The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Col. III

(1) 'let them eat, let them drink, let them pass a festal day.' When they have finished, you speak to Anubis (sic) saying 'Dost thou make inquiry for me?' If he says 'At once,' you say to him 'The god who will make my inquiry (2) to-day, let him stand up.' If he says 'He has stood up,' you say to him (i.e. the child) 'Say to Anubis "Carry off the things from the midst"'; you cry (3) before him (i.e. the god) instantly saying 'O Agathodaemon of to-day, lord of to-day, O thou whose (possession) these moments are!' You cause him (the boy) to say (4) to Anubis 'The god who will inquire for me today, let him tell me his name.' When he stands up and tells his name, you ask him (5) concerning everything that you wish. Its spirit-gathering. You take seven new bricks, before they have been moved so as to turn them (6) to the other face; you take them, you being pure, without touching them against anything on earth, and you place them in their manner in which they were (7) placed, again; and you place three tiles under the oil; and the other four tiles, you arrange them about the child without (8) touching any part of him against the ground; or seven palm-sticks, you treat them in this fashion also. And you take seven clean loaves (9) and arrange them around the oil, with seven lumps of salt, and you take a new dish and fill it with (10) clean Oasis oil and add to the dish gradually without producing cloudiness (?) so that it becomes clear (11) exceedingly; and you take a boy, pure, before he has gone with a woman, you speak down into his head (12) while he stands, previously, (to learn) whether he will be profitable in going to the vessel. If he is profitable, you make him lie on(?) his belly; (13) you clothe (?) him with a clean linen tunic (?), <you call down into his head>, there being a girdle on the upper part (14) of the tunic; you utter this invocation that is above, down into his head, he gazing downwards <looking> into the oil, for seven times, his eyes being (15) closed. When you have finished, you make him open his eyes, you ask him about what you desire; you do it until the time of the seventh hour of the day.

(16) The invocation that you utter down into his head previously to test him in his ears as to whether he will be profitable in going to (17) the vessel. Formula: 'Noble ibis, falcon, hawk, noble and mighty, let me be purified in the manner of the noble ibis, falcon, (18) hawk, noble and mighty.' You utter this down into his head for seven times; when you utter this, then (19) his ears speak. If his two ears speak, he is very good; if it be his right ear, (30) he is good; if it be his left ear, he is bad.

Prescription for enchanting the vessel quickly so that the gods enter and tell (21) you answer truthfully. You put the shell of a crocodile's egg, or that which is inside it, on the flame; it will be enchanted instantly.

Prescription to make them (22) speak: you put a frog's head on the brazier, then they speak.

Prescription for bringing the gods in by force: you put the bile (23) of a crocodile with pounded frankincense on the brazier.

If you wish to make them come in quickly again, you put stalks (?) of anise (?) on the brazier together with the (24) egg-shell as above, then the charm works at once. If you wish to bring in a living man, you put sulphate of copper on the brazier, then he comes in.

(25) If you wish to bring in a spirit, you put sa-wr stone with stone of ilkh on the brazier, then the spirit comes in. You put the heart (26) of a hyaena or a hare, excellent (bis).

If you wish to bring in a drowned man, you put sea-karab-stone (?) on the brazier.

(27) If you wish to bring in a murdered (?) man, you put ass's dung with an amulet of Nephthys on the brazier, then he comes in.

If you (28) wish to make (them) all depart, you put ape's dung on the brazier, then they all depart to their place, and you utter their spell of dismissal also.

(29) If you wish to bring in a thief, you put crocus powder with alum on the brazier.

The charm which you pronounce when you (30) dismiss them to their place: 'Good dispatch, joyful dispatch!'

(31) If you wish to make the gods come in to you and that the vessel work its magic quickly, you take a scarab and drown it in the milk of a black cow (32) and put it on the brazier; then it works magic in the moment named, and the light comes.

(33) An amulet to be bound to the body of him who has the vessel, to cause it to work magic quickly. You take a band of linen of sixteen threads, four of white, four of [green], (34) four of blue, four of red, and make them into one band and stain, them with the blood of a hoopoe, and you bind it with a scarab in its attitude of the sun-god, (35) drowned, being wrapped in byssus, and you bind it to the body of the boy who has the vessel and it will work magic quickly; there being nothing [in the world better (?)] than it (?).



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