The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Col. XI

(1) A spell of giving favour: 'Come to me, O ....... thy beautiful name. O Thoth, hasten (bis); come to me. (2) Let me see thy beautiful face here today ....... [I stand (?)] being in the form of an ape; and do thou greet (?) me (3) with praise and adoration (?) with thy tongue of. [Come unto me] that thou mayest hearken to my voice to-day, and mayest save me from all things evil (4) and all slander (?). Ho! thou whose form is of ...... his great and mysterious form, from whose begetting came forth a god, (5) who resteth deep (?) in Thebes; I am ...... of the great Lady, under whom cometh forth the Nile, (6) I am the face of reverence great......... soul (?) in his protection; I am the noble child (7) who is in the House of Re. I am the noble dwarf who is in the cavern ....... the ibis as a true protection, who resteth in On; (8) I am the master of the great foe, lord of the obstructor (?) of semen, mighty .... my name (?) I am a ram, son of a ram, Sarpot Mui-Sro (and vice versa) (9) is my name, Light-scarab-noble (?) is my true name (bis); grant me praise and love [and reverence from N. son of] N. to-day, and let him give me all good things, (10) and let him give me nourishment and fat things, and let him do for me everything which I [wish for; and let him not] injure me so as to do me harm, nor let him say to me a thing (11) which (I) hate, to-day, to-night, this month, this year, [this] hour (?). [But as for my enemies?] the sun shall impede their hearts and blind (12) their eyes, and cause the darkness to be in their faces; for I am Birai...rai, depart ye(?), Rai; I am the son of Sochmet,(13) I am Bikt, bull of Lat, I am Gat, son of Gat, whose ..... the Underworld, who rests deep(?) in the Great Residence in On, (14) I am son of Heknet, lady of the protecting bandage (?), who binds with thongs (?) ... [I am the ...] phallus (?) which the great and mighty Powers guard, (15) which rests in Bubastis; I am the divine shrew-mouse which [resteth with] in Skhym; lord of Ay, sole(?) lord. (16) is my name Light-scarab-noble (?) is my true name (bis). Ho! all ye these gods, [whose names I have spoken] here to-day, come to me, that ye may hearken to that which I have said to-day (17) and rescue [me] from all weakness(?), every disgrace, everything, every evil (?) to-day; grant me praise, love [and reverence before] such an one, the King and his host, (18) the desert and its animals; let him do everything which I shall say to him together with [every man who shall see] me or to whom I shall speak or who shall speak (19) to me, among every man, every woman, every child, every old man, every person [or animal or thing (?) in the]whole land, [which] shall see me in these moments to-day, (20)and let them cause my praise to be in their hearts of everything which I shall [do] daily, together with those who shall come to me, to (?) overthrow every enemy (?), (21) hasten (bis) quickly (bis), before I say them or repeat them.'         Over an ape of wax.

An oxyrhynchus (?) fish--you put it (22) in prime lily otherwise tesheps-oil or moringa (?) oil which [has been ... and you put liquid?] styrax to it, with prime frankincense together with seeds of (23) 'great-of-love' plant in a metal (?) vase; you bring a wreath of flowers of ...... and you anoint it with this oil as above, and recite (24) these spells over it seven times before the sun in the morning, before speaking to any man on earth; you extract it, you anoint your face with it, (25) you place the wreath, in your hand, and proceed to any place [and be] amongst any people; then it brings you (26) great praise among them exceedingly. This scribe's feat is that of King [Dariu]s (?); there is no better than it.



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