Rise And Demise Of Atlantis

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Rise And Demise Of Atlantis


Glossary Of Key Occult Terms

Atlas comes from euphonic a and τλαω (tlao). Τλαω means (a) to suffer, to undergo hardship, disgrace, etc.; and (b) to dare, or venture to do. Mount Atlas in West Africa 1 was regarded as the pillar of heaven. According to Hesychius, Atlas is (a) not enduring or daring; and (b) axis of the Earth.2

Atlas stands for the old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, combined and personified in one symbol. . . . The poets attribute to Atlas, as to Proteus, a superior wisdom and an universal knowledge, and especially a thorough acquaintance with the depths of the ocean: because both continents bore races instructed by divine masters, and because both were transferred to the bottom of the seas, where they now slumber until their next reappearance above the waters. Atlas is the son of an ocean nymph, and his daughter is Calypso — “the watery deep.” Atlantis has been submerged beneath the waters of the ocean, and its progeny is now sleeping its eternal sleep on the ocean floors. The Odyssey makes of him the guardian and the “sustainer” of the huge pillars that separate the heavens from the earth. He is their “supporter.” And as both Lemuria, destroyed by submarine fires, and Atlantis, submerged by the waves, perished in the ocean deeps.3 Atlas is said to have been compelled to leave the surface of the earth, and join his brother Iapetos in the depths of Tartarus.4 Sir Theodore Martin is right in interpreting this allegory as meaning, Atlas “standing on the solid floor of the inferior hemisphere of the universe and thus carrying at the same time the disc of the earth and the celestial vault 5 — the solid envelope of the superior hemisphere.6 For Atlas is Atlantis which supports the new continents and their horizons on its “shoulders.” 7

Atlas supports the new continents and their horizons on his shoulders. The conception 1 was certainly due to the gigantic mountain chain running along the terrestrial border (or disk). These mountain peaks plunged their roots into the very bottom of the seas, while they raised their heads heavenward, their summits being lost in the clouds. The ancient continents had more mountains than valleys on them. Atlas, and the Teneriffe Peak, now two of the dwarfed relics of the two lost continents, were thrice as lofty during the day of Lemuria and twice as high in that of Atlantis.2

To make a difference between Lemuria and Atlantis, ancient writers referred to the latter as the Northern or Hyperborean Atlantis. . . . and to the former as the southern. Thus Apollodorus says: 3 “The golden apples carried away by Hercules are not, as some think, in Lybia; they are in the Hyperborean Atlantis.” The Greeks naturalised all the gods they borrowed and made Hellenes of them, and the moderns helped them. . . . 4

Both the titan and the celestial mountain, are symbols of the Fourth Race. Atlantides or Pleiades, his seven daughters, stand for its seven Sub-races. The “Mountain of God” [Ezekiel xxviii, 2-8] means the “Mountain of the Gods” or Meru, whose representative in the Fourth Race was Mount Atlas, the last form of one of the divine Titans, so high in those days that the ancients believed that the heavens rested on its top. . . . The truth is that Atlas, “the mountain of the gods,” and also the hero of that name, are the esoteric symbols of the Fourth Race, and his seven daughters, the Atlantides, are the symbols of its seven sub-races. Mount Atlas, according to all the legends, was three times as high as it is now; 5 having sunk at two different times. It is of a volcanic origin, and therefore the voice within Ezekiel says: “I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee,” etc.6 Surely it does not mean, as seems to be the case from the translated texts, that this fire was to be brought from the midst of the Prince of Tyrus, or his people, but from Mount Atlas, symboliz- ing the proud race, learned in magic and high in arts and civilization, whose last remnant was destroyed almost at the foot of the range of those once gigantic mountains. . . . Truly, “thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more”; 1 as the very name of the race and its fate is now annihilated from man’s memory. 2

The words Atlas and Atlantic have no satisfactory etymology in any language known in Europe. Atlante is not a Greek name, and its construction has nothing of the Grecian element in it. Brasseur de Bourbourg tried to demonstrate it years ago, and Baldwin, in his Ancient America, cites the former, who declares that:
“ . . . the words Atlas and Atlantic have no satisfactory etymology in any language known in Europe. They are not Greek, and cannot be referred to any known language of the Old World. But in the Nahuatl [or Toltec] language we find immediately the radical a, atl, which signifies water, war, and the top of the head. . . . From this comes a series of words, such as atlan, or the border of or amid the water; from which we have the adjective Atlantic. We have also atlaça, to combat. . . . A city named Atlan existed when the continent was discovered by Columbus, at the entrance of the Gulf of Urabá, in Darien, with a good harbour; it is now reduced to an unimportant pueblo [village] named Acla.” 3

Atlantis has a Mexican ring about it. [It is] the continent that was submerged in the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans according to the secret teachings and Plato.4
Like [Ulupi] 5 Atlantis, it is neither a Greek nor a Sanskrit name, but reminds one of Mexican names.6

In any event, neither the name of Lemuria nor even Atlantis are the real archaic names of the lost continents. . . . but have been adopted by us for the sake of clearness. Atlantis was the name given to those portions of the submerged Fourth-Race continent which were “beyond the pillars of Hercules,” and which happened to keep above water after the general cataclysm. The last remnant of these — Plato’s Atlantis, or the “Poseidonis” (another substitute or rather a translation of the real name) — was the last of it some 11,000 years ago.1 Most of the correct names of the countries and islands of both continents are given in the Puranas . . . 2

The term “Atlantean” must not mislead the reader to regard these as one race only, or even a nation. . . . It is as though one said “Asiatics.” Many, multityped, and various were the Atlanteans, who represented several humanities, and almost a countless number of races and nations, more varied indeed than would be the “Europeans” were this name to be given indiscriminately to the five existing parts of the world; 3 which, at the rate colonization is proceeding, will be the case, perhaps, in less than two or three hundred years. There were brown, red, yellow, white and black Atlanteans; giants and dwarfs (as some African tribes comparatively are, even now).4

Atlantidæ 5 were the ancestors of the Pharaohs and the forefathers of the Egyptians. . . . Plato heard of this highly civilized people, the last remnant of which was submerged 9,000 years before his day, from Solon, who had it from the High Priests of Egypt. Voltaire, the eternal scoffer, was right in stating that “the Atlantidæ (our fourth Root Race) made their appearance in Egypt . . . It was in Syria and in Phrygia, as well as Egypt, that they established the worship of the Sun.” Occult philosophy teaches that the Egyptians were a remnant of the last Aryan Atlantidæ.6

What is (Root) Race? . . . the term Root-Race applies to one of the seven great Races, sub-Race to one of its great Branches, and Family-Race to one of the sub-divisions, which include nations and large tribes.1

What is Round? The spiritual impulse evolves according to a 7-fold pattern along a chain of 7 globes, re-visiting each one 7 times; its passage around 7 globes is termed round (or ring), indicating a period of activity. Our own globe too, the Earth, is one of a chain of 7, however, the other 6 remain invisible to us at present. Our development is heightened on the 4th round, in the course of which 7 root races emerge, each root evolving through 7 sub-races. 2

How many Rounds and Races in a manvantara? 3 
1. There are seven ROUNDS in every manvantara; this one is the Fourth, and we are in the Fifth RootRace, at present. 
2. Each Root-Race has seven sub-races. 
3. Each sub-race has, in its turn, seven ramifications, which may be called Branch or “Family” races. 
4. The little tribes, shoots, and offshoots of the lastnamed are countless and depend on Karmic action.4




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