Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. II

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Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. II

By A. H. Sayce

The Assyrian Chronicle


858. Shalmaneser king of Assyria; (campaign) against [the land of] …

857. Assur-bela-kain the tartan, 1 …

856. Assur-Bani-aplâ-utsur the Rab-BI-LUL; 2 …

855. Abu-ina-ekalli-lilbur the governor of the palace; …

854. Dân-Assur the tartan; …

853. Samas-abûa the prefect of the city Na’sibna; 3 …

852. Samas-bela-utsur of the city of Calah; …

851. Bel-bani-pal-a the governor of the palace; …

850. Khadî-lipusu of the city of …; …

.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .

840. [Sallimmu-bela-l’amur] of the river of ’Sukhina; against the land of [Qu]e.

839. [Uras-kib’si-utsur] of the city of Ratsappa (Rezeph); against the land of Ma(?) . . khi.

838. [Uras-A]of the river of ’Sukhina; against the land of Danabi.

837. [Qurdi-Assur] of the city of Sallat; against the country of Tabali (Tubal).

836. [Ner-sarri] of the country of [Kir]ruri; against the land of Melidi (Malatiyeh).

835. [Nergal-mudammiq] of Ninevah; against the land of Namri.

834. [Yakhâlu] the seer; against the land of Que.

833. [Ululâ] of the city of [Kal]zi; against the land of Que.

832. [Sarru-patî-beli] …; against the land of Que; the great god went to the city of Diri.


831. [Nergal-A] of [Nisib]is; against the land of Ararat.

830. [Khubâ] of the city of [Cal]ah; against the land of Unqi.

829. [Ilu-kin-akha] of [Arba]kha; against the land of Ulluba.

828. [Shalmaneser the king]; against the land of the Mannâ.

827. [Dân-Assur] … Insurrection.

826. [Assur-bani-pal-a-utsur] … Insurrection.

825. [Yakhâlu] … Insurrection.

824. [Bel-bani-pal-a] … Insurrection.


823. [Samas-Rimmon the king]. Insurrection.

822. [Yakhâlu] … Insurrection.

817. [Assur-bani-aplâ-utsur] the Rab- …; against the land of Tille.

816. [Sarru-patî-beli of the city of Ni]sibis; against the land of Zarati.

815. [Bel-baladh, the tartan?]; against the city of Diri; the great god went to the city of Diri.

814. [Musiknis of the land of] Kirruri; against the land of Akh’sana.

813. [Nergal-utsur of] Sallat (?); against the land of the Kaldi. 1

812. [Samas-kumua of] Arbakha; 2 against Babylon.

811. [Bel-qati-tsabat of the city of] Mazamua; in the country. 3


810. [Rimmon-nirari king of] Assyria; against the land of A.

809. [Nergal-A the] tartan; against the city of Gozan. 4


808. [Belu-dân, the ner of] the palace; against the land of the Mannâ. 1

807. [Tsil-beli, the Rab-]BI-LUL; against the land of the Mannâ.

806. [Assur-taggil] the seer; 2 against the land of Arpad.

 805. [… the …]; against the city of Khazazi.

804. [Nergal-esses of the country of] Ratsappa; 3 against the city of Bahli.

803. Assur-nes-nisi of the city of Arbakra; against the sea-coast. A pestilence.

802. Uras-A of the city on the banks of the Zukhina; against the city of Khupuskia.

80 r. Ner-Istar of the city of Nisibis; against the country of A.

800. Merodach-isip-anni of the city of Amedi 4; against the country of A.

799. Mutaggil-Merodach the Rab-shakeh; 5 against the city of Lusia.

798. Bel-tartsi-same of the city of Calah; against the country of Namri.

797. Assur-bela-utsur of the city of Kirruri; against the city of Mantsuate.

796. Merodach-sadûni of the city of Sallat; against the city of Deri.

795. Kin-abûa of the city of Tuskhan; against the city of Deri.

794. Mannu-kî-Assur of the city of Gozan; against the country of A.


793. Musallim-Uras of the city of Tille; against the country of A.

792. Bel-qais-âni of the city of Mekhinis; against the land of Khupuskia.

791. Ner-Samas of the city of I’sana; against the land of Ituha.

790. Uras-kin-akha of the city of Ninevah; against the land of A.

789. Rimmon-musammir of the city of Kalzi; against the land of A. The foundation of the temple of Nebo in Ninevah [was laid].

788. Tsil-Istari of the city of …; against the land of Ki-?-ki. Nebo [entered] the (new) temple.

787. Nebo-sarra-utsur of the city of …… [against the land of Khupuskia.] The great god entered the city of Deri.

785. Merodach-sarra-utsur of the city of Kurban; against the land of Khupuskia.

783. Uras-natsir of the city of Mazamua; against the land of Ituha.

782. Samu-lih of the city of Nisibis; against the land of Ituha.


781. Shalmaneser king of Assyria; against the land of Ararat.

780. Samsi-ilu the tartan; against the country of Ararat.

779. Merodach-rim-ani the Rab-BI-LUL; against the land Of Ararat.

778. Bel-esir [the governor] of the palace; against the land of Ararat.

777. Nebo-isdi-ya-yukin the seer; against the country of Ituha.

776. [Pan-Assuri-l’amur of] the (Assyrian) country; 1 against the land of Ararat.

775. [Nergal-esses of the country of] Ratsappa; against the country of Erini. 2


774. [Istar-duru of the city of] Nisibis; against the countries of Ararat and Namri.

773. [Mannu-ki-Rimmon of] the (Assyrian) country; against the city of Damascus.

772. [Assur-bela-utsur of the city of] Calah; against the country of Khatarika. 1


771. Assur-dân the king of Assyria; against the city of Gananâti.

770. Samsi-ilu the tartan; against the city of Marad.

769. Bel-A of the city of Arbakha; against the country of Ituha.

768. Abla-ya of the city of Mazamua; at home.

767. Qurdi-Assur of the city on the banks of the Zukhina; against the country of Gannanati.

766. Musallim-Uras of the city of Tile; against the country of A.

765. Uras-mukin-nisi of the country of Kirruri; against the country of Khatarika. A pestilence.

764. Tsidqi-ilu of the country of Tuskhan; at home.


763. Isid-Raki's-rabe of the city of Gozan. Insurrection in the city of Assur. In the month Sivan the sun was eclipsed. 2

762. Dhabu-Bel of the city of Amedi; insurrection in the city of Assur.

767. Nebo-kin-akhi of the city of Ninevah; insurrection in the city of Arbakha.

760. Laqipu of the city of Kalzi; insurrection in the city of Arbakha.

759. Pan-Assur-l’amur of the city of Arbela; insurrection in the city of Gozan. A pestilence.

758. Ana-beli-taggil of the city of I’sana; against the city of Gozan. Peace in the country (of Assyria).

757. Uras-iddin of the city of Kurban; at home.


756. Bel-sadûa of the city of Parnunna (?); at home.

755. Iqi’su of the city of Mekhinis; against the country 1 of Khatarika.

754. Uras-sezib-ani [of the city] of Rimu’si; against the country 1 of Arpad. From the city of Assur a return.


753. Assur-[nirari king of] Assyria; at home.

752. Samsi[-ilu the tar]tan; at home.

751. Merodach-[sallim-anni the governor] of the palace; at home.

750. Bel-[dân the Rab-]BI-LUL; at home.

749. Samas-[mukin-duruk the] seer; against the land of Namri.

748. [Rimmon-bela-yukin], an Assyrian 2; against the land of Namri.


747. [Sin-sallim-anni of the country] of Ratsappa; in the country.

746. [Nergal-natsir of the] city of Nisibis; insurrection in the city of Calah.


745. [Nebo-bela-utsur of the city of Arbakha; on the 13th day of the month Iyyar Tiglath-pileser ascended the throne; in the month Tisri he marched to the river [Euphrates].

744. [Bel-dân] of the city of Calah; against the land of Namri.

743. The king of Assyria; in the city of Arpad. The troops of the land of Ararat were slaughtered.

742. [Nebo-danin-anni] the tartan; against the city of Arpad.

741. [Bel-Kharran-bela-utsur] the governor of the palace; against the same city. After three years' (siege) it was captured.

740. [Nebo-edhir-anni] the Rab-BI-LUL; against the city of Arpad.


739. [Sin-taggil] the seer; against the land of Ulluba. The city of Birtu was taken (?). 1

738. [Rimmon-bela-yukin] an Assyrian; 2 (the king) captures the city of Kullani. 3

737. [Bel-emur-anni] of Ratsappa; against the land of A.

736. [Uras-A] of Nisibis; against the foot of Mount Naal.

735. [Assur-sallim -anni] of the country of Arbakha; against the land of Ararat.

734. [Bel-all] of Calah; against the land of Pilista. 4

733. [Assur-danin-anni] of the city of Mazamua; against the land of Damascus.

732. [Nebo-bela-utsur] of the city of ’Sihme; against the land of Damascus.

731. [Nergal-yuballidh] of the city on the banks of the Zukhina; against the city of Sapiya.

730. [Bel-ludari] of the city of Tile; at home.

729. [Napkhar-ilu]-of the land of Kirruri; the king took the hands of Bel. 5

728. [Dur-Assur] of the city of Tuskhan; the king took the hands of Bel; the city of Di(ri) …


727. [Bel-Kharran-bola-utsur] of [Go]zan; against the city of … [Shalman]eser [ascended] the throne.

726. [Merodach-bela-utsur of Ame]di; at [home].

725. [Makhdê] of Ninevah; against …

724. [Assur-isip-anni of Kal]zi; against …

723. [Shalmaneser king of] Assyria; against …


.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .

716. [Dhabu-tsil-Ê-sarra] … against the city of the Mannâ.

715. [Taggil-ana-Bela] … prefects were appointed.


714. [Istar-dur] … the city of Muzazir of the (god) Khaldia [was captured].

713. [Assur-bani] … the great … in the country of Illipa; the god … entered the new [temple].

712. [Sarru-emur-anni] … the city of Muzazir.

711. [Uras-alik-pani] …; at home.

710. [Samas-bela-utsur] ...; against the city of Marqa’sa.

709. Mannu-ki-Assur-lih …; against the city of Bit-ziri; the king poured out a sacrificial libation in the city of Kis … Sargon took the hands of Bel.

708. [Samas-yupakhkhir of Kirru]ri; the city of Kumukh was conquered; a prefect was appointed (over it).

707. Sa-Assur-dubbu the prefect of Tuskhan; the king made a pilgrimage to Babylon. [Its] temples and [palaces] he restored. On the 22d day of the month Tisri the gods of the city of Dur-yakin 1 were brought forth.

706. Mutaggil-Assur the prefect of Gozan; the king destroyed the city of Dur-yakin the 6th day of the month Iyyar. To their temples [the gods] returned.

705. Yupakhkhir-Bel the prefect of Amedi … Mukh(?)kaespai the Kulummite in the country of Karalla … A soldier murdered the king of Assyria. … On the 12th day of the month Ab Sennacherib [ascended the throne].


704. Nebo-dini-epus the governor of Ninevah … the cities of Larak and ’Sarabanu [were captured?]. A palace was built in the city of Kalzi.…

120:1 Turtanu, "commander-in-chief;" see Isaiah xx. I, 2 Kings xviii. 17.

120:2 Perhaps "the chief of the cup-bearers."

120:3 Nisibis.

121:1 The Chaldæans, at this time a tribe in the marshes of Southern Babylonia.

121:2 Arrapakhitis.

121:3 That is to say, the troops stayed at home; no military expedition took place.

121:4 On the river Khabour; see 2 Kings xix. 52.

122:1 The Minni of the Old Testament, the Manâ of the Vannic inscriptions, whose territory extended from the Kotur mountains, the eastern frontier of the kingdom of Ararat or Van, towards Lake Urumiyeh. The name has no connection with that of Van.

122:2 Abarakku, from the Accadian abrik; in Genesis xli. 43 Joseph is called abrek, a word erroneously supposed to be of Egyptian origin. See my Hibbert Lectures on Babylonian Religion, p. 183, where, however, I have erroneously translated abrikku or abarakku "vizier." Joseph's cup of divination is referred to in Genesis xliv. 5.

122:3 The Rezeph of Isaiah xxxvii. 12.

122:4 Amida, now Diarbekir.

122:5 Rab-saki, "the chief of the princes," or Vizier.

123:1 Or perhaps "the prefect" (saladh).

123:2 "The country of the cedar-trees," i.e. Mount Amanus.

124:1 The Hadrach of Zech. ix. 1.

124:2 The eclipse was visible at Nineveh on the 15th of June.

125:1 "City" in another copy.

125:2 Or "the prefect."

126:1 I cannot explain the grammatical construction of tsabtat.

126:2 Or "the prefect."

126:3 Probably the Calneh of Genesis x. 10; Isaiah x. 9.

126:4 The Philistines.

126:5 This ceremony was performed at Babylon, and implied that the king was recognised as legitimate sovereign of Babylonia.

127:1 According to the text published in W. A. I. ii. 69, Dur-Sargon (now Khorsabad). The text published by Dr. Bezold, however (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology, xi. 7), gives Dur-yakin, the ancestral capital of Merodach-baladan in the southern marshes of Babylonia.



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