The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson


(1) Another method of it again, very good, for the lamp. You (say?): 'Boel,' (thrice), I, I, I, A, A, A, Tat, Tat, Tat, the first attendant of the great god, he who gives light exceedingly, (2) the companion of the flame, in whose mouth is the flame which is not quenched, the great god that dieth not, the great god he that sitteth in the flame, who is in the midst of the flame, (3) who is in the lake of heaven, in whose hand is the greatness and might of the god, come within in the midst of this flame and reveal thyself to this boy here to-day; cause him to inquire for me concerning everything about which I shall (4) ask him here to-day: for I will glorify thee in heaven before Phre, I will glorify thee before the Moon, I will glorify thee on Earth, (5) I will glorify thee before him who is on the throne, who perisheth not, he of the great glory, in whose hand is the greatness and might of the god, he of the great glory, (6) Petery (bis), Pater, Emphe (bis), O great great god, who is above heaven, in whose hand is the beautiful staff, who created, deity, deity not having (7) created him, come in to me with Boel, Aniel; do thou give strength to the eyes of this boy who has my vessel (8) to-day, to (?) cause him to see thee, cause his ears to hear thee when thou speakest; and do thou inquire for him concerning everything and every word as to which I shall ask him here to-day. (9) O great god Sisaouth, Akhrempto, come into the midst of this flame he who sitteth on the mountain (10) of Gabaon, Takrtat, he of eternity, he who dieth not, who liveth forever, bring Boel in, Boel (bis), (11) Arbethbainouthi, great one, O great god (bis) (bring) fetch Boel in, Tat (bis) (bring) fetch Boel in.' You (12) say these things seven times down into the head of the boy, you make him open his eyes, you ask him saying, 'Has the light appeared?' (13) If it be that the light has not come forth, you make the boy himself speak with his mouth to the lamp. Formula: 'Grow, O light, come forth (14) O light, rise O light, lift thyself up, O light, come forth, O light of the god, reveal thyself to me, O servant of the god, in whose hand is the command of to-day; (15) who will ask for me.' Then he reveals himself to the boy in the moment named.

You recite these things down into the head of the boy, he looking (16) towards the lamp. Do not let him look towards another place except the lamp only; if he does not look towards it, then he is afraid. (17) You do all these things, you cease from your inquiry, you return, you make him close his eyes, you speak down into his head this other (18) invocation which is below, that is, if the gods go away and the boy ceases to see them: 'Arkhe-khem-phai, Zeon, (19) Hele, Satrapermet, watch this boy, do not let him be frightened, terrified, or scared, and make (20) him return to his original path. Open Teï (the Underworld), open Taï (Here).' I say it that this vessel-inquiry of the lamp is better (21) than the beginning. This is the method again, its form: You take a new lamp in which no minium has been put and you put a wick of (22) clean linen in it, you fill it with genuine clean oil; you place it on a new brick, you make the boy sit on another brick (23) opposite the lamp; you make him shut his eyes, you recite down into bis head according to the other method also.

Another invocation which (24) you recite towards Phre in the morning three times or seven times. Formula: 'Iotabao, Sokh-ommoa, Okh-(25)-okh-Khan, Bouzanau, Aniesi, Ekomphtho, Ketho, Sethori, (26) Thmilaalouapokhri may everything succeed that I shall do to-day,' and they will(?) succeed. If it be that you do not apply (?) purity to it, it does not succeed; its chief matter is purity.

Another (27) invocation like the one above again. Formula: 'Boel, (thrice), I, I, I, A, I, I, I, A, Tat (thrice), he who giveth the light exceedingly, the companion of the flame, he of the flame which does not (28) perish, the god who liveth, who dieth not, he who sitteth in the flame, who is in the midst of the flame who is in the lake of heaven, in whose hand is the greatness and might (29) of the god, reveal thyself to this boy, Heou (bis), Heo, that he may inquire for me, and do thou make him see and let him look and let him listen to everything which I (30) ask him, for I will glorify thee in heaven, I will glorify thee on earth, I will glorify thee before him who is on the throne, who does not perish, (31) he of greatness. Peteri (bis), Emphe (bis), O great god who is above heaven, in whose hand is the beautiful staff, who created deity, (32) deity not having created him, come into the midst of this flame with Boel, Aniel, and give strength to the eyes of Heu (bis).



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