The Comte De Gabalis

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The Comte De Gabalis

By Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars

Plato on Mans Place in Nature

"But with respect to the most principal and excellent species of the soul, we should conceive as follows: that divinity assigned this to each of us as a dæmon; and that it resides in the very summit of the body, elevating us from earth to an alliance with the heavens; as we are not terrestial plants, but blossoms of heaven. And this indeed is most truly asserted. For from whence the first generation of the soul arose, from thence a divine nature being suspended from our head and root, directs and governs the whole of our corporeal frame. In him therefore who vehemently labours to satisfy the cravings of desire and ambition, all the conceptions of his soul must be necessarily mortal; and himself as much as possible must become entirely mortal, since he leaves nothing unaccomplished which tends to increase his perishable part. But it is necessary that he who is sedulously employed in the acquisition of knowledge, who is anxious to acquire the wisdom of truth, and who employs his most vigorous exertions in this one pursuit;--it is perfectly necessary that such a one, if he touches on the truth, should be endued with wisdom about immortal and divine concerns; and that he should participate of immortality, as far as human nature permits, without leaving any part of it behind. And besides, as such a one always cultivates that which is divine, and has a dæmon most excellently adorned residing in his essence, he must be happy in the most eminent degree. But the culture of all the parts is indeed entirely one, and consists in assigning proper nutriment and motion to each. But the motions which are allied to the divine part of our nature, are the cogitative energies and circulations of the universe. These therefore each of us ought to pursue; restoring in such a manner those revolutions in our head (which have been corrupted by our wandering about generation), through diligently considering the harmonies and circulations of the universe, that the intellective power may become assimilated to the objet of intelligence, according to its ancient nature. For when thus assimilated, we shall obtain the end of the best life proposed by the gods to men, both at present and in all the future circulations of time." "THE TIMAEUS OF PLATO." TRANSLATED BY THOMAS TAYLOR. PAGES 550-551, EDITION 1793.



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