The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary

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The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary

By Karl Eckartshausen

Karl von Eckhartshausen (1752-1803) was an 18th century German mystic who wrote extensively on esoteric topics. This work, The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, is Christian mysticism veiled in hermetic code. Eckhartshausen was briefly a member of the Bavarian Illuminati, but left for spiritual reasons. He cryptically mentions a "society of the Elect" which has existed from the very beginning of time, "the invisible celestial Church." He predicted that "it is the society whose members form a theocratic republic, which one day will be the Regent Mother of the whole World." This book later influenced the Order of the Golden Dawn, and most notably, Aleister Crowley.--J.B. Hare

Title Page
Chapter I. Letter I
Chapter II. Letter II
Chapter III. Letter III
Chapter IV. Letter IV
Chapter V. Letter V
Chapter VI. Letter VI and Last



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