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Occult Chronology

By James Arther

Kali Yuga - Iron Age

Diligent students of The Secret Doctrine will be aware of the “additional note” appended to the first volume of the latest - Adyar - edition (page 340), regarding the date of Kali Yuga, our present “historical” era. At the request of the Vice-President of the Society, the note was provided by Probodh Chandra Sen Gupta. The writer distinguishes between an “unreal,” meaning a “false” Kali Yuga, obtained through a late “astronomical calculation backwards” by Aryabhatta (4th or 5th century A.D.), and the “real,” meaning the “true” Kali Yuga according to the Mahabharata and Puranas. The former, adopted as correct by H.P.B, places the beginning of Kali Yuga at 17-18 February 3102 B.C., the latter nearly six and a half centuries later, at 7 January 2454 B.C. [Another astronomer Varahamihira ( A.D. 587) dates the beginning of the Kali Yuga also at 3102 B.C., but reckons the great Bharata battle to have been fought in its 653rd year, that is 2449 B.C.] when the full moon at winter-solstice day stood near the star Regulus.

What I cannot gather from the note is how the pretended “true” epoch has been ascertained otherwise than, partially at least, by a similar method of “astronomical calculation backwards,” based upon historical tradition as in the case of the supposed “false” epoch. I have not heard of the existence of unbroken historical records [See hereafter sub Asuramaya.] for the last 5,000 years. I am therefore inclined to think that the chances for Arybhatta’s figure being more correct than any more modern calculation, are just so much greater as his time is 15 to 16 centuries nearer to the beginning of the cycle.

The “New Cycle” Theory

But what is even of greater importance for our own time, is the end of Kali Yuga, that is to say, of its first cycle of 5,000 years, which must bring with it great changes in the world of man of today.

Perhaps better known than Mr. Sen Gupta’s theory, at least in India, and certainly most insistent, is the protest raised against it by C. Panigrahi Bharadwaz in a series of articles in The Observer, [College Lane, Cuttack. The seventh and last paper of the series appeared in the issue of 1 April 1940.] not to mention a number of letters to the President and the Vice-President. The writer styles himself a “New Cycle Theosophist,” and believes that “Kali Yuga ends on 1st August 1943,” so that there is little time left to prepare ourselves for the impending fateful changes. H.P.B also attached the greatest importance to the closing of the first 5,000 years of Kali Yuga. Only, according to her, that closure had already taken place some 42 or 43 years ago, namely in 1897- 98, six or seven years after her death.

Transition Century

It may well be however, and it seems even most likely, that the change from the old to the new cycle may not be effected in one short year, but will rather take more of a century than less to accomplish. And if that is so, this our twentieth century must be the fatal period of transition. Even when taking into consideration only the wars fought in our times, and the enormous changes effected in the ways and means of warfare, in the ways and means of dealing out death at will to hundreds of thousands of living human beings at once, it will be evident that this cannot but deeply effect all other issues of life.

Some aspects, of a more intellectual and moral nature, of the transition from the old to the new cycle, were considered by me eight years ago in an article, entitled “H.P.B’s Foresight for the Year 1897.” [The Theosophist, Dec 1932, Jan 1933, pp 384, 415.]. In the plight in which the world is today, it is only natural now to stress the political aspects of that transition - the relation between the nations and races. In this connection I will draw special attention to H.P.B’s declaration that in this transition period, that is, “at the end of the dawn of the new cycle, not a few accounts will be settled and squared between the races.” [See hereafter sub I.] Also to that other prophecy of hers, already cited by me at the beginning of the present war, but well worth repeating in the crisis at which we at present stand.

“The Terror”

Speaking of the Count de Saint Germain, “the greatest Oriental Adept Europe has seen during the last centuries,” H.P.B added the significant remark: “But Europe knew him not [as such in the eighteenth century]. Perchance some may recognize him at the next Terreur, which will affect all Europe when it comes, and not one country alone,” [The Theosophical Glossary, page 309. The Theosophist, Dec 1939, page 239.] as it did France alone at the time of the Revolution. This was written shortly before her death, 1891, and could therefore - her own century being very near its close - only refer to our own twentieth century.

The Terror is now threatening to carry everything before it. The struggle may be a long one. It may take many years and decades of years to square the karmas of nations. But the Good will in the end prevail, if not now then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then surely at its appointed end. With assurance we may look forward to the close of the transitionary period, when the war-ridden and power-mad old centuries will give place to a new time and a more peaceful world, because more united and federated - a change, upon the accomplishment of which may well be put the seal of the Brotherhood, when their next Messenger to the world makes his appearance in the last quarter of this our much afflicted twentieth century. [See sub VIII hereafter.]

Sun, Moon and Jupiter

After this digression, necessary to show the importance of our subject, let us return to Mr. Panigrahi’s calculation of the year 1943 as the end of the old cycle. He bases his conclusion exclusively on one passage of The Secret Doctrine, with complete negation of all other texts.

And that one passage even is not from H.P.B’s own pen, but cited by her from the Vishnu Purana which in its turn derives it apparently from a still older source. The problem turns therefore entirely on the latter and its interpretation. H.P.B offers no comment of her own. The sentence runs thus: “When the sun and moon and the lunar asterism Tishya [or Pushya] and the planet Jupiter are in one mansion, [the Kali Yuga shall have an end, and] the Krita (or Satya) Age shall return.” [Secret Doctrine - Volume I, page373. Fitzedward Hall’s Vishnu Purana, IV, 229, “The chief star of Tishya is in the constellation Cancer.”] Now, according to our writer such a conjunction of Sun, Moon and Jupiter in Pushya will take place 1st August 1943 at 12.44 pm.

I have been assured by astronomer friends here that the astronomical calculation giving this exact point in time is correct. [I am further informed by the same friends that the conjunction of Sun, Moon and Jupiter in Tishya occurs once in every 25,000 years and more. In that case, it coincides probably with a “sidereal year,” that is, a complete circuit of the precession of the equinoxes, a period of about 25,868 years. For the importance of this cycle in The Secret Doctrine, see f, I. Secret Doctrine, II, 550 ff.] Still counting from A.D. 1943 backwards 5,000 years - the duration of the first sub-cycle of the Kali Yuga - gives B.C. 3057. And I have nowhere found any mention of this year as the astronomical or historical beginning of the Black or Iron Age. [Some derive the world Kali from Kala (f. Kali) = dark, black, dark-blue, blue-black; others from Kali = strife, war, dissension, contention. The two Sanskrit words are of course nearly related, having come from the same root. The name Iron Age is obtained by comparison of the Hindu Krita or Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali Yuga with the western tradition of the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron Age. Our present time seems one of the high-spots of this Dark, Iron or War-age.]

Furthermore, it is generally accepted, or at least so by H.P.B, that Kali Yuga will last 432,000 years, of which only the first small sub-cycle of cirea 5,000 years has passed up till now. The literal interpretation of the text therefore should lead to the conclusion that it has no bearing upon the close of the first sub-cycle, but only upon the close of the great cycle itself, lakhs of years hence.

So far for the divergent views of the “Real Yuga” and the “New Cycle” theories. Not being an astronomer myself I have no views of my own to offer regarding their merits or demerits. My task will further be to state the case of Theosophy as laid down by H.P.B leaving it to the respective votaries of the two theories to “disprove” its truth if they feel so inclined.

3102 B.C. - A.D. 1898

Whether a real or an unreal yuga, whether false or true, there is no doubt that in The Secret Doctrine and in sundry other places, H.P.B keeps doggedly to Aryabhatta’s calculation of 3102 B.C. as the actual beginning of the Kali Yuga. How deeply during the last seven years of her life, starting from 1884 when she began to write The Secret Doctrine up to her death in 1891, she was preoccupied with this cycle, and what signal importance she attached to the close of its first sub-cycle of 5,000 years, the following chronological survey [ I dare not say that the list is complete, though I trust that not much may be lacking.] of relevant passages may testify.

1. From the First Draft of “ The Secret Doctrine,” MS., page 31.

“The [‘very’] ‘old book’ [‘from which the many volumes of Kiu-te [These “secret folios of Kiu-ti,” thirty-five volumes of which “ for exoteric purposes and the use of laymen may be found in the library of any monastery” in Tibet, are so to speak “The Popularized Version of The Secret Doctrine” (Secret Doctrine. V 389). According to the Master, H.P.B knew at least parts of them “by rote,” (The Mahatma Letters 285). Some fragments and notes from them, no doubt given out by her, and originally in the possession of A.P. Sinnett, and circulated among the older members in the early days of The Theosophical Society, were published by C. Jinarajadasa in The Early Teachings of the Masters page 184 ff. See also Francesca Arundale, My Guest, H.P.B ., p 14.] were compiled’] having described Cosmic Evolution, and explained the origin of everything on earth including man, and given the true history of the Races, from the 1st down to the 5th Race, goes no further. It stops short at the beginning of Kali Yuga, just 4,986 years ago at the death of Krishna - the bright Sun-god and the once living hero and reformer.

“But there exists another book. None of its possessors regard it as very ancient as it was born with, and is only as old as, the Black Age, namely about 5,000 years ago. In about 13 to 14 years hence, the first cycle of the first five millenniums that began with the great Cycle of the Kali Yuga will end. And then the last prophecy contained in that Book, Volume 1 of the prophetic Record for the Black Age, will be accomplished. We have not long to wait and many of us will witness the dawn of the new Cycle, at the end of which not a few accounts will be settled and squared between the races.” [My italics.]

Incidentally from this passage can be ascertained when the identical text must have been written. If we deduct 3102 from 4986 we obtain the year 1884 as the date of the written text. And if we add to this 13 or 14 years, we have the year 1897-98 as the end of the first sub-cycle of 5,000 years.

II. The above text was published in 1888 in the first edition of The Secret Doctrine [Secret Doctrine. I, xIiii-xIIV; Secret Doctrine. I, 65.] with only slight alternations, except the two notable ones which change the figure 4986 into 4989, and the numbers 13 and 14 into 9. This gives us for the date of revision of the text of the first draft the year 4989—3102=1887 (see hereafter sub V). The figure 9 is obviously a mistake and should be 10 or 11.

III. From the Secret Doctrine. I, 369; Secret Doctrine. II, 85.

“Yudhisthira - the first King of the Sacea [Shakya?], who opens the Kali Yuga era, which has to last 432,000 years - [was]’ an actual King and man who lived 3,102 years B.C.’ “

IV. From the Secret Doctrine. I, 612; Secret Doctrine. II, 337.

We are at the very close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga; and between this time [1887-881] and 1897 there will be a large rent made in the Veil of Nature, and materialistic science will receive a death-blow.” [My italics.]

V. From the Secret Doctrine. II, 69; Secret Doctrine. III,79.

“The year 1887 is from the commencement of Kali Yuga 4,989 years.”

VI. From the Secret Doctrine. II, 435; Secret Doctrine. III, 433.

“The year of the Kali Yuga is said to have begun between the 17th and 18th February in the year 3102 B.C.”

VII. From “Le Lotus,” December 1887, p 161.

“Ce sont les enseignements et le dogme de l’Esotérisme Oriental, qui nous montrent le Kalki Avatar à la fin du Kali Yug, alors que nous ne sommes qu’au commencement. Le Kali Yug doit durer 432,000 ans, et les premières 5,000 anneés ne seront écoulées qu’en 1827.” The last figure is an obvious misprint for 1897.

VII. From the Esoteric Section of The Theosophical Society, Preliminary Memorandum, 1888 (The Theosophist, August 1931, pp 597-98).

“Let every member know that the time for such priceless acquisition [‘to become white Adepts’] is limited. The writer of the present is old; her life is well-nigh worn out, and she may be summoned ‘home’ any day and almost any hour. And if her place is even filled up, perchance by another worthier and more learned than herself [Annie Besant!], still there remain but twelve years to the last hour of the term - namely, till December the 31st, 1899. Those who will not have profited by the opportunity (given to the world in every last quarter of a century), [My italics. See Secret Doctrine- Volume -V-, page 396; The Key to Theosophy, page 306; The Mahatma Letters, pages 51 and 362], those who will not have reached a certain point of psychic and spiritual development, or that point from which begins the cycle of adeptship, by that day - those will advance no further than the knowledge already acquired. No Master of Wisdom from the East will himself appear or send anyone to Europe or America after that period, and the sluggards will have to renounce every chance of advancement in their present incarnation - until the year 1975. Such is the LAW, for we are in Kali Yuga - the Black Age - and the restrictions in this cycle, the first 5,000 years of which will expire in 1897, and great and almost insuperable.”

IX. From “Lucifer,” November 1889, page 173.

“The great psychic and spiritual change now taking place in the realm of human Soul, is quite remarkable. It began towards the very commencement of the now slowly vanishing last quarter of our century [1875], and will end - so says a mystic prophecy - either for the weal or the woe of civilized humanity, with the present cycle which will close in 1897.”

X. From the “Vahan,” December 1890, page 2.

“We say today to all: If you would really help the noble cause - you must do so now: for, a few more years more and your, as well as our efforts, will be in vain . . .We are in the very midst of the Egyptian darkness of the Kali Yuga, the Black Age, the first 5,000 years of which, its dreary first cycle, is preparing to close on the world between 1897 and 1898. Unless we succeed in placing the T.S. before this date on the safe side of the spiritual current, it will be swept away irretrievably into the Deep called Failures and the cold waves of oblivion will close over its doomed head. Thus will have ingloriously perished the only association whose aims and rules and original purposes answer in every particular and detail - if strictly carried out - to the innermost fundamental thought of every great Adept Reformer, the beautiful dream of a UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF MAN.”

XI. From one of H.P.B’s last letters, April 15th, 1891 (Five Messages to the American Theosophists, page 27).

“Let me remind you all once more that such work [‘for the common cause so dear to us all’] is now more than ever needed. The period which we have now reached in the cycle that will close between 1897-98 is, and will continue to be, one of the great conflict and continued strain. If the T.S. can hold through it, good; if not, while Theosophy will remain unscathed, the Society will perish - perchance most ingloriously - and the World will suffer. I fervently hope that I may not see such a disaster in my present body.”

XII. From H.P.B’s posthumous work, “The Theosophical Glossary.” published in 1892, page 170.

“The fourth, the black or iron age, [is] our present period, the duration of which is 432,000 years. The last of the ages into which the evolutionary period of man is divided by a series of such ages. It [the last one] began 3102 years B.C. at the moment of Krishna’s death, and the first cycle of 5,000 years will end between the years 1897 and 1898.”


We have already heard from where H.P.B obtained her knowledge regarding the different cycles of cosmic and human evolution in general - from that “very old book, from which the many volumes of Kiu-ti were compiled.” The question is now where her knowledge of the Kali Yuga cycle in particular was derived from. The passage, part of which is quoted above, sub V, gives the answer. From a Tamil calendar, the Tirukkanda Panchanga for Kali Yuga 4986 (1884-85) “ compiled by two very learned Brahmins, Chintamany Raghanaracharya, son of the famous Government astronomer of Madras, and Tartakamala Venkata Krishna Rao.” [The Adyar Library is not in possession of a copy, and I have not yet been able to secure one. If anybody is the fortunate possessor of, or can lay his hand on, a copy, it would be greatly appreciated if he would make the Adyar Library the happy recipient of it.] It was compiled from fragments of immensely old works attributed to the Atlantean astronomer, Asuramaya, and found in Southern India,” H.P.B informs us, adding further: “The work is proclaimed by the best Pandits as faultless - from the Brahmanical standpoint - and thus far relates to the chronology of the orthodox teachings. If we compare its statements with those made several years earlier in ‘Isis Unveiled,’ with the fragmentary teachings published by the same Theosophists, and with the present data derived from the Secret Books of Occultism [ Kiu-Ti ], the whole will be found to agree perfectly, save in some details which may not be explained; [My italics.] for secrets of higher Initiation - as unknown to the writer as they are to the reader - would have to be revealed, and that cannot be done.[Secret Doctrine - II, Page 51; Secret Doctrine - III , Page 67]

The Death-blow to Materialism

In my older article I have given diverse illustrations of the truly critical nature of the closing years of the last century. Among these is the death-blow given to materialistic science (see above, sub IV) round about the year 1897, as testified to by men of science themselves. For example, Mr. Dampier-Whetham tells us: “From 1895 onwards, there came the new revelation in physics. The new physics may be said to have begun in 1895 with the discovery of X-rays by Prof Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen of Munich. Röntgen’s discovery led to another field of research, that of radio-activity. In this search, the first success fell to Henri Becquerel, who in February 1896 found that uranium and all its compounds emit rays. The next year, 1897, was marked by the great discovery of the ultra-atomic corpuscles. The new era in physics had begun. The old materialism is dead.” [History of Science, Cambridge University Press, 1930, page 470.]

So much for physical science. To this I may now add the not less striking case of the science of psychology. It is “Psycho-Analysis” which has caused the greatest revolution in this field, and we are told that “the beginnings of psycho-analysis are marked by two dates: 1895 which saw the publication of Breuer and Freud’s Studien über Hysterie, and 1900 which saw that of Freud’s Traumdeutung. [Ene Britt., vol 18, page 674.]

Was there ever a greater and truer prophetess than H.P.B when she wrote that “between this [her] time [1888] and 1897 materialistic science will receive a death-blow”?

Universal Brotherhood

The above texts from H.P.B’s works show an increasing emphasis and a growing anxiety, as their author felt her last days close upon her. The approaching end of Kali Yuga’s first sub-cycle was more than an interesting theoretical or even hypothetical proposition. For her it was a real thing. She saw it coming with all its immediate implications. The critical moment was drawing fearfully near. Critical not only for the future spiritual state of humanity in general, but also and specially for her particular life-work - Theosophy and The Theosophical Society. Under the stress of the last efforts she even became more pessimistic than is warrant-able. Her forecast that after the fatal hour, 1897-98, no Eastern Adept or even a pupil of one would anymore visit the West until the New Dispensation in 1975 seems too dark a vision.

As to the possibility of the failure of The Theosophical Society and its “perishing ingloriously,’ she herself has given us the magic formula to prevent such a disaster, namely to be true to “the beautiful dream of a Universal Brotherhood of Man,” with the stress laid on the “Universal.”




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