The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

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The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Col. XXI

(1) The vessel-inquiry of Osiris. (2) 'Hail to him! Osiris, King of the Underworld, lord of burial, whose head is in This, and his feet in Thebes, he who giveth answer (?) in Abydos, (3) whose .... is (in?) Pashalom, he who is under the nubs tree in Meroë, who is on the mountain of Poranos, who is on my house to eternity, (4) the house of Netbeou for ever, he whose countenance is as the resemblance (?) of the face of a hawk of linen, mighty one whose tail is the tail of a serpent, (5) whose back is the back of a crocodile (?), whose hand is a man's, who is girded (?) with this girdle of bandage, in whose hand is this wand of command, (6) hail to him Iaho, Sabaho, Atonai, Mistemu, Iauiu; hail to him, Michael, Sabael, (7) hail to him, Anubis in the nome of the dog-faces, he to whom this earth belongs, who carries a wound (?) on one foot, (8) hide the darkness in the midst, bring in the light for me, come in to me, tell me the answer to that about which I am inquiring here to-day.'--Nine times, (9) until the god come and the light appear. You must do it in the manner of the remainder as above again; the boy's face being to the East and your own face to the West; you call down into his head. (10) [The method] of the scarab of the cup of wine, to make a woman love a man. You take a fish-faced(?) scarab, this scarab bring small and having no horn, it wearing three plates (11) on the front of its head; you find its face thin (?) outwards--or again that which bears two horns--. You take it at the rising of the sun; you bind (?) yourself with a cloth on the upper part of your back, (12) and bind (?) yourself on (?) your face with a strip of palm-fibre, the scarab being on the front (?) of your hand; and you address it before the sun when it is about to rise, seven times. When you have finished, you drown it (13) in some milk of a black cow; you approach (?) its head with a hoop (?) of olive wood; you leave it till evening in the milk. When evening comes, you (14) take it out, you spread its under part with sand, and put a circular strip of cloth under it upon the sand, unto four days; you do frankincense-burning before it. When the four days have passed, and it is dry, (15) you take it before you (lit. your feet), there being a cloth spread under it. You divide it down its middle with a bronze knife; you take (?) its right half, and your nails of your right hand and foot; (16) you cook them on a new potsherd with vine wood, you pound them with nine apple-pips together with your urine or your sweat free from oil (17) of the bath; you make it into a ball and put it in the wine, and speak over it seven times, and you make the woman drink it; and you take its other half, the left one, together with your nails of your left hand (18) and foot also, and bind them in a strip of fine linen, with myrrh and saffron, and bind them to your left arm, and lie with the woman with them bound upon you. (19) If you wish to do it again without its being drowned, then you do it again on the third of the lunar month. You do it in this manner that is above for it again. You pronounce its invocation to it before the Sun in the morning, you cook (it), (20) you divide it, you do it according to that which is above again in everything. [The invocation] which you pronounce to it before the Sun in the morning: 'Thou art this scarab of real lapis-lazuli; I have taken thee out of the door of my temple; thou carriest (?) (21)... of bronze to thy nose (?), that can eat (?) the herbage that is trampled (?), the field-plants (?) that are injured for the great images of the men of Egypt. I dispatch thee to N. born of N. (22) to strike her from her heart to her belly (bis), to her entrails (bis), to her womb; for she it is who hath wept (?) before the Sun in the morning, she saying to the Sun, "Come not forth," to the Moon, "Rise not," to the water, "Come not to the men of Egypt," to the fields, "Grow not green," and to the great trees of the men of Egypt, "Flourish not." (24) I dispatch thee to N. born of N. to injure her from her heart unto her belly (bis), unto her entrails (bis), unto her womb, and she shall put herself on the road (?) after N. born of N. at every time (?).'

(25) [The spell] that you pronounce to it, while it is in the milk: 'Woe(?), great (bis), woe(?), my(?) great, woe (?) his (?) Nun, woe (?) his (?) love. O scarab (bis), thou art the eye of Phre, the heart (?) (26) of Osiris, the open-hand (?) of Shu, thou approachest in this condition in which Osiris thy father went, on account of N. born of N. until fire is put to her heart and the flame (27) to her flesh, until she shall follow (?) N. born of N., unto every place in which he is.' [The spell] which you utter to it when you cook it: 'O my beautiful child, the youth of oil-eating (?), (28) thou who didst cast semen and who dost cast semen among all the gods, whom he that is little (and?) he that is great found among the two great enneads in the East of Egypt, (29) who cometh forth as a black scarab on a stem of papyrus-reed; I know thy name, I know thy ... "the work of two stars" is thy name. (30) I cast forth fury upon thee to-day: Nephalam, Balla, Balkha (?), Iophphe; for every burning, every heat, every fire that thou makest (31) to-day, thou shalt make them in the heart, the lungs, the liver (?), the spleen, the womb, the great viscera, the little viscera, the ribs, the flesh, the bones, in every limb, (32) in the skin of N. born of N. until she follow (?) N. born of N. to every place in which he is.'

[The spell] that you pronounce to it in the wine: 'O scarab (bis), thou art the scarab (33) of real lapis-lazuli. thou art the eye of Phre, thou art the eye of Atum, the open-hand (?) of Shu, the heart (?) of Osiris, thou art that black bull, the first, that came forth from Nun, (34) the beauty of Isis being with thee; thou art Raks, Raparaks, the blood of this wild boar (?) which they brought from the land of Syria unto Egypt ....... to the wine, (35) I send thee; wilt thou go on my errand? Wilt thou do it? Thou sayest, "Send me to the thirsty, that his thirst may be quenched, and to the canal that it may be dried up, and to the sand of the snyt that it may be scattered without (36) wind, and to the papyrus of Buto that the blade may be applied to it, while Horus is saved for (?) Isis, catastrophes grow great for the Egyptians, so that not a man or woman is left in their midst." I (37) send thee; do like unto these; I send thee down to the heart of N. born of N. and do thou make fire in her body, flame in her entrails, put the madness to her heart, (38) the fever (?) to her flesh; let her make the pursuit of the "Shoulder"-constellation after the "Hippopotamus"-constellation; let her make (39) the movements of the sunshine after the shadow, she following after N. born of N. to every place in which he is, she loving him, she being mad for him, she not knowing the place of the earth in which (40) she is. Take away her sleep by night; give her lamentation and anxiety by day; let her not eat, let her not drink, let her not sleep, let her not eat under (41) the shade of her house until she follow (?) him to every place in which he is, her heart forgetting, her eye flying, her glance turned (?), she not knowing the place (42) of the earth in which she is, until she see him, her eye after his eye, her heart after his heart, her hand after his hand, she giving to him every ..... Let fly (?) the tip of her feet (43) after his heels in the street at all times without fail at any time. Quick (bis), hasten (bis).'



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