The Cabala

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The Cabala

By Bernhard Pick


Abraham, p. 21.

Abulafia, Abraham, 40; tries to convert Pope Martin IV, 42; imagines himself the Messiah, 42.

Abulafia, Todros, 39.

Adam, book of, 33.

Agobard, 20.

Akiba, alphabet of, 18.

Allen, 4.

Arithmetic, theosophical, 22 et seq.

Augustine, 87.

Azariel, 33, 67.


Baal-shem, 98.

Bahir-book, teaches metempsychosis, 35.

Barnabas, 85.

Bartolocci, 15, 58, 91.

Basnage, 3.

Beer, 22.

Biesenthal, 105.

Bischoff, 105, 109.

Bodenschatz, 18.

Boehme, 3.

Bogratschoff, 99.

Bonwetsch, 22.

Buddeus, 104.


Cabala, name, 9; origin, 12; development, 16; most important doctrines concerning men and creation, 66; the realm of evil, 77; psychology, 80; metempsychosis, 81; mystical interpretation, 83; hermeneutical canons, 85; its relation to Judaism, 95; to Christianity, 100; does not teach the Trinity, 105; nor the Christ of the Christians, 106.

Cassel, D., 99.

Cassel, P., 75.

Chasidim, a Jewish sect, 98.

Christ called Ichthys, 88.

Cordovero, 57.

Cyclop. of McClintock and Strong, 13, 36, 40, 50, 51, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 85, 94, 97, 101.


Dalman, 97, 108.

Dodd, 88.


Edersheim, 21.

Elisha ben-Abuja, 12.

En Soph, 34.

Emanations, treatise on the, 37.

Enoch, Book of, 19.

Etheridge, 4.

Eusebius, 22, 88.

Eybenschütz, 64.


Fludd, 3.

Franck, 5.

Frank, Jacob, 64.


Galatino, 102.

Geiger, 6.

Gematria, 85.

Gikatilla, 42.

Gill, 4.

Ginsburg, 7.

God, His body described, 18; is endless according to the Cabala, 66; makes Himself known in the creation by means of ten Sephiroth or emanations, 67, 77; which are divided into groups and in this way yield three different forms as the diagrams show, 67; the emanations, representing the first manifestation of God form an ideal world; from which proceed by an emanation in different gradations four worlds, 74.

Goldschmidt, 21.

Graetz, 7, 52, 75.

Grünbaum, 22.

Günsburg, 40.


Helmont, 3.

Heredia, 101.

Horwitz, 60.

Hottinger, 92.


Interpretation, mystical, 83.

Isaac the Blind, 33; father of the Cabala, 34.

Ishmaël ben Elisa, 13.


Jehudah Halevi, 21.

Jellinek, 5, 6, 7, 17, 18, 19, 33, 37, 52.

Jezirah, book of, 20; time and place of composition, 20; contents, 21; theosophical arithmetic, 22.

Joel, 6, 105.

Josephus, 80.

Jost, 7.

Juchasin, 52.


Kahana, 99.

Kawana, doctrine of, 82.

Kircher, 18.


Landauer, 6, 96.

Latif Ibn, 39, 74.

Leon de Modena, 60, 61.

Letters, combination of, 30.

Longfellow, 38.

Lully, 3, 100.

Luria, 57, 58.

Luzzatto, 65.


Maasey Merkaba and Bereshit, 17.

Maimonides, 14; denounces mysticism, 19.

Man the acme of creation, 79.

Mathers, 8.

Medigo, Elias del, calls the Zohar a forgery, 57.

Messiah, His coming, 78; atonement of, 106.

Messiahship, 58; teaches superfoetatio, 82.

Metatron, 25, 38, 75.

Metempsychosis, 81.

Midrash Konen, 33.

Milman, 4.

Mirandola, 3, 55, 101.

More, 3.

Morinus, 51.

Moses de Leon, 5; author of the Zohar, 43.


Nachmanides, 36. Nasir, 37, 74.

Neale, 88.

Nechunjah Ben-Ha-Kanah, 13, 35.

Nettesheim, 3.

Notarikon, 86.

Number, oracle, 86.


Ophanim, 24, 38.

Oracula Sibyllina, 88.

Orelli, 98.

Origen, 80.

Otto, 101.


Paracelsus, 3.

Pauli, 105.

Perl, 99.

Philo, 80, 81.

Picard, 61.

Pistorius, 101.

Plato, 80, 81.

Proclus, 67.


Reuchlin, 3, 101.

Ricci, 101. Rittengel, 101.

Rosenroth, Knorr von, 43, 45, 58, 103.

Rubin, 96.


Sabbatai, Zebil, 61; proclaims himself the Messiah, embraces Islamism, 62; ruins thousands of Jewish families, 63.

Sachs, 6.

Samaël, prince of darkness, 77; his wife called the harlot, 78.

Sandalphon, 25, 38.

Schöttgen, 104.

Schürer, 81.

Scripture references:

Genesis XIV, 14, 86; XXXVII, 3, 87.
Exodus, XIV, 19-21, 91; XX, 20, 25.

Ps. XXXIV, 18, 18; CXVIII, 22, 102.

Prov. III, 13, 38.

Isa. VI, 2, 18; 3, 105; LIII, 4, 107; 5, 106, 107. Jer. XXV, 26, 92.

Ezek. I, 20, 24.

Rom. XII, 3, 4, 107.

Selig, 98.

Sephiroth, 25, 34, 38; opposed by a Sephirah of darkness, 77.

Seraphim, 24.

Simon ben Jochai, 4, 5; preexistence of soul, 80.

Steinschneider, 6.

Stern, 7.

Strack, 50.

Superfoetatio, doctrine of, 82.

Sandalphon, 38.


Temurah, 91.

Tetragrammaton, 93.

Tholuck, 105.

Tziruph, 91.


Vital, continues work of Luria, 59; has many adherents, 60.


Wakkar, endeavors to reconcile the Cabala with philosophy, 55.

Westcott, 6.

Wordsworth, 84.

World, the present, the best, 75.

Wünsche, 20, 33, 93, 108.


Zohar, written by Moses de Leon, 43; its supplementary portions, 46; the late authorship proven from the reference to the Crusades and other events, 51; becomes the text-book of the Cabala, 54; its followers denounce the anti-Cabalists, 56.

Zunz, 6, 94.




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