The History of Creation xiii
I. Horus holding the Hippopotamus-fiend with chain and spear xxxviii
II. Horus spearing the Hippopotamus-fiend xxxviii
III. Horus spearing the Hippopotamus-fiend xxxviii
IV. Horus and Isis capturing the Hippopotamus fiend xl
V. Horus on the back of the Hippopotamus-fiend xl
VI. The slaughter of the Hippopotamus-fiend xliii
VII. Horus of Behutet and Ra-Harmakhis in a shrine xliii
VIII. Horus of Behutet and Ra-Harmakhis in a shrine xliii
IX. Ashthertet in her chariot xliii
X. Horus holding captive foes and spearing Typhonic animals xliii
XI. Horus spearing human foes xliv
XII. Horus spearing the crocodile xliv
XIII. Horus in the form of a lion xlvi
XIV. The Procreation of Horus, son of Isis. xlvii
XV. The Resurrection of Osiris. l
XVI. The Bekhten Stele l
XVII. The Metternich Stele--Obverse lxviii
XVIII. The Metternich Stele--Reverse lxviii
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