Septenary Man

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Septenary Man

By J.A. Anderson


THE ISSUING this brief examination of the septenary classification of man's * nature, the writer especially disclaims any authority for any statements contained therein other than as these appear reasonable, and as they seem to fit into and fill out vacant places in the theosophic philosophy. It is simply the work of an humble student, issued with the hope that it may assist fellow students. The subject has been treated from the same standpoint as the writer's book upon Reincarnation. That is, the seven Principles of man have been studied from their scientific aspect solely. No proofs have been advanced except those capable of scientific demonstration. This scientific demonstration, of course, recognizes that logic, philosophy, and reason afford the very highest proof of which any metaphysical problem is capable. It has also been held that, where other more direct proofs seemed wanting, analogy might be applied without warranting any charge of dogmatic assertion, and that the laws gov- erning matter and force, and the aspects of consciousness, upon one plane of the Cosmos might be reasonably carried over into other planes . Therefore, when dealing with such abstruse metaphysical problems as Atma, Buddhi, or Prana, for example, the proofs of their existence and nature must of necessity lie largely along philosophical and logical lines, while the more material Principles, as the Linga Sharira, together with some aspects of Kama and Manas, have been studied, and their nature deduced from their observed behavior upon this, the molecular, plane of the Universe. The writer makes no claim to that intuitional perception which grasps truth without the necessity of logical analysis. He can only grope along the paths of analogy and reason. Therefore, while admitting the work of intuitional writers to be much more valuable, he still believes there is a large class of his fellow students who, like himself, must perforce adopt the lower method, and to such it is hoped the book will appeal; and also that it may be of some service to the great cause we all serve—Humanity.



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