The Comte De Gabalis

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The Comte De Gabalis

By Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars


BIRTH.--But, in my opinion, the origin of so great a city, and the establishment of an empire next in power to that of the gods, was due to the Fates. The vestal Rhea, being deflowered by force, when she had brought forth twins, declares Mars to be the father. . . . TITUS LIVY, HISTORY OF ROME. BOOK I, CHAPTER IV.

TRANSLATION.--"On the nones of Qintilis or on the Quirinalia, as the king was reviewing his people, the Sun withdrew its light; and while the earth lay in darkness, Mars descended in a hurricane and tempest, and bore away his perfected son in a fiery chariot to heaven." B. G. NIEBUHR, THE HISTORY OF ROME, VOL. i, PAGE 197.



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