Morals and Dogma stands head and shoulders above its contemporaries as the defining Masonic work of its time, if not the past several centuries. Albert Pike's magnum opus, Morals and Dogma is at the philosophical core of the Scottish Rite in particular and Freemasonry in general. Exhaustively researched and referenced, Pike communicates Masonic principle with a voice that echoes throughout time. Connecting the ancient histories and legends of great men and women of history with the symbols and precepts of Freemasonry, Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma has created the essential Masonic educational text. Up until the 1950s his compendium was given to every initiate of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction to better elucidate the signs and symbols of their craft. It is now preserved in the Masonic Online Library as a resource for any who would wish to use it.
P.O. BOX 70
Larkspur CO 80118
United States
(303) 681-2028
Co-Masonry, Co-Freemasonry, Women's Freemasonry, Men and Women, Mixed Masonry