. n.d.; Faith of the Latter-day Saints.

Richardson (David M.), Address to Congress. Detroit (Mich.), 1882.

Rise and Progress of the Mormon Faith and People, in South. Lit. Messenger, Sept. 1844.

Roberts (C. M.), Politics and Religion: MS.

Robinson (Phil.), Sinners and Saints. Boston, 1883.

Rockwell (O. P. ), The Destroying Angels, etc. San Francisco, 1878.

Rockwood (A. P.), Report on Zion Coöp. Fish Association. S. L. City, 1878.

Rodenbough (Theo. F.), From Everglade to Cañon with the Second Dragoons. New York, 1875.

Relic (J. B.), Mormonism Exposed. Edinburgh, 1841.

Ross (James) and George Gary, From Wisconsin to Cal. and Return. Madison, 1869.

Ruby City (Idaho), Avalanche.

Ruby Hill (Nev.), Mining News.

Ruffner (E. H.), Report of Reconnais. in the Ute Country. Wash., 1876.

Rules and Practice of the District Court, etc. Salt Lake City, 1868.

Rusling (Jas F.), Across America. New York, 1874.

Ruxton (Geo. F.), Life in the Far West. New York, 1855.


Sacramento (Cal.), Bee; Record-Union; Union.

Safford (A. K. P.), Narrative. MS.

Saint Abe and his Seven Wives. A Tale of Salt Lake City. (Poem.) London, 1872.

Sala (George A.), America Revisited. London, 1882. 2 vols.

Salem (Or.), Oregon Argus; Oregon Statesman.

Salmeron, in Doc. Hist. Mex., 3d set., pt iv. 7-9.

Salt Lake City (Utah), Newspapers: Anti-Polygamy Standard; Birkuben (Scandinavian); Christian Advocate; City Review; College Lantern; Contributor; Deseret News; Educational Journal; Footlights; Grocer; Herald; Independent; Journal; Juvenile Instructor; Leader; Mail; Miner; Monthly Record; Mormon Expositor; Mormon Tribune; Mountaineer; New Endowment; News; Peep o' Day; Press; Real Estate Circular; Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate; Skandinav; Telegraph; Tribune; Union Vidette; Utah Commercial; Utah Magazine; Utah Mining Gazette; Utah Mining Journal; Utah Musical Tinms; Utah Posten (Danish); Utah Reporter; Utah Review; Valley Tan; Western Magazine (Utah ed. ); Woman's Exponent.

Salt Lake Fruit. Boston, 1884.

Samson (G. w.), in Scribner's Monthly, iii. 1872.

San Bernadino Guardian.

San Buenaventura Ventura Free Press.

San Diego News; Union.

San Francisco (Cal.), Newspapers: Abend Post; Alta California; Cal. Christian Advocate; Cal. Courier; Cal. Farmer; Cal. Mercantile Journal; Cal. Star; Cal. Teacher; Call; Chronicle; Commercial Herald and Market Review; Despatch and Vanguard; Echo du Pacifique; Evening Bulletin; Examiner; Golden Era; Herald; Mercantile Gazette; Mercantile Journal; Mining Review, etc.; Mining and Scientific Press; Monitor; News Letter; Occident; Pacific Baptist; Pacific Churchman; Pacific News; Pacific Observer; Pacific Rural Press; Picayune; Pioneer; Post; Scientific Press; Stock Exchange; Stock Report; Times; Town Talk; Visitor; Western Standard, 1856-8; Wide West.

San José (Cal.), Argus; Mercury; Pioneer; Times.

p. xl

San Luis Obispo Tribune.

Santa Barbara Index.

Santa Cruz Sentinel.

Santa Rosa Times.

Sargent (A. A.), Speech in House of Rep., Feb. 23, 1870. Washington, 1870.

Saxon (Isabella), Five Years within the Golden State. Philadelphia, 1868.

Scenes in the Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia, 1846.

Schiel (Doct. J.), Reise durch die Felsengebirge Schaffhausen. 1859.

Schott (Chas A.), Tables of Temperature, etc. Washington, 1876; Tables of Rain and Snow, etc. Washington, 1872.

Scribner's Monthly Magazine (later the Century). New York, 1871 et seq.

Seattle (Wash.), Intelligencer; Pacific Tribune; Puget Sound Despatch.

Second General Epistle of the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, 1849; Third ditto. Salt Lake City, 1850.

Seeley (R. H.), The Mormons and their Religion, in Scribner's Monthly, iii. 396.

Seer (The). Washington and Liverpool.

Serra, Memorial, March 1873. MS.

Sexton (Geo.), A Portraiture of Mormonism. London, 1849.

Shearer (Joel), Mysteries Revealed. Council Bluffs (Iowa), 1854.

Shearer (Joel) and Swett (Wm), Comments on the Kingdom of God. Council Bluffs (Iowa), 1854.

Shearer, Journal of a Trip to California. 1849. MS.

Sheen (Isaac), The Narrow Way. Plano (Ill.); The Plan of Salvation. Plano (Ill.)

Shepherd (M. L.), Colonizing of San Bernardino. MS.

Shuck (O. T.), Cal. Scrap-book. San Francisco, 1869; Rep. Men. San Francisco, 1870, 1875.

Silliman (Benjamin), Amer. Jour. of Science and Art. New Haven, 1846 et seq.

Silver City (Idaho), Avalanche.

Silver Reef (Utah), Echo; Miner.

Simonin (L.), Le Grand-Ouest des Etats-Unis. Paris, 1869; Lea Mines d'Or et d'Argent aux Etats-Unis, in Reveue des Deux Mondes. Nov. 1875.

Simons (John), A Few More Facts, etc. Dymock (Eng.), 1840.

Simpson (J. H.), On the Change of Route West from Omaha, proposed by the U. P. Railroad. Washington, 1865; Rept. on U. P. Railroad and Branches. Washington, 1865; Shortest Route to Cal. Philadelphia, 1869; Report of Explorations across the Great Basin, etc. Washington, 1876.

Simpson (S.), Mormonism: Its History, Doctrine, etc. London, n.d.

Siskiyou Couuty Affairs. MS.

Skelton (Robt) and Meik (J. P.), Defence of Mormonism. Calcutta, 1855.

Sketches of Mormonism, as Drawn by Brigham Young and the Elders, in Western Lit. Messenger, July 1856.

Slater (N.), Fruits of Mormonism. Coloma (Cal.), 1851.

Slosh (E. L.), Gazetteer of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1874.

Sloan (R. W.), Utah Gazetteer. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Sloan (Robt W.), and Others, Utah, Her Attractions and Resources. S. L. City, 1881.

Smith (Alexander H.), Polygamy, etc. Piano (Ill.)

Smith (Charles H.), The Mormonites. Bristol (Eng.), 1849.

Smith (Clark), Mystery and Crime in the Land of the Ute. Cornelius (Or.), 1878.

Smith (David H.), The Bible versus Polygamy. Plano (Ill.)

Smith (Emma), Selection of Hymns. Independence (Mo.), 1832.

Smith (Geo. A.), Plea on Trial of Howard Egan. Liverpool, 1852; Rise, Progress, etc., of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, 1869, 1872; Liverpool and London, 1873; Discourse on Celestial Marriage. Oct. 8, 1869.

p. xli

Smith (J.), Items of Church History, etc. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Smith (J. L.), Einige Worte on die Heiligen der Lezten Tage. Zurich (Switz.), 1861.

Smith (Joseph), Reply to Orson Pratt. Plano (Ill.); "Who then can be Saved?" Plano (Ill.)

Smith, Jr (Joseph), Book of Mormon. Palmyra (N. Y.), 1830; Completely Revised by the Translator. Nauvoo (Ill.), 1840; Liverpool, 1852; New York, (—); Salt Lake City, 1871, 1879; The Holy Scriptures Translated and Corrected by the Spirit of Revelation. Piano (Ill.), 1867; Book of Doctrine and Covenants, etc. Nauvoo, 1846; Liverpool, 1854; Liverpool, n.d.; Liverpool, 1882; Salt Lake City, 1876; Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States. Nauvoo, 1844.

Smith, Jr (Joseph), Correspondence between, and John Wentworth, James A. Bennett, and John C. Calhoun. New York, 1844; and Young (Brigham), Discourses on the Relation of the Mormons to the Government. Salt Lake City, 1855.

Smith (Lucy), Biog. Sketches of Joseph Smith, etc. Liverpool, 1853.

Smith (Mary Ettie V.), Fifteen Years among the Mormons. N. Y., 1858. Smith, Narrative of the Assassination of Joseph and Hyrum. By an Eye-witness.

Smith (The Prophet Joseph), Questions and Answers. Salt Lake City, 1882.

Smith (T. W.), Spiritualism Viewed from a Scriptural Standpoint. Plano (Ill.); The "One Baptism," etc. Plano (Ill.) The "One Body." Plano (Ill.)

Smith (Wm), Revelation Given to. Philadelphia, 1848; Slanders Refuted, etc., n.d.

Smithsonian Institution, Annual Reports. Washington, 1853 et seq.

Smoot (Margaret S.), Experience of a Mormon Wife. MS.

Smucker (Sam'l H.), The Religious, Social, and Political History of the Mormons. N. Y., 1856, 1860.

Smyth (John H.), Homestead Law, etc.

Snow (Eliza R.), Hymns and Songs. Salt Lake City, 1880; Poems, Religious, Historical, and Political. Liverpool and London, 1856. vol. i.; Salt Lake City, 1877. vol. ii.; Women's Organizations in Utah. MS.; Bible Questions and Answers. Salt Lake City, 1881 and 1884; Brief Sketch. MS.; Biography of Lorenzo Snow. Salt Lake City, 1884; Children's Primary Hymn Book. Salt Lake City, 1880 and 1882; Correspondence of Palestine Tourists. Salt Lake City, 1875; Recitations for the Primary Associations, Books nos. 1 and 2. Salt Lake City, 1882; Sketch of my Life. MS.; Time Book. Salt Lake City, 1880.

Snow (Erastus), En röst från lander Zion. Copenhagen (Den.), 1852; One Year in Scandinavia, etc. n.d.; Skandinabieus Stierne. Copenhagen, 1851.

Snow (E.) and Winchester (B.), Address to the Citizens of Salem (Mass.), 1841.

Snow (Lorenzo), Voice of Joseph, etc. Liverpool and Lond. 1852.; Only Way to be Saved. London, 1851; Madras, 1853; Italian Mission. n.d.; La Voix de Joseph, etc. Turin (Italy), 1851; Exposition des Premier Principes de la Doctrine de l'Eglise de Jesus Christ, etc. Turin (Italy), 1851.

Snow (Z.) (Atty-Genl.), Communications to Utah Legislature. Salt Lake City, 1872; Salt Lake City, 1874; Correspondence with Wm Clayton (Auditor, etc.) Salt Lake City, 1872; Opinion on Brigham Young. Liverpool, 1852.

Sonoma (Cal.), Democrat.

Southern Quarterly Review. New Orleans, etc., 1842 et seq.

Spaulding (Samuel J.), Spaulding Memorial; A Genealogical History, etc. Boston, 1872.

Spence (Thos), Settlers' Guide. New York, 1862.

Spencer (Orson), Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines of the Church, etc. Liverpool, 1848; London, 1852; Patriarchal Order, or Plurality of Wives, etc. Liverpool, 1853; Report to President Young on the Prussian Mission. Liverpool and London, 1853; Most Prominent Doctrines of the Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, 1874.

p. xlii

Spiritual Courtship and Marriage of the Mormons. London, n.d.

Spiritual-Wife Doctrine of the Mormons. Report of the Judges of Utah Territory. Cheltenham (Eng.), 1852.

Spring Lake Villa (Utah), Farmer's Oracle.

Stanford (Jos), Sketch of Weber County. MS.; Ogden City. MS.

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Staples (Day. J.), Incidents and Information. MS.

Statistical Report of Stakes of Zion. MS.

Stayner (Arthur), Report on the Manufacture of Sugar. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Staynor (C. W.), Farmers' and Miners' Manual. Salt Lake City, 1883.

St Clair (D. L.), To the Followers of the Latter-day Saints. Cheltenham (Eng.), 1840.

Stenhouse (T. B. H.), Exposé of Polygamy. New York, 1872; Les Mormons, etc. Lausanne, 1854; The Rocky Mountain Saints. New York, 1873.

Stenhouse (Mrs T. B. H.), Tell it All, etc. Hartford, 1879; An Englishwoman in Utah. London, 1880; A Lady's Life among the Mormons. New York, 1872.

Stevenson (H.), Lecture on Mormonism. Newcastle (Eng.), 1839.

St George (Utah), Pomologist and Gardener.

Stillman (Jas W.), Speech on the Mormon Question. Boston, 1884.

St Louis Democrat; Luminary.

Stockton (Cal.), Herald; Independent.

Stone (W. F.), The Mormon Problem. MS.; The Saints at Pueblo. MS.

Sturtevant (J. M.), Review of Mormonism in All Ages, in Amex. Bib. Repos., 2d set., ix. 109.

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p. xliii

The Book of Mormon a Forgery. London and Leamington, 1850.

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The Latter-day Saints, in Fortnightly Rev., xii. 1869.

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The Mormons in Utah, in Littell's Liv. Age, xlvi. 1855.

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The Mysteries of Mormonism. New York, 1882.

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The Yankee Mahomet, in Am. Whig Rev., new ser., vii. 1851.

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Townsend (G. A.), The Mormon Trials at Salt Lake City. New York, 1871.

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Tracy (Mrs N. N.), Narrative. MS.

Trial of Jos Smith, Jr, and Others, for High Treason and Other Crimes against the State of Missouri. 26th cong. 2d sess., Sen. Doc. 189, Feb. 15, 1841.

Trial of the Witnesses to the Resurrection of Jesus. Plane (Ill.), 1870.

p. xliv

Tribune Almanac. N. Y., 1838 et seq.

Triplett (Frank), Conquering the Wilderness. New York and St Louis, 1883.

True Latter-day Saints’ Herald. Cincinnati (O.) and Plano (Ill.), 1860-72.

Truth by Three Witnesses: A Warning Voice. Plano (Ill.)

Truth made Manifest: A Dialogue. Plano (Ill.)

Tucker (Pomeroy), Origin, Rise, etc., of Mormonism. New York, 1867.

Tullidge (Edward W.), Life of Brigham Young. N.Y., 1876; Life of Joseph the Prophet. Salt Lake City, 1878; Women of Mormondom. N.Y., 1877; Quarterly Magazine. S. L. City, 1880 et seq.; Morm. Commonwealth, in Galaxy, ii. 356. Morm. Theco., in Id., ii. 209, iv. 541; Reformation, etc., Harper's Mag., xliii. 602; Autobiograhpy. MS.; Brigham Young and Mormonism, in Galaxy, Sept. 1867; Views of Mormonism, in Id., Oct. 1, 1866; Leaders in the Mormon Reform Movement, in Phren. Jour., July 1871; The Mormons, etc., in Id., Jan. 1870; The Utah Gentiles, etc., in Id., May 1871; Wm H. Hooper, of Utah, in Id., Nov. 1870; History of Salt Lake City.

Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine. Salt Lake City, 1880 et seq. Turnbull (W.), A Call to the Unconverted. Liverpool, n.d.

Turner (J. B.), Mormonism in All Ages. New York, 1842.

Turner (O.), Origin of the Mormon Imposture, in Littell's Liv. Age, Aug. 30, 1851.

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Tuthill, Colorado.

Tuthill, Hist. Cal. San Francisco, 1866.

Tyler (Daniel), History of the Mormon Battalion. Salt Lake City, 1881.

Tyson (Thomas), Joseph Smith, the Great American Impostor. London, 1852.


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United States Geolog. Explor. of 40th Parallel, by Clarence King. Washington, 1870.

United States Geolog. Surv. West of 100th Merid. (Geo. W. Wheeler); Bulletins; Reports and Various Publications. Washington, 1874 et seq. 4to. Atlas sheets. Maps.

United States Government Documents: Accounts; Agriculture; Army Regulations; Army Meteorological Register; Banks; Bureau of Statistics; Census; Commerce, Foreign and Domestic; Commerce and Navigation; Commercial Relations; Congressional Directory; Education; Engineers; Finance; Indian Affairs; Interior; Land Office; Meteorological Reports; Mint; Ordnance; Pacific Railroad; Patent Office; Postmaster-General; Post-offices; Quartermaster-general; Revenue; U.S. Official Register—cited by their dates.

United States Government Documents: House Exec. Doc.; House Journal; House Miscel. Doc.; House Com. Reports; Message and Documents; Senate Exec. Doc.; Journal; Miscel. Doc; Com. Repts—cited by congress and session. Many of these documents have, however, separate titles, for which see author or topic.

University of Deseret. Annual Catalogues, 1868 et seq.; Circulars; Biennial Reports.

Upper Missouri Advertiser. 1838.

U. P. R. R., Report of Saml B. Reed.

U. S. Charters and Constitutions. Washington, 1877. 2 vols.

Utah: A Bill to Establish a Territorial Government. Washington, 1850.

Utah Almanac.

Utah and its People. New York, 1882.

Utah and the Mormons, in The New Englander, vi. 1854.

Utah Board of Trade, Resources and Attractions, etc. Salt Lake City, 1879.

Utah Central R. R. Company, Grants, Rights and Privileges, etc. Salt Lake City, 1871.

Utah Commission, Special Report. Washington, 1884.

p. xlv

Utah Commission, the Edmunds Act, Reports of the Commissioners, Rules, Regulations, etc. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Utah, Constitution of the State of. Salt Lake City, 1882.

Utah, County Sketches by various authors. MS.

Utah, Election Laws. Salt Lake City. n.d.

Utah, in Beadle's Monthly, July 1866.

Utah: Its Silver Mines and Other Resources. n.d.

Utah Journals of Council and House, 1851 et seq., together with the other Public Documents printed by the territory, which are cited in my notes by their titles and dates, the title consisting of 'Utah,' followed by one of the following headings: Act; Adjutant General's Report; Agricultural; Chancellor of University Reports; Corporations; Council and House Bills, County Financial Reports, Deseret Agric. and Manufac. Society; Stat. Reports; Domestic Relations; Elections, Fisheries; Inaugural Addresses of Governors, Messages and Documents; Joint Resolutions; Land Acts; Laws; Memorials; Militia; Mines and Mining; Political Code; Revenue Laws; School Law; Secretary of Territory Reports; Superintendent of District Schools Reports; Territorial Auditor Reports; Territorial Librarian Reports; Transportation; Warden of Penitentiary Reports.

Utah Miscellany. MS.

Utah Notes. MS.

Utah Pamphlets, Political, containing the following: Argument before Commr of Intl Revenue, etc.; Bates (George C.), Argument in Baker habeas corpus case; Cannon (Geo. Q.), Review of decision of U. S. Supreme Court; Clagett (Win H.), Speech against admission of Utah as a state; Constitution of State of Deseret said Memorial; Cragin (A. H.), Speech on execution of laws in Utah; Fitch (Thos), Speech on Utah Bill; Speech on Land Grants and Indian Policy; Speech on the Utah Problem; Reply to Memorial of Salt Lake Bar; Hooper (W. H.), Speech against the "Cullom Bill;" Reply to Clagett; Kinney (Jno. F.), Reply to Fernando Wood; Laws concerning Naturalization, etc.; Memorial of Citizens of Salt Lake City; Musser (A. M.), Fruits of Mormonism; Paine (H. E.), Argument in Contested Election, etc.; Review of Opinion of U. S. Supreme Court by an old Lawyer; Reynolds (Geo.), vs U. S.; Snow (Z.), (Terrtl Atty.-Genl.), Communication to Legislative Assembly; Communication to Terr. House of Rep.; Taylor (John), Interview with O. J. Hollister, etc.

Utah Pamphlets, Religious, containing the following: Minutes of Special Conference of August 28, 1852, at Salt Lake City; Extract from a MS. entitled The Peace-maker; Skelton (Robt) and Meik (J. P.), A Defence of Mormonism; Pratt (O.), Smith (Geo. A.), and Cannon (Geo. Q.), Discourses on Celestial Marriage; Hyde (O.), Sketch of Travels and Ministry; Colfax (S.), The Mormon Question; Taylor (John), Reply to Colfax; Newman (Rev. Dr.), A Sermon on Plural Marriage; Pratt (O.), Reply to Newman; Zion's Cöoperative Mercantile Institution, Constitution and By-laws; Utah Central R. R. Grants, Rights and Privileges; Smith (Geo. A.), Rise, Progress, and Travels of the Church, etc.; Young (B.), The Resurrection; Circular of the First Presidency; Death and Funeral of Brigham Young; Young, Sen. (Joseph), History of the Organization of the Seventies; Gibbs (G. F.), Report of Convention of Mormon Women, etc.; The Great Proclamation, etc.; Good Tidings, etc.; The Testimony of the Great Prophet; The Great Contrast; Death of the Prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith; Smith (Jos), Pearl of Great Price; Reynolds (Geo.), Book of Abraham.

Utah. Perpetual Emigration Fund. MS.

Utah Pioneers, Anniversary Meetings; Proceedings 33d Anniversary. Salt Lake City, 1880.

Utah, Speeches on the Edmunds Bill.

Utah Tracts, A collection of eleven pamphlets cited by titles and dates. Salt Lake City, 1879.


p. xlvi

Vancouver (Wash.), Register.

Van Deusen (Increase and Maria), Hidden Orgies of Mormonism. Nottingham (Eng.), n.d.; Spiritual Delusions. New York, 1855; Startling Disclosures of the Great Mormon Conspiracy. New York, 1849; Sublime and Ridiculous Blended. New York, 1848.

Van Dyke (Walter), Recollections of Utah. MS.

Van Sickles (H.), Utah Desperadoes.

Van Tramp (John C.), Prairies and Rocky Mountains. St Louis, 1860.

Venegas, Not. Cal., i. 167-9.

Vest, Morgan, Call, Brown, Pendleton, and Lamar, in U.S. Senate. Salt Lake City, 1882.

Vetromile (Eugene), Tour in Both Hemispheres. New York, etc., 1880.

Victor (Frances F.), All Over Oregon and Washington. San Francisco, 1872; River of the West. Hartford, 1870.

"Vidette" (The Union). Camp Douglas and Salt Lake City, 1864 to 1867.

Villagrã, Hist. N. Mex., 19 et seq.

Virginia (Mont.), Madisonian.

Virginia and Helena (Mont.), Post.

Virginia City (Nev.), Chronicle; Territorial Enterprise.

Visit of the Wyoming Legislature to Utah. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Visit to the Crazy Swede. MS.

Visit to the Mormons, in Westmin. Rev., Oct. 1861.

Voice from the West, etc.; History of the Morrisites. San Francisco, 1879.

Voice of the Good Shepard. Plano (Ill.)


Wadsworth (W.), National Wagon-road Guide. San Francisco, 1858.

Waite (C. B.), The Western Monthly. Salt Lake City, 1869 et seq.; in Lakeside, i. 290.

Waite (Mrs C. V.), Adventures in the Far West, etc. Chicago, 1882; The Mormon Prophet and his Harem. Chicago, 1857; Cambridge, 1866.

Walker (W.), Industrial Progress and Prospects of Utah. MS.

Walla Walla (Wash.), Statesman.

Wendell (C. W.), History of the Persecutions Endured by the Church, etc. Sidney (N. S. W.), 1852; Reply to "Shall we Believe in Mormon?" Sidney (N. S. W.), 1852.

Ward (Austin N.), Husband in Utah. New York, 1857; Male Life among the Mormons. Philadelphia, 1863.

Ward (J. H.), Gospel Philosophy. Salt Lake City, 1884; The Hand of Providence. Salt Lake City, 1883.

Ward (Maria), Female Life among the Mormons. New York, 1855; The Mormon Wife, etc. Hartford, 1873.

Warner, Rem. MS., 21-9.

Warren (G. K.), Preliminary Report, etc. Washington, 1875.

Warsaw (Ill.), Signal.

Washington (D. C.), Natl Intelligencer; Seer; Star.

Waters (—), Life among the Mormons. New York, 1868.

Watsonville (Cal.), Pajaronian; Pajaro Times.

Way to End the Mormon War, in Littell's Liv. Age, 2d ser., xx. 1858.

Webster (Thomas), Extracts from the Doctrine and Covenants. Preston (Eng.), n.d.

Wedderburn (D.), Mormonism from a Mormon Point of View, in Fortnightly Rev., 1876; Pop. Scien. Monthly, x. 156.

Weightman (Hugh), Mormonism Exposed; The Other Side. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Weiser (R.), in Evang. Rev., x. 80.

Wells (D. H.), Journal. MS.

Wells (E. B.) and Williams (Z. Y.), Memorial to U.S. Congress. Washington, 1879.

Wells (J. F.), The Contributor, A Monthly Magazine, Salt Lake City, Oct, 1879 et seq.

p. xlvii

Wells (Samuel R.), The Mormon Question, in Phren. Jour., Dec, 1871; Our Visit to Salt Lake City, in Id., Dec. 1870.

Wentworth, Great West.

West (P. R.), The Brewing Business. MS.

Westbrook (G. W.), Appendix to Hunt's Mormonism. St Louis, 1844; The Mormons in Illinois. St Louis, 1844.

West Coast Reporter, iv. 415.

Westmins. Rev., lix. 196.

Whatcom (Wash.), Bellingham Bay Mail.

White (F. P.), Cattle Raising and Grazing. MS.

Whitney (H.), Journal. MS.

Whitney (H. M.), Plural Marriage. Salt Lake City, 1882.

Whittier (J. G.), in Howitt, Journal, ii. 157; Littell's Liv. Age, xv. 461.

Why We Practise Plural Marriage. Salt Lake City, 1884.

Wight (Lyman), Abridged Account of my Life. n.d.

Willard (Emma), Last Leaves of American History. New York, 1853.

Willes (W.), What is Mormonism? Calcutta, n.d.; The Mountain Warbler. Salt Lake City. 1872.

Williams (H. T.), Pacific Tourist. New York, 1876.

Williams (S.), Mormonism Exposed. 1842.

Willmore (Benj.), Mormonism Unmasked. West Bromwich (Eng.), 1855.

Winchester (Benj.), A History of the Priesthood. Philadelphia, 1843; Origin of the Spaulding Story. Philadelphia, 1840; Synopsis of the Holy Scriptures, etc. Philadelphia, 1842.

Winnemucca (Nev.), Silver State.

With the False Prophet, in Scrib. Monthly, iii. 1872.

Wolfe (J. M.), Gazetteer. Omaha, 1878.

Woodruf (W.) and Richards (F. D.), Historial Events of Mormonism. MS.

Woodruff (Phebe W.), Autobiog. Sketch. MS.

Woodruff (W.), Leaves from my Journal. Salt Lake City, 1881, 1882; Overland to Utah. MS.; Private Journal. MS.

Woods (C. L.), Recollections. MS.

Worthington (C. J.), The Woman in Battle, etc. Hartford, 1876.

Wray (G. W.), Mormonism Exhibited in its Own Minor. Middlesbrough (Eng.), 1854.


Yankee Mahomet (The), in Amer. Whig Rev., June 1851.

Year of Jubilee, etc. Salt Lake City, 1880.

Young (Ann Eliza), Wife No. 19, etc. Hartford, 1876.

Young (Brigham), Resurrection: A Discourse. Salt Lake City, 1875; Death of, etc. Salt Lake City, 1877; History and Private Journal. MS.

Young (Brigham) and Others, Circular of the First Presidency, etc. Salt; Lake City, July 11, 1877; Journal of Discourses. Liverpool and London, 1854 et seq.

Young (L.), Early Experiences. MS.

Young (Mrs C. D.), A Woman's Experiences with the Pioneer Band. MS.

Young, Sen. (Jos), Organization of the Seventies, etc. Salt Lake City, 1878. Y Perl o Fawr Bris. n.d. (Wales).

Yr Curgrawn Ysgrythyrol. Mcrthyr Tydvil, South Wales.

Yuma (Arizona), Sentinel.


Zabriskie (Jas C.), Public Land Laws of the U.S. San Francisco, 1870.

Zion's Coöperative Mercantile Institution; Constitution, By-Laws, and Articles Of Incorporation. S. L. City, 1870. MS.; Argument before U. S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. S. L. City, 1878; Mercantile and Manufacturing Establishments. S. L. City, 1884; Semi-annual Statement. S. L. City, 1880; Wholesale Price List. S. L. City, 1880.

Zion's Watchman (Australia and New Zealand).



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