Septenary Man

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Septenary Man

By J.A. Anderson


Man, the Microcosm.—An Old Teaching—Nature of the Macrocosm Spirit and Matter—Vehicles of the One Consciousness—Seven Great Divisions—Dominant Vibration Constitutes a "Round"—Sold Specially Related to a Particular Hierarchy during a Round, Nature of Incarnation, etc 9 

The Body.—All "Bodies" must Correspond to the "Matter" of any particular Round—The Pathway to Form and Incarnation—Senses not in the Physical Body, Proofs—Cycles Governing Incarnation—Latent Force, What—Hierarchies of Builders—Compound Source of Bodily Entities, etc 27 

CHAPTER II. The I/INGA Sharira.—Composed of Third Round Matter—Plastic un- der Thought—Theory of Emanations—Source of Linga Sharira, its Functions and Fate—Cause of all Form—Preserver of Species—"Seance Phenomena," etc 40 

CHAPTER III. Prana.—Universal Principle—Manifested Jiva—Relation to the Soul and Body—"Fiery Lives"—Monads—Cycles of Life, etc 52 

CHAPTER IV. Kama.—Consciousness in the State of Desire—Source of—Nature of Relation to Thought—Individualizing Effect of Kama—Animal Desire—Relation of Instinct to Desire and to Intuition—A Human Ele- mental Synthesizes the Body—Nature of this Elemental—A Glimpse of Man's Microcosm—The Effect of Death—Reincarnation of the Personality, How, Why—Effect of Suicide, Accident, etc 63 

CHAPTER V. Lower Manas.—The True Soul Seeking to Express Itself in Molecular Matter—The Two Forces in each Human Breast—The Nature of Incar- nation—Magnetism Imparted to Non-Magnetic Iron—The Conserver of One Life's Experiences—Cycle of Conscious Life Terminates with Devachan—Conflict of Manas with Kama—Loss of the Soul, etc 74 CONTENTS. 

CHAPTER VI. Higher Manas.—The Thinking Principle—Nature of—Powers of— Immortality of—Compassionate Mission of—Divine Potencies and Potentialities—"Mind Born Sons"—Emanation or Fission a Process of Generation upon all Planes of Nature, etc ^4 

CHAPTER VII. The Higher Triad—Atma, Buddhi, and Manas. —Metaphysical Difficulties in their Conception—Nature of Atma—"The Emanating Spark of the Uncreated Ray"—Nature of Buddhi—Store House of Cosmic Wisdom—Giver of True Immortality, etc 95 

CHAPTER VIII. The Dreaming Self.—Nature and Importance of Dream—Key to Inner Conditions afforded by—An Entity Who Dreams Each Dream, etc 104 

CHAPTER IX. The Problems of Heredity.—Absurdity of Materialistic Hypotheses The Differing Streams of Heredity—Physical, Mental, and SpiritualAll Inheritance Proceeds Under the Daw of Cause and Effect—Relation of the Unit, Man, to Humanity as a Whole, or Racial, National, and Family Heredity—Man the Arbiter of his Own Destiny, etc 114



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