The Comte De Gabalis

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The Comte De Gabalis

By Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars

Fifth Prophecy Elder Edda Prophecy of World Peace and Return of the Ancient Wisdom

"The bond shall be broken, the Wolf 1 run free; hidden things I know; still onward I see the great Doom of the Powers, the gods of war.

I see uprising a second time earth from the ocean, green anew; the waters fall, on high the eagle flies o’er the fell and catches fish.

The gods are gathered on the Fields of Labour; they speak concerning the great World Serpent, 2 and remember there things of former fame and the Mightiest God's old mysteries. 3

Then shall be found the wondrous-seeming golden tables hid in the grass, those they had used in days of yore. 4

And there unsown shall the fields bring forth; all harm shall be healed; Baldr 5 (the Saviour) will come--Höd (the Adversary) and Baldr shall dwell in Val-hall, at peace the war gods.--Would ye know further, and what? . . . Comes from on high to the great Assembly the Mighty Ruler 6 who orders all. Fares from beneath a dim dragon flying, a glistening snake from the Moonless Fells.




THE WOLF.--"Fenrir or Fenrisúlfer. The monster-wolf. The gods put him in chains, where he remains until Ragnarok (the last day). In Ragnarok he gets loose, and swallows the sun . . . " * The Fenris Wolf symbolises the Super Solar Force operative for the regeneration of mankind when the Sun behind the Sun † is in conjunction at the end of the age with the Sun of our own Solar system. Hence the Wolf is said to run free in the last day, and to swallow the Sun.

319:2 THE GREAT WORLD SERPENT.--All-Father "threw the serpent into that deep ocean by which the earth is encircled. But the monster has grown to such an enormous size, that holding his tail in his mouth he engirdles the whole earth." ‡ The serpent is the Solar Force § manifesting ungoverned in the unpurified lower nature of man during the present cycle of evolution.

319:3 THE MIGHTIEST GOD'S OLD MYSTERIES.--The ancient Wisdom shall be given anew to the world by those who guide its evolution.

319:4 GOLDEN TABLES HID IN THE GRASS.--The Solar Flame or Spirit evolving in man shall bring back to his consciousness the books of his lost remembrance.

319:5 BALDR.--"Balder, again, the White God, the beautiful, the just and benignant (whom the early Christian Missionaries found to resemble Christ)."

319:* Norse Mythology. R. V. Anderson, A.M.

319:† Pages 26, 88, 142.

319:‡ Pages 48, 50, 42.

319:§ Thomas Carlyle, "Heroes and Hero Worship."

319:6 p. 321

THE MIGHTY RULER.--The Christ Ray or Paraclete of which Baldr is the supreme manifestation on earth, and the Fenris Wolf or regenerative force its cosmic expression. This is a ray of the Divine Consciousness operative on this planet when the Sun behind the Sun is in conjunction with the Sun of our Solar System. At this time the vital energy or Solar Force tends to be balanced by Spiritual energy or Super Solar Force, and the spirit of man seeks anew its Divine Source.



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