The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Col. I

(1) [A vessel-divination which a physician?] of the nome of Pemze [gave to me]. Formula: (2) '[O god N.] ....the border of whose girdle (?) rests in Peremoun (?), whose face is like a spark (3) .......... of (?) an obscene (?) cat, whose toes (?) are a rearing uraeus (4)......... quick[-ly?]; put light and spaciousness in my vessel (5) ....... Open to me the earth, open to me the Underworld, open to me the abyss, (6) ........ great . . of bronze of Alkhah, ye gods that are in heaven, that are exalted, come ye (7) .......... [put?] light and spaciousness in my vessel, my (8) .......... [this] boy, whose face is bent over this vessel (oil); cause to succeed (9) ........... for this vessel-divination is the vessel-divination of Isis, when she sought (10)....... come in to me, O my compeller(?), for everything (11) ..........' and cause the eyes of this child to be opened to them all, (12)....... for I am the Pharaoh Lion-ram; Ram-lion-lotus is my name (13)...... to thee here to-day, for I am Sit-ta-ko, Setem is my name, Setem (14) [is my true name, &c.] Hrenoute, Lapptotha, Laxantha, Sa-(15)[risa, &c.] ...... Bolbouel (bis), Louteri, (Klo-)Kasantra, Iaho (16) [is my name, &c., Balkam the] dread (?) one of heaven, Ablanathanalba, the gryphon (17) [of the shrine of God, &c.].' [You] say it, drawling (?) with your voice: 'O beautiful oxherd, my compeller, (18). .......... ask thee about here to-day: and do thou cause the eyes of this boy to be opened (19)......... and do thou protect this boy whose face is bent down [over this (20) vessel] ......... of god, lord of earth, the survivor (?) of the earth, lord of earth ........... (21) .......... I am Hor-Amon that sitteth at this vessel-divination here to-day (22)........ this vessel-divination here to-day; Marikhari, thou ......... (23) .......... and that they tell me my inquiry. Say to them (bis) "O holy gods of the abyss (24) ............ [I am] ............ of earth by name, under the soles [of] whose [feet?] the gods of Egypt are placed (25) .......thar, for I am Ta-pishtehei of earth by name (26)....... preserve thee, O Pharaoh, Pashamei that resteth at the mouth (?) (27) ............. these shoulders of real gold. Truth is in (?) my mouth, honey (28) [is in my lips?] ...... Ma ......... tha for I am Stel, Iaho, Earth-opener."'



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