The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

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The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson


(1) Of Heu (bis), the son of Heo (bis) for he shall see thee with his eyes, and thou shalt make his ears to hear, (2) and shalt speak with him of everything; he shall ask thee about it, and thou shalt tell me answer truly; for thou art the great god (3) Sabaoth; come down with Boel, Tat (bis); bring Boel in, come into the midst of this flame (4) and inquire for me concerning that which is good; Takrtat, he of eternity, bring Boel in,' three times, 'Arbeth, (5) Bainouthio, O great god, bring Boel in,' three times. You say these things down into the head of the boy, (6) you make him open his eyes, you ask him as to everything according to the method which is outside, again.

(7) [Another?] vessel-inquiry which a physician in the Oxyrhynchus nome gave me; you also make it with a vessel-inquiry alone by yourself: (8) 'Sabanem, Nn, Biribat, Ho! (bis) O god Sisiaho who (art) on the mountain of Kabaho, (9) in whose hand is the creation of the Shoy, favour (?) this boy, may he enchant the light, for I am (10) Fair-face'--another roll says, 'I am the face of Nun--in the morning, Halaho at midday, I am (11) Glad-of-face in the evening, I am Phre, the glorious boy whom they call Garta by name; I am he that came forth (12) on the arm of Triphis in the East; I am great, Great is my name, Great is my real name, I am Ou, Ou (13) is my name, Aou is my real name; I am Lot Mulot, I have prevailed (?) (bis), he whose (14) strength is in the flame, he of that golden wreath which is on his head, They-yt (bis),To (bis), (15) Hatra (bis), the Dog-face (bis). Hail! Anubis, Pharaoh of the underworld, let the darkness depart, (16) bring the light in unto me to my vessel-inquiry, for I am Horus, son of Osiris, born of Isis, (17) the noble boy whom Isis loves, who inquires for his father Osiris Onnophris. Hail! Anubis, (18) Pharaoh of the underworld, let the darkness depart, bring the light in unto me to my vessel-inquiry, (19) my knot (?) here to-day; may I flourish, may he flourish whose face is bent down to this vessel here to-day (20) until the gods come in, and may they tell me answer truly to my question about which I am inquiring (21) here to-day, truly without falsehood forthwith (?). Hail! Anubis, (22) O creature (?), Child, go forth at once, bring to me the gods of this city and (23) the god who gives answer (?) to-day, and let him tell me my question about which I am asking to-day. Nine times.

(24) You open your eyes or (those of) the boy and you see the light. You invoke the light, saying, 'Hail, (25) O light, come forth (bis) O light, rise (bis) O light, increase (bis) O light, O that which is without, come in.' You say it nine times, (26) until the light increases and Anubis comes in. When Anubis comes in and takes his stand, (27) then you say to Anubis, 'Arise, go forth, bring in to me the gods of this city (or?) village,' (28) then he goes out at the moment named and brings the gods in. When you know (29) that the gods have come in, you say to Anubis, ' Bring in a table for the gods (30) and let them sit down.' When they are seated, you say to Anubis, 'Bring a wine-jar in and some cakes; let them eat, let them drink.' (31) While he is making them eat and making them drink, you say to Anubis, ' Will they inquire for me to-day?' If he says 'Yes' again, you say to him, (32) 'The god who will ask for me, let him put forth his hand to me and let him tell me his name.' When he tells you his name, you ask him as to that which you desire. When you have ceased asking him as to that which you desire, you send them away.



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