The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Col. XX

(1) [Spell] spoken to the sting: (2) 'I am the Kings son, eldest and first, Anubis. My mother Sekhmet-Isis (?), she came (?) after me (3) forth to the land of Syria, to the hill of the land of Heh, to the nome of those cannibals, saying, (4) "Haste (bis), quick (bis) my child, King's son, eldest and first, Anubis," saying, "Arise and come (5) to Egypt, for thy father Osiris is King of Egypt, he is ruler over (6) the whole land; all the gods of Egypt are assembled to receive the crown from his hand." (7) The moment of saying those things she brought me a blow (?), fell my tail (?) upon me. (8) It (?) gathered together (?), it (?) coming to me with a sting (?): I sat down and (9) wept. Isis, my mother, sat before me, saying to me, "Do not (10) weep (bis), my child, King's son, eldest and first, Anubis; lick with thy tongue on thy heart, repeatedly (?) (11) far as the edges of the wound (?); lick the edges of the wound (?) as far as the edges of thy (12) tail (?). What thou wilt lick up, thou swallowest it; do not spit it out on the ground; for thy (13) tongue is the tongue of the Agathodaemon, thy tongue (?) is that of Atum."'

(14) And you lick it with your tongue, while it is bleeding, immediately; thereafter, you recite to a little (15) oil and you recite to it seven times, you put it on the sting daily; you (16) soak a strip of linen, you put it on it.

(17) [The spell] which you say to the oil to put it on the sting daily: (18) 'Isis sat reciting to the oil Abartat and lamenting (?) to the true oil, (19) saying, "Thou being praised, I will praise thee, O oil, I will praise (20) thee, thou being praised by the Agathodaemon; thou being applauded (?) by me myself, I will praise thee (21) for ever, O herb oil--otherwise true oil--O sweat of the Agathodaemon, amulet (?) of Geb. It is Isis who (22) makes invocation to the oil. O true oil, O drop of rain, O water-drawing of the planet Jupiter (23) which cometh down from the sun-boat at dawn, thou wilt make the healing effect (?) of the dew of dawn which heaven hath cast (24) on to the earth upon every tree, thou wilt heal the limb which is paralysed (?), thou wilt make a remedy (25) for him that liveth; for I will employ thee for the sting of the King's son, eldest and first, Anubis, my child, (26) that thou mayest fill it; wilt thou not make it well? For I will employ thee for (the?) sting of N. the son of N., (27) that thou mayest fill it; wilt thou not make it well?"' Seven times.

Spell spoken to fetch a bone out of a throat.

(28) 'I am he whose head reaches the sky and his feet reach the abyss, who hath raised up (?) this crocodile in Pizeme (?) (29) of Thebes; for I am Sa, Sime, Tamaho, is my correct name, Anouk (bis), saying, hawk's-egg (30) is that which is in my mouth, ibis-egg is that which is in my belly; saying, hope of god, bone of man, bone of bird, bone of fish, (31) bone of animal, bone of everything, there being nothing besides; paying, that which is in thy belly let it come to thy heart; that which is in thy heart, (32) let it come to thy mouth; that which is in thy mouth, let it come to my hand here to-day; for I am he who is in the seven heavens, who standeth (33) in the seven sanctuaries, for I am the son of the god who liveth.' (Say it) to a cup of water seven times: thou causest the woman (sic) to drink it.



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