The Comte De Gabalis

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The Comte De Gabalis

By Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars

Master Defined

A Master is an evolved being who has perfected a mental body † in which he can function consciously while out of his physical vehicle. A Master, through that degree of Divine Force * which his rapidly-evolving Solar Body enables him to contact, has power to understand and to apply many of the laws governing the so-called phenomena of Nature.

Dante Alighieri makes mention of his first meeting with his Master in these words, "for there appeared to be in my room a mist of the colour of fire, within the which I discerned the figure of a lord of terrible aspect to such as should gaze upon him, but who seemed therewithal to rejoice inwardly that it was a marvel to see. Speaking he said many things, among the which I could understand but few; and of these, this: Ego dominus tuus (I am thy Master)." LA VITA NUOVA. TRANSLATED BY DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI.


Portrait of a Master. Painted by R. Owned by the Brothers



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